The Federal Reserve Scam

American capitalism comes off more like a pyramid scheme . With the way money is always devalued , it seems rather suspicious.
There's some pretty compelling evidence stocks that pay no dividends function like a Ponzi Scheme:

"Tan Liu, author of the recent book The Ponzi Factor: The Simple Truth About Investment Profits, explains how many of today's perpetually dividend-less companies traded on the public market are operating as ponzi schemes by definition." supposedly communist,now they are the world's biggest supplier of amphetamines.

Debate me, Toro......,.out of the 12 federal reserve banks, the NY branch is the most influential of them all. Thirteen shareholder families own it them. It is a private entity that extends "credit" from nothing and then charges interest on "money" created by some keyboard strokes. Promissory notes are monetized and then used as assets on the books of the banks because under the UCC, it can be used as a negotiable instrument. Why are you so afraid to debate me? Why do you defend this perpetual debt machine system where the floating of liens and fractional reserve "banking" guarantees that the winners and losers of this system with bankruptcy and foreclosures are built right into the system? My guess is that you have profited handsomely from convincing investors that are not well versed into how the scam really works where the retracting of credit guarantees failures where hard assets are swooped up when "loans" are defaulted on where the banks risk nothing and never "loaned" any money to begin with. It's paper and it is at the mercy of the extension of credit or retraction of said "money supply". You always avoid answering questions because at the end of the day? You are totally clueless...or you feign ignorance to give the illusion of plausible deniability. Neither option will bode well for you when it comes crashing down.


I read your first two sentences.

That’s all I needed to read.

I bet you needed a dictionary and after two sentences? You got a bit tired. You are a blowhard and pissed that your (snicker) "expertise" has been blown apart into tiny pieces. You are terrified to
debate honestly. You can't refute the way the Federal Reserve Act was passed by nefarious means on December 23rd of 1913 with a voice vote for plausible deniability with only enough members staying behind to hold a quorum while the other members where on their way home for Christmas break.......those that saw this banking bill for what it was and didn't support it. You are a poseur and a liar........just stating the facts.

crazy dale post ; dr

Debate me, Toro......,.out of the 12 federal reserve banks, the NY branch is the most influential of them all. Thirteen shareholder families own it them. It is a private entity that extends "credit" from nothing and then charges interest on "money" created by some keyboard strokes. Promissory notes are monetized and then used as assets on the books of the banks because under the UCC, it can be used as a negotiable instrument. Why are you so afraid to debate me? Why do you defend this perpetual debt machine system where the floating of liens and fractional reserve "banking" guarantees that the winners and losers of this system with bankruptcy and foreclosures are built right into the system? My guess is that you have profited handsomely from convincing investors that are not well versed into how the scam really works where the retracting of credit guarantees failures where hard assets are swooped up when "loans" are defaulted on where the banks risk nothing and never "loaned" any money to begin with. It's paper and it is at the mercy of the extension of credit or retraction of said "money supply". You always avoid answering questions because at the end of the day? You are totally clueless...or you feign ignorance to give the illusion of plausible deniability. Neither option will bode well for you when it comes crashing down.


I read your first two sentences.

That’s all I needed to read.

I bet you needed a dictionary and after two sentences? You got a bit tired. You are a blowhard and pissed that your (snicker) "expertise" has been blown apart into tiny pieces. You are terrified to
debate honestly. You can't refute the way the Federal Reserve Act was passed by nefarious means on December 23rd of 1913 with a voice vote for plausible deniability with only enough members staying behind to hold a quorum while the other members where on their way home for Christmas break.......those that saw this banking bill for what it was and didn't support it. You are a poseur and a liar........just stating the facts.

You can't refute the way the Federal Reserve Act was passed by nefarious means on December 23rd of 1913 with a voice vote for plausible deniability with only enough members staying behind to hold a quorum while the other members where on their way home for Christmas break

What was the final vote?
American capitalism comes off more like a pyramid scheme . With the way money is always devalued , it seems rather suspicious.
There's some pretty compelling evidence stocks that pay no dividends function like a Ponzi Scheme:

"Tan Liu, author of the recent book The Ponzi Factor: The Simple Truth About Investment Profits, explains how many of today's perpetually dividend-less companies traded on the public market are operating as ponzi schemes by definition." supposedly communist,now they are the world's biggest supplier of amphetamines.
I think China is the country that capitalism was made for. They are a single party authoritarian state with no room for organized dissent. The US labor history is filled with rich authoritarians using government to prevent rights like an eight hour day and overtime pay, but at least workers had some basic protections that don't exist in China. Perhaps the outcome of current events in Hong Kong will foreshadow coming communist attractions?
The constitution gives congress the authority to create money. This function has been privatized in 1913. Let's say the government needs $100.00.

Under the Fed, the Fed will print the money and lend it to the government to be paid back with interest.

Under the constitution, congress prints the money. It is not owed it to anyone. There is no debt. There is no interest.
This nonsense belongs in Conspiracy Theories.

Debate me, Toro......,.out of the 12 federal reserve banks, the NY branch is the most influential of them all. Thirteen shareholder families own it them. It is a private entity that extends "credit" from nothing and then charges interest on "money" created by some keyboard strokes. Promissory notes are monetized and then used as assets on the books of the banks because under the UCC, it can be used as a negotiable instrument. Why are you so afraid to debate me? Why do you defend this perpetual debt machine system where the floating of liens and fractional reserve "banking" guarantees that the winners and losers of this system with bankruptcy and foreclosures are built right into the system? My guess is that you have profited handsomely from convincing investors that are not well versed into how the scam really works where the retracting of credit guarantees failures where hard assets are swooped up when "loans" are defaulted on where the banks risk nothing and never "loaned" any money to begin with. It's paper and it is at the mercy of the extension of credit or retraction of said "money supply". You always avoid answering questions because at the end of the day? You are totally clueless...or you feign ignorance to give the illusion of plausible deniability. Neither option will bode well for you when it comes crashing down.


I read your first two sentences.

That’s all I needed to read.

I bet you needed a dictionary and after two sentences? You got a bit tired. You are a blowhard and pissed that your (snicker) "expertise" has been blown apart into tiny pieces. You are terrified to
debate honestly. You can't refute the way the Federal Reserve Act was passed by nefarious means on December 23rd of 1913 with a voice vote for plausible deniability with only enough members staying behind to hold a quorum while the other members where on their way home for Christmas break.......those that saw this banking bill for what it was and didn't support it. You are a poseur and a liar........just stating the facts.

You can't refute the way the Federal Reserve Act was passed by nefarious means on December 23rd of 1913 with a voice vote for plausible deniability with only enough members staying behind to hold a quorum while the other members where on their way home for Christmas break

What was the final vote?
Anybody else remember voting for "Sanctuary Cities"? This IS still a democracy isn't it? So how did that happen? Anybody?
Different topic
Nefarious Interests?

Why Is Wall Street the Only Industry in America With Access to the Fed’s Endless Money Machine?

"The emotional toll of 9/11 has caused a memory lapse among most Americans to the reality that the stock market and Wall Street were in freefall before 9/11 occurred.

"The Nasdaq stock market had closed at 1695 on the day before September 11, 2001 – a stunning 66 percent drop from its peak in March of 2000.

"The bust had led to one of the largest destructions of U.S. wealth in stock market history.

"The New York Times’ Ron Chernow wrote about the dire conditions on Wall Street six months before 9/11, penning this: 'Let us be clear about the magnitude of the Nasdaq collapse. The tumble has been so steep and so bloody — close to $4 trillion in market value erased in one year — that it amounts to nearly four times the carnage recorded in the October 1987 crash.'"
Different topic
Nefarious Interests?

Why Is Wall Street the Only Industry in America With Access to the Fed’s Endless Money Machine?

"The emotional toll of 9/11 has caused a memory lapse among most Americans to the reality that the stock market and Wall Street were in freefall before 9/11 occurred.

"The Nasdaq stock market had closed at 1695 on the day before September 11, 2001 – a stunning 66 percent drop from its peak in March of 2000.

"The bust had led to one of the largest destructions of U.S. wealth in stock market history.

"The New York Times’ Ron Chernow wrote about the dire conditions on Wall Street six months before 9/11, penning this: 'Let us be clear about the magnitude of the Nasdaq collapse. The tumble has been so steep and so bloody — close to $4 trillion in market value erased in one year — that it amounts to nearly four times the carnage recorded in the October 1987 crash.'"

The cumulative total of these Fed loans since September 17 is now in the trillions of dollars. As of this morning, the New York Fed was pumping out this money at a ridiculously low rate of interest of 1.55 percent.

The Fed funds target rate is 1.50-1.75%.
When rates rise above 1.75%, the Fed lends, to drop the rate.
When rates drop below 1.50%, the Fed borrows, to increase the rate.

Without the Fed’s artificial loan market, these loans would cost 10 percent or more.

Then it's a good thing that the Fed lent.......
Without the Fed’s artificial loan market, these loans would cost 10 percent or more.

Then it's a good thing that the Fed lent.......
Good for whom?
Why Is Wall Street the Only Industry in America With Access to the Fed’s Endless Money Machine?

"The credit card divisions of many of these same banks are charging struggling American consumers an average of 17 percent on their credit cards while another part of the bank is borrowing at 1.55 percent from the Fed.

"As Senator Bernie Sanders said after the GAO released its audit of the Fed, this is 'socialism for the rich, and rugged, you’re-on-your-own individualism for everyone else.'"
Without the Fed’s artificial loan market, these loans would cost 10 percent or more.

Then it's a good thing that the Fed lent.......
Good for whom?
Why Is Wall Street the Only Industry in America With Access to the Fed’s Endless Money Machine?

"The credit card divisions of many of these same banks are charging struggling American consumers an average of 17 percent on their credit cards while another part of the bank is borrowing at 1.55 percent from the Fed.

"As Senator Bernie Sanders said after the GAO released its audit of the Fed, this is 'socialism for the rich, and rugged, you’re-on-your-own individualism for everyone else.'"

Good for whom?

Good for banks that needed to borrow overnight.

"The credit card divisions of many of these same banks are charging struggling American consumers an average of 17 percent on their credit cards while another part of the bank is borrowing at 1.55 percent from the Fed.

Banks are lending much more to the Fed at 1.55%

"As Senator Bernie Sanders said after the GAO released its audit of the Fed, this is 'socialism for the rich,

He's in favor of socialism, but if you want to become a bank and have Treasury securities as collateral, you can also borrow at less than 17%.

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