The FBI: An American Cheka


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
Like their Russian and Soviet siblings, the FBI’s primary role is that of fabricating crimes in the service of the state. Since 1991 – more particularly, since 2001 – the FBI has engaged in this behavior far more extensively than the Russians, both in terms of the volume of fabrications and the geographical reach of its operations. And evidence is accumulating that the Bureau has added assassination to its proto-totalitarian toolkit.

In his study The Gulag Archipelago, Alexandr Solzenitsyn records that “the creation of fabricated cases began back in the early years of the Organs” – that is, immediately after the Soviet secret police agency was created in 1917. The routine fabrication of offenses was done by the Chekists “so that their constant salutary activity might be perceived as essential. Otherwise, what with a decline in the number of enemies, the Organs might, in a bad hour, have been forced to wither away.” LINK:
When the FBI starts rounding up people in the middle of the night to send them to gulags in Alaska, confiscating all food products to starve those the state dislikes, and executing people based on trumped up charges, then they will be similar to the Cheka.

Comparing the FBI to the Cheka minimizes the murderous history of the Cheka and is way way....over the top.

Historical Note:
Just read the other day that Stalin's favorite tactic when dealing with those he had arrested, was to prevent them from sleeping for days . After about 3-4 days, they would readily agree to anything resulting in a bullet in the back of the head.
When the FBI starts rounding up people in the middle of the night to send them to gulags in Alaska, confiscating all food products to starve those the state dislikes, and executing people based on trumped up charges, then they will be similar to the Cheka.

Comparing the FBI to the Cheka minimizes the murderous history of the Cheka and is way way....over the top.

Historical Note:
Just read the other day that Stalin's favorite tactic when dealing with those he had arrested, was to prevent them from sleeping for days . After about 3-4 days, they would readily agree to anything resulting in a bullet in the back of the head.

Comparing the F.B.I. to the Cheka is not at all as "over the top" as one may think. In fact if the F.B.I. continues to mutate into an agency based on the communist ideology like much of the Federal Government the F.B.I has the potential to be far worst than the Cheka.

Consider how the C.I.A started as the Office of Strategic Services and how it's been transformed into what it is today! It's very doubtful that you or anyone else studying the facts would say it's "over the top" to compare this Zionist controlled agency (C.I.A) to the Cheka. For the C.I.A's criminal activities and war crimes far exceeds that of the Cheka, and is international in the scope of it's beastly Anti-American conduct.

The challenge for true Americans is to preserve the Constitution and keep the F.B.I and all other segments of the true Government from devolving into a communist organization like the Cheka. Let's hope that enough true Americans within the F.B.I at the top are patriotic enough to resist bribery and coercion from the international Zionist bankers. Certainly the death of John O'Neil who was a non-conformist, set-up, and murdered during the communist 9-11 attack will never be forgotten within and outside the F.B.I.

In terms of Alaska keep in mind the largest (hopefully) still empty concentration camp which was formally a mental institution does indeed exist in Alaska, and is reminiscent of Stalin (the Jew) Gulag in Serbia. Consider also all the other concentration/gulags all over America, and seriously looked upon the evidence of the nefarious plans all the communist sell outs have for those who refuse to submit to communism. American patriots and anyone else who love our Constitutional freedoms are considered terrorist by the communist sell outs who themselves are the real terrorist.

The C.I.A which was suppose to work mainly outside the United States is now working with Hollywood. Working to get into Americans minds to weaken and condition them with all the wicked psychological exploits attempting to demoralize men, women, girls and boys even though TV commercials. Common sense allows any thinking person to see what these Anti-American preparation activities are leading too.

One can truly appreciate the foresight and courage of the Founding Fathers of this nation who put together a well thought out Constitution to preserve our freedom and liberties. It's now up to us not to be tricked into forsaking our oblations as Americans in order to preserve for future generations the freedoms bestowed on us. The 2nd Amendment is written precisely to keep those hell bend on treason from committing communist mass-murder against Americans. Having the capability to keep the rogue elements of our hijacked Government honest is extremely important.

Consider what the Al Qaeda/ISIS mercenaries are doing to the innocent people of foreign nations, and focus on where the financing and training is coming from. Consider who created these terrorist groups, and the Israeli's/Zionist bankers who benefit from them. Remember how they told us that Al Qaeda was responsible for what happened on 9-11 2001?

Now we learn about the covert partnership that exist the between the enormous liars within our own Government and all the sadistic murderers paid and equipped to carry out Israeli/american foreign policy. Madness is not constricted by borders, what our fake sell out politicians are doing in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Mali, etc,etc,etc can be done right here in America.

A communist world order is something our puppet politicians are serious about achieving. It's up to us as Americans to recognize to type of brutal madness we are up against. With the wrong leadership not only the F.B.I., but the so-called department of homeland security and all other agencies of our besieged government can be used against the American people. Be not deceived our puppet politicians are arming their terrorist mercenaries while pushing gun control here in America. Consider to true purpose here, and it's not to keep anyone safe, but precisely the opposite.

The communist leader of France wants to pretend that he is clueless about the terrorism that recently took place, just like Bush pretended his hand were clean in terms of 9-11. Terrorism is being used to strip away rights, freedom, and sovereignty here and aboard. It's not difficult to see the lost of freedom and the implementation of communist restrictions take place as a result of all the deliberate prearranged terrorist attacks. The gradual Fabian Approach to things here in America is no game.

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