The FBI Should Release the Trump-Raid Warrant

This monstrous hose job will likely have been initiated via libs favorite new toy-Hearsay
Lol. It would be even funnier if you were just simply being naive. But, sadly. You’re just being a pantload.

Great, comeback when you have something more constructive to add to the conversation.

The flamefest is getting boring.
Great, comeback when you have something more constructive to add to the conversation.

The flamefest is getting boring.
If we are talking about constructive comments, you wouldn’t be here at all.

Get thee to the rubber room. Go.

It's none of Joe's bussiness.
WTF is right!

Garland, the DOJ, Wray, and the FBI work for the President of the United States as part of his administration.

The US AG and Director of the FBI do not plan and conduct a raid on a former President and political opponent of the current President without coordinating with and getting the approval to do so from the current President.

It has NEVER been done before.

The stature / law Garland and Wray used as the basis for thus political hit is one that has been used 7 times in 50 years and never against a President.

A 'Search Warrant' was reportedly used instead of a 'Subpoena' - a 'Search Warrant' is a FISHING EXPEDITION, when you THINK there MIGHT be something illegal, something more general. A subpoena is about something more specific.

Trump reportedly voluntarily turned over 15 boxes of information before this Gestapo raid - THIS PROVES TRUMP WAS COOPERATING & THIS DRACONIAN, UNPRECEDENRED TACTIC WAS NOT NECESSARY BUT CHOSEN ANYWAY.

The FACT that the FBI was proven to have participated in and facilitated Hillary's seditious Russian Collusion Scandal, the largest criminal political scandal in US history - WHICH JOE BIDEN WAS PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN INVOLVED....

The FACT that the FBI was proven to have violated the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and the Patriot Act by defrauding the FISA Court over a dozen times over a decade and illegally spied on Americans, a US President, and his team...

The FACT that the FBI was proven to have leaked classified information to reporters to help facilitate a failed coup attempt started by Hillary (according to her own campaign manager) and run by Obama and his agencies....

The FACT that the FBI was proven to have withheld exculpatory information proving the innocence of American citizens / the President...

The FACT that the FBI was proven to hhaveproven the former Sect of State illegally took / possessed TS/SCI information, which was disseminated to others / downloaded onto Huma Avedin's personal laptop - the legal definition of 'espionage' accordibg to then FBI Director Comey, but facilitated her protection from indictment...

The FACT that the FBI was proven to have had Hunter Biden's laptop, containing exposed criminal evidence, for 3 years now, attempted to claim they lost it, found it, and still have not acted on it IOT protect the President, his son, and his family from proven crimes...

The FACT that the FBI was proven to have infiltrated a militia group, plan, and convince them to participate in a kidnapping attempt on the gov of Michigan (entrapment)...

The FACT that the FBI was proven to have coordinated with the WH, DOJ, and Teachers' Union to create a plan to label American parents and Conservatives as 'TERRORISTS' for opposing radical liberal training and indoctrination in schools...

The FACT that the FBI has CONFESSED to running agency operations before and during the events of 6 Jan against US citizens who showed up to protest, warning of potential violence, failing to take action to prevent the violence, instigating and encouraging the violence, etc...

The FACT that the FBI has been proven to have targeted and gone after President Trump - Un-Constitutionally, illegally, conspiratorial, seditiously, treasonously for 6 years...


What the DOJ & FBI just did is on Joe Biden.

President Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden is THE MAN responsible for this never-been-done-before abuse of power by HIS proven criminal, out-of-control DOJ & FBI.

There is no way in hell Biden didn't know this was going down, and if you try to claim so you are an imbecile or a paid troll.

The above abuses and crimes listed above perpetrated by the DOJ and specifically the FBI are fact - documented, recorded, reported undeniably with records, audio, video, articles, etc...., many posted on this board hundreds of times ... realistically undeniable.

The individuals involved have been exposed for their crimes yet have been protected from punishment.

Biden's administration is every bit as criminal, seditious, and a threat to the US as Ibama's was proven to be, and its not just Joe's 'business' - it's all on him, braindead or not, puppet or not.
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Again, the statute the continued proven Gestapo is trying to use in this case is one that has only been used / prosecuted 7 times in 5 DECADES (50 years).

It involves having possession of classified information, in this case reportedly Trump's personal notes, which can be / are classified.

Before he can take them the notes have to be declassified....

Lucky for him HE, the President, IS reportedly the DECLASSIFYING AGENT... meaning HE has the authority to declassify his notes / memoirs, making it completely legal for him to take his notes.
WTF is right!

Garland, the DOJ, Wray, and the FBI work for the President of the United States as part of his administration. seirously want Biden to actively manage and steer investigations into Trump and other political opposition? Seriously?

Now you maybe you are retarded enough to want that in our country, but people that have some fucking common sense understand that such conflict of interest arrangements are ripe for corruption and counter-productive to ethical and fair justice process.
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I imagine they will in the coming days. Is there some reason that Trump's lawyer can't make it public now? I'm obviously not an attorney, so I don't know what laws are governing that, but it would clear up a lot. Of course, if it's likely revealed that the FBI had probable and just cause to do this search will it even matter to the Trump supporters?
Yes. Yes, they should. Trump should too.
How do you know that he has a copy?
Interestingly, if he had a copy, would it have come in the mail before the raid, not during? If so, it would have alerted him to the raid, and he would have been there yesterday morning. At least that's what I believe.

The whole "unannounced" thing means it could be likely he was not served with the warrant. seirously want Biden to actively manage and steer investigations into Trump and other political opposition? Seriously?

WOW, you really are f*ed up mentally, aren't you?!

What part of 'a proven seditious, criminal, rogue US agency working and taking direct orders from the President of the United States just perpetrated another on-going, unprecedented, historic action to take down a former President and political opponent of the sitting US President'?!

And you think that is none of the sitting President of the United States' business?

And you seem to think it is ok for proven criminal US agencies to act independently to undermine, overturn, overthrow the govt of the US (which is what the FBI did during the failed Hillary/Obama coup attempt/scabdal) and continue their personal political vendetta against a former President and American citizens?'re insane, brainwashed, a troll, or all of the above.

No more waiting time on you...

Dumbass what you've just posted is exactly what SHOULD NOT be done.

POTUS should not involve himself in justice matters he clearly has a conflict of interest in.

A judge aproved the warrant, why the hell would POTUS involve himself in that? To taint investigation and make public question impartiality of the justice process?

You are posting pure stupidity.
Dumbass what you've just posted is exactly what SHOULD NOT be done.

POTUS should not involve himself in justice matters he clearly has a conflict of interest in.

A judge aproved the warrant, why the hell would POTUS involve himself in that? To taint investigation and make public question impartiality of the justice process?

You are posting pure stupidity.
Again, you don't think a heads-up from Garland or Wray (the President's Directors of the DOJ & FBI) to Biden that they were about to perpetrate something that has never been done in US history, go after the President's political opponent - a former President - using a statue that has only been used 7 times in 50 years and never against a President, through a proven unnecessary heavily armed raid to recover information already being voluntarily handed over by Trump and his team?!


Dude, you are so mentally f*ed up you are beyond help.

Good luck with that.
when you spend 4 years falsely accusing a man of all kinds of nonsense and bullshit, its kinda hard for his supporters to believe anything you say or do now!!!

I agree and that's why they need to make the warrant public.

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