The FBI and other agencies had so many paid informants on the ground Jan. 6, they had to do an audit to find out how many....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
We told you....and the next revelation in time will be how many blm and antifa, democrat party brownshirts were on the ground.....

The trend continues. You’re going to need to find some new conspiracy theories because all of your old ones are coming true. Today we are once again talking about the Capitol Hill riot on January 6, 2020.
The FBI had so many paid informants that they lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers.

The entire FBI CHS (confidential human source) program has come under scrutiny. The Bureau shells out a lot of money to people who have been found to fabricate evidence and misrepresent testimony in the interest of bringing in a case and earning their fee. On top of the CHSs, Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund has stated that the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd that went into the Capitol Building that day. The Department of Homeland Security also had an unspecified number of undercover officers there. We should be starting to wonder how many of those people were actual Trump supporters and not on the government’s payroll at this point.

We told you....and the next revelation in time will be how many blm and antifa, democrat party brownshirts were on the ground.....

The trend continues. You’re going to need to find some new conspiracy theories because all of your old ones are coming true. Today we are once again talking about the Capitol Hill riot on January 6, 2020.
The FBI had so many paid informants that they lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers.

The entire FBI CHS (confidential human source) program has come under scrutiny. The Bureau shells out a lot of money to people who have been found to fabricate evidence and misrepresent testimony in the interest of bringing in a case and earning their fee. On top of the CHSs, Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund has stated that the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd that went into the Capitol Building that day. The Department of Homeland Security also had an unspecified number of undercover officers there. We should be starting to wonder how many of those people were actual Trump supporters and not on the government’s payroll at this point.

Makes you wonder if they coordinated with Nancy’s Office and the Capitol police in letting down the barricades and “letting them in!” To the Capitol??
We told you....and the next revelation in time will be how many blm and antifa, democrat party brownshirts were on the ground.....

The trend continues. You’re going to need to find some new conspiracy theories because all of your old ones are coming true. Today we are once again talking about the Capitol Hill riot on January 6, 2020.
The FBI had so many paid informants that they lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers.

The entire FBI CHS (confidential human source) program has come under scrutiny. The Bureau shells out a lot of money to people who have been found to fabricate evidence and misrepresent testimony in the interest of bringing in a case and earning their fee. On top of the CHSs, Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund has stated that the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd that went into the Capitol Building that day. The Department of Homeland Security also had an unspecified number of undercover officers there. We should be starting to wonder how many of those people were actual Trump supporters and not on the government’s payroll at this point.

The Marxists/Demofascists needed a Reichstag Fire event. That is what Socialist always do.

We told you....and the next revelation in time will be how many blm and antifa, democrat party brownshirts were on the ground.....

The trend continues. You’re going to need to find some new conspiracy theories because all of your old ones are coming true. Today we are once again talking about the Capitol Hill riot on January 6, 2020.
The FBI had so many paid informants that they lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers.

The entire FBI CHS (confidential human source) program has come under scrutiny. The Bureau shells out a lot of money to people who have been found to fabricate evidence and misrepresent testimony in the interest of bringing in a case and earning their fee. On top of the CHSs, Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund has stated that the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd that went into the Capitol Building that day. The Department of Homeland Security also had an unspecified number of undercover officers there. We should be starting to wonder how many of those people were actual Trump supporters and not on the government’s payroll at this point.

My guess is that there were a few dozen people working for various government agencies working those crowds on Jan 6th. Considering there was never any violence or riots by Trump supporters. There were none before Jan 6th, and there have been none after Jan 6th. Don't people see this as extremely odd? that just on Jan 6th the repubs turned violent?

Now, if we had a bunch of Trump supporters rioting before Jan 6th and we saw more rioter after, then we could say that those people are known to take part in riots. But this is not true. Even when we look at Republican voters, there have not been any riots by them for many decades, or ever.

For the Democrat voters, YES, they riot, burn, loot and destroy at the drop of a hat. They do this so much, that Democratic Party presidential campaigns will donate to groups who bail out BLM and antifa rioters.

The last time people, who we can all agree were representing the Republican voters, took to the streets, it was the Tea Party, and ALL of those protests were 100% peaceful.
WAPO alleged an informant in the Nixon admin over a 3rd rate black bag burglary but they weren't interested in sex, drugs and rock&roll in the Clinton administration. The alleged investigative reporters retired when Biden was elected.
My guess is that there were a few dozen people working for various government agencies working those crowds on Jan 6th. Considering there was never any violence or riots by Trump supporters. There were none before Jan 6th, and there have been none after Jan 6th. Don't people see this as extremely odd? that just on Jan 6th the repubs turned violent?

Now, if we had a bunch of Trump supporters rioting before Jan 6th and we saw more rioter after, then we could say that those people are known to take part in riots. But this is not true. Even when we look at Republican voters, there have not been any riots by them for many decades, or ever.

For the Democrat voters, YES, they riot, burn, loot and destroy at the drop of a hat. They do this so much, that Democratic Party presidential campaigns will donate to groups who bail out BLM and antifa rioters.

The last time people, who we can all agree were representing the Republican voters, took to the streets, it was the Tea Party, and ALL of those protests were 100% peaceful.

Exactly.......and don't forget the blm and antifa brown article I recently saw pointed out the "MAGA," protestors who wore masks....something they had never done before......they were likely the blm, antifa brown shirts sent in by the democrats to fight with the police...

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