The feds lost all of their workers SSN's

this is what happens when Amtrack drivers are pulling that "Pedal To The Medal" stunt when turning at a 45 degree angle turn at 107mph.
The government is obviously incompetent to maintain security for its databases. The President runs the government, so the buck stops with him.
Heartfelt thanks to all the people who voted for the government doing more and getting hugely larger.

The more we pile onto government to do, the more things will get screwed up.

Like this case.
Heartfelt thanks to all the people who voted for the government doing more and getting hugely larger.

The more we pile onto government to do, the more things will get screwed up.

Like this case.

that's your analysis of this, huh?

a pretend small gubmint type.... unless of course the gubmint is interfering with people's personal decision. then you love big gubmint.

but it's great watching the right celebrate anything that hurts this country
Remember though obie said it was no big deal. And the obie admin claiming they found the spy ware? Well of course that was bullshit too. Turns out someone was there trying to sell them malware security and they found it.

Report Hack of government employee records discovered by product demo Ars Technica

And a DHS spokesperson told Ars that "interagency partners" were helping the OPM improve its network monitoring "through which OPM detected new malicious activity affecting its information technology systems and data in April 2015."

Those statements may not be entirely accurate. According to a Wall Street Journal report, the breach was indeed discovered in April. But according to sources who spoke to the WSJ's Damian Paletta and Siobhan Hughes, it was in fact discovered during a sales demonstration of a network forensics software package called CyFIR by its developer, CyTech Services. "CyTech, trying to show OPM how its cybersecurity product worked, ran a diagnostics study on OPM’s network and discovered malware was embedded on the network," Paletta and Hughes reported.
When they invade they will need to know what personnel might be temporarily useful, and which ones need to be liquidated immediately.

How many got their shit stolen? I thought I heard 20 million on T. V.

If we have 20 million working for the Federal Government...we're fucked anyway.
How many got their shit stolen? I thought I heard 20 million on T. V.

If we have 20 million working for the Federal Government...we're fucked anyway.


It's WAY more than that when you consider the contractors, the people working for the contractors, and the people who work for "private" companies subsidized by bullshit like "green energy" grants. Then you've gotta wonder if the military personnel aren't part of it, or even anyone who's cashed a treasury check. That includes tax refunds.

We were fucked when Fred Thompson got out of the race in 2008. He was the only one worth a shit.


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