The FBI Doesn't Care What The Durham Report Says

The FBI .... that FBI which we all respected is gone......dead......

It's no should change its name to Traitors Bureau of Investigation..... or The DemonicRats Brown Shirts

DO NOT expect any Justice from them. Sad and disgusting but the truth.

They really don't care what it reveals about them. They simply choose not to acknowledge it.

Well it is not like it came with indictments or referrals for indictments due to the 4-year investigation. Just what were you expecting from the FBI headed by the Trump appointee?
They have no choice but to be defiant.... However they will be changing and the top scum won't be able to stop it... the people are disgusted at their behavior..... and the politicians are getting an ear full from both sides of the voting public... real liberals want the FBI to be honest and controlled by elected officials.... unlike these fake TDS liberals on this board....
Neither does anyone else. Any convictions? No? Wake me when you've got something dickless.
They really don't care what it reveals about them. They simply choose not to acknowledge it.

The left is leary of the Durham Report, but some on the right have seen the light it puts on those who colluded against President Trump to insert a series of timed lies about him, his staff, and even his children. The left is avoiding the Durham Report, because their queen is at the bottom of the dirtiest tricks in United States and casts a light on maybe having women in government that uses lies to get results, maybe that was a mistake. The women in power did us wrong. Hillary Clinton used the FBI to cover her lies to destroy her rival who won the presidency, Donald Trump, and she did it in a kind of hatred that bespeaks the need for her to engage in an anger management program for life.
The crimes committed by the Democrat mavens are explained reasonably well by Mike Huckabee:


Just in from youtube:​

How Durham proved the FBI rigged the 2020 election | Will Cain Podcast​


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