The Fight for 15 dollars an hour...the computer that just took my order is laughing at you......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.

Here in Florida, a $15 minimum wage was voted in, but it doesn't go into effect immediately. Minimum wage will go up one dollar every year until it hits $15 an hour.

A friend of mine who owns his own business has already let two employees go. They didn't perform work that would ever be worth $15 an hour to him, so he let them go, each with a small "severance", and wished them well in finding employment with someone who can afford them.

Liberals are stupid, and they end up hurting the very people they claim to be fighting for...
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.

If that computer was practical for $15.00, it was practical for $7.50...

Actually, I've seen these automated systems come and go... people really don't like them.
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.

Automation is inevitable. Those jobs are going regardless of what the minimum wage is, but hiking it up to $15 will likely hasten that transition
This argument will never be resolved because economic illiteracy is endemic.

But one must always ask: If $15 is good, why not$25? Why not $50?

Is anyone reading this old enough to remember when your gas was pumped by a guy carrying a red rag in his pocket? He pumped your gas, offered to check your oil, and cleaned your windshield...all for "free." The minimum wage killed those jobs, crappy as they were.

Elevator operators.

Golf caddies.

The minimum wage itself is immoral, unconstitutional, economically stupid, and un-American. If an employer and an employee agree on a wage and working conditions, where does the Sovereign get the right to impose its will on that arrangement? Nowhere.
This argument will never be resolved because economic illiteracy is endemic.

But one must always ask: If $15 is good, why not$25? Why not $50?

Is anyone reading this old enough to remember when your gas was pumped by a guy carrying a red rag in his pocket? He pumped your gas, offered to check your oil, and cleaned your windshield...all for "free." The minimum wage killed those jobs, crappy as they were.

Elevator operators.

Golf caddies.

The minimum wage itself is immoral, unconstitutional, economically stupid, and un-American. If an employer and an employee agree on a wage and working conditions, where does the Sovereign get the right to impose its will on that arrangement? Nowhere.
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.

If that computer was practical for $15.00, it was practical for $7.50...

Actually, I've seen these automated systems come and go... people really don't like them.
So as your using a typewriter, sending it by carrier pigeon ...
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........
The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats.... But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.
2aGuy, I’m among the proponents for gradually increasing the federal minimum wage rate until it achieves no less than 125% OF ITS February-1968 peak purchasing power: thereafter it should be annually monitoring and updated to retain no less than that value. I’;m also a proponent for automation when it reduces costs and/or improve quality of goods and service products.

Economics of the poorest, market determined minimum wage rates that do not encourage the costs of investing to automate are characteristic of the poorest economies. Is that what you aspire for our nation? Respectfully, Supposn
"My father lost his job to automation. He did the the same job for 25 years and one day, he was replaced by a machine. The machine did everything my father did, only better and faster. The worst part was, my mother went out and bought one."

-- Woody Allen
"My father lost his job to automation. He did the the same job for 25 years and one day, he was replaced by a machine. The machine did everything my father did, only better and faster. The worst part was, my mother went out and bought one."

-- Woody Allen

It's funny until you remember he molested his kid and married his stepdaughter.
Here in Florida, a $15 minimum wage was voted in, but it doesn't go into effect immediately. Minimum wage will go up one dollar every year until it hits $15 an hour.

A friend of mine who owns his own business has already let two employees go. They didn't perform work that would ever be worth $15 an hour to him, so he let them go, each with a small "severance", and wished them well in finding employment with someone who can afford them.
Liberals are stupid, and they end up hurting the very people they claim to be fighting for...
Canon Shooter, enterprises managers hire or retain workers in expectation of gains or reductions of losses due to their staffing decisions; federal law does not generally intervene within those decisions. You believe that policy isn’t to our nation’s net economic benefit?

Every increase of our federal minimum wage rate has been to our nation’s net economic benefit. We all do better when we all do better. Respectfully, Supposn
Here in Florida, a $15 minimum wage was voted in, but it doesn't go into effect immediately. Minimum wage will go up one dollar every year until it hits $15 an hour.

A friend of mine who owns his own business has already let two employees go. They didn't perform work that would ever be worth $15 an hour to him, so he let them go, each with a small "severance", and wished them well in finding employment with someone who can afford them.
Liberals are stupid, and they end up hurting the very people they claim to be fighting for...
Canon Shooter, enterprises managers hire or retain workers in expectation of gains or reductions of losses due to their staffing decisions; federal law does not generally intervene within those decisions. You believe that policy isn’t to our nation’s net economic benefit?

Every increase of our federal minimum wage rate has been to our nation’s net economic benefit. We all do better when we all do better. Respectfully, Supposn
Reality is not what you think it is.
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.
Universal basic income.

It's coming.

Blame corporate greed.

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