The fight continues in NC and throughout the south

I didn't watch the movie but saw a sign about voter suppression. What's that based on? Dems can't vote 50 times to get their boy in office?
Republicans Have Thrown 2 Million People Off of Unemployment Benefits Since Dec 28

saved the state: zero

estimated cost in loss of revenue due to stopping checks....6 million

if you left-wing idiots are going to take the position that unemployment only gives you enough to survive then you cant rightly say revenue in the form of millions was lost; somehow they fed and housed themselves

unless you have a big pile of bodies to show us

libs are losers who lie to themselves
do you have more money to spend when you're collecting Unemployment Compensation or when you're working?

the idiotic Left actually seems to be saying you have more money to "put back in the economy" when you're on unemployment
from the leftard's article:

2 million and counting. That’s the number of people who’ve been kicked off their unemployment benefits after Republicans deliberately let the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program expire, according to a new analysis from Ways and Means Committee Democrats.

so the loser Left is saying we are still in a state of EMERGENCY in year SIX OF OBAMA; and in the EIGHT-STRAIGHT YEAR of PROGRESSIVE MAJORITY RULE?

is it failure yet leftardz?
2 million and counting. That’s the number of people who’ve been kicked off their unemployment benefits after Republicans deliberately let the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program expire, according to a new analysis from Ways and Means Committee Democrats.

Is the number incorrect?
2 million and counting. That’s the number of people who’ve been kicked off their unemployment benefits after Republicans deliberately let the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program expire, according to a new analysis from Ways and Means Committee Democrats.

Is the number incorrect?


but why are we still in an "emergency" in Year 6 of Our Dear Leader?
2 million and counting. That’s the number of people who’ve been kicked off their unemployment benefits after Republicans deliberately let the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program expire, according to a new analysis from Ways and Means Committee Democrats.

Is the number incorrect?


but why are we still in an "emergency" in Year 6 of Our Dear Leader?
Because we are still fighting to overcome all the Bush spending. Liberal economics is that government creates money by spending it. The more you spend the more you make.
Republicans Have Thrown 2 Million People Off of Unemployment Benefits Since Dec 28

saved the state: zero

estimated cost in loss of revenue due to stopping checks....6 million
NC lost 6 million dollars because the GOP cut off the long running unemployment payouts for 2 million people? Bull. Where do you think money comes from? If you pay someone $100 you expect a $300 return?

the total is the amount of spending does not end with the person spending the unemployment check now does it? you do realize that we are in the grasp of dead end military spending.....look at the difference in the revenue generated or returned in spending a dollar in the free economy or spending it on military
Nice, Guno.

I'm a fan of Moral Mondays.

"great wealth" has always been concentrated in the hands of a few.

why about that means we cant also have democracy?

libs are addicted to idiotic talking points; and mindlessly quoting other people without being able to expound on their views
Republicans Have Thrown 2 Million People Off of Unemployment Benefits Since Dec 28

saved the state: zero

estimated cost in loss of revenue due to stopping checks....6 million
NC lost 6 million dollars because the GOP cut off the long running unemployment payouts for 2 million people? Bull. Where do you think money comes from? If you pay someone $100 you expect a $300 return?

the total is the amount of spending does not end with the person spending the unemployment check now does it? you do realize that we are in the grasp of dead end military spending.....look at the difference in the revenue generated or returned in spending a dollar in the free economy or spending it on military
I have no idea what you are talking about. If you give someone an unemployment check and they spend it what further income to the state is there? How can you receive more than you payed out if there is no work or productivity involved? I don't get it.

I know libs hate defense spending but no one said it was for financial gain.
Liberal presidents always make their deficit spending look good by downsizing the military. Republicans get in and have to build it back up. What is the price of freedom? I don't know.
The 71 year con, running against Clay Akin in N.C. just died. Looks like God is on the liberal side. lol

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