The Fight for 15 dollars an hour...the computer that just took my order is laughing at you......

This argument will never be resolved because economic illiteracy is endemic.
But one must always ask: If $15 is good, why not$25? Why not $50? ...
DGS49, I’m among the proponents for gradually increasing the federal minimum wage rate until it achieves no less than 125% OF ITS February-1968 peak purchasing power: thereafter it should be annually monitoring and updated to retain no less than that value.

In February-1968, the minimum rate was increased to $1.60 per hour, its historically highest value of purchasing power. That increase, (as had all minimum rate increases) was of some improvement to our nations’ economic and social wellbeing, but it was not of a particularly huge boon to our nation’s working-poor.
If the minimum rate’s purchasing power would have been continuously increased, our nation’s economic and social wellbeing would also have been continuously improved. But our U.S. Congress permitted the rate’s purchasing power to be reduced, and to the extents of those reductions, our economic and social wellbeing was less improved than otherwise.

I suppose (as you do), the minimum rate can be without sufficient notice, increased too rapidly or to too great of an extent. We often observed too much, or too fast introduction of a good thing can have detrimental consequences. My experiences and observations in 1968 lead me to believe that gradually increasing the minimum rate to reach the 125% of more than a half century ago, would not even approach detrimental consequences. Respectfully, Supposn
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Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.
I was making fifteen an hour twenty five years ago you guys need to catch up.
I don't contract out for under $150 an hour. Large events can go into the thousands per hour depending on size.

Why are you so greedy? Why do you charge so much?
I provide a very labor and resource intensive specialized service that no one else can. And my employees and contractors are very well paid. Insurance is a bitch, too. I do not make 3,000 times what my average employee makes, like many CEOs do.

So, you're allowed to be greedy because you do something you believe no one else can do? Is that seriously your justification? Other people can't be greedy but you can?

And remember this: Whatever it is you do, there's always someone out there who can do it better and for less money. You're a fool if you think you're the only game in town.

And why are your employees and contractors paid so well? Why are they greedy? Following your lead?
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.
I was making fifteen an hour twenty five years ago you guys need to catch up.
I don't contract out for under $150 an hour. Large events can go into the thousands per hour depending on size.

Why are you so greedy? Why do you charge so much?
I provide a very labor and resource intensive specialized service that no one else can. And my employees and contractors are very well paid. Insurance is a bitch, too. I do not make 3,000 times what my average employee makes, like many CEOs do.

So, you're allowed to be greedy because you do something you believe no one else can do? Is that seriously your justification? Other people can't be greedy but you can?

And remember this: Whatever it is you do, there's always someone out there who can do it better and for less money. You're a fool if you think you're the only game in town.

And why are your employees and contractors paid so well? Why are they greedy? Following your lead?
I'm not being greedy. I'm not underpaying my employees and contractors so I can pocket more money at thier expense, nor am I over charging for the service I provide.
There's no point for $15 per hour. Nowhere can one live on that anyway. The nice thing is at $7 per hour one doesn't need to be productive.
This argument will never be resolved because economic illiteracy is endemic. ... The minimum wage itself is immoral, unconstitutional, economically stupid, and un-American. If an employer and an employee agree on a wage and working conditions, where does the Sovereign get the right to impose its will on that arrangement? Nowhere.
DGS49, although you believe our federal minimum wage rate to be immoral, it’s beneficial to our nation’s economic and social wellbeing and federal courts have deemed them to be constitutional. To the extent of its purchasing power, our federal minimum wage rate reduces incidences and extent of poverty among our nation’s working-poor. That’s its purpose and justification.

Excerpted from the discussion thread, Minimum wage is a character issue":
... The essence of personal and political opposition to the FMW rate.

The federal minimum wage, (FMW) rate is of net social and economic benefit to our nation. It has never been among the major causes of the U.S. dollar’s inflation; on the contrary, it’s certainly among inflations’ victims.
No employees are poorer, and no enterprises suffer any competitive disadvantage to any USA enterprises due to the FMW rate.

[there’s no doubt that USA’s higher wage rates are a cause of our products’ price disadvantages in comparison to products from lower-wage nations; but although the elimination of our FMW rate laws would be greatly detrimental to our nation’s net social and economic well-being, eliminating it would accomplish extremely little to remedy our products’ global price disadvantages.
[Refer to Wikipedia’s “Import Certificates” article.]

I suppose most USA’s population, (significantly more than a 10% plurality) to some extent approve of federal minimum rate’s existence. There are few among wealthy or competent people that are opposed to the federal minimum rate. ...
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.
I was making fifteen an hour twenty five years ago you guys need to catch up.
I don't contract out for under $150 an hour. Large events can go into the thousands per hour depending on size.

Why are you so greedy? Why do you charge so much?
I provide a very labor and resource intensive specialized service that no one else can. And my employees and contractors are very well paid. Insurance is a bitch, too. I do not make 3,000 times what my average employee makes, like many CEOs do.

So, you're allowed to be greedy because you do something you believe no one else can do? Is that seriously your justification? Other people can't be greedy but you can?

And remember this: Whatever it is you do, there's always someone out there who can do it better and for less money. You're a fool if you think you're the only game in town.

And why are your employees and contractors paid so well? Why are they greedy? Following your lead?
I'm not being greedy. I'm not underpaying my employees and contractors so I can pocket more money at thier expense, nor am I over charging for the service I provide.

Why don't you charge less?

You're greedy, that's why...
I'm not being greedy. I'm not underpaying my employees and contractors so I can pocket more money at their expense, nor am I over charging for the service I provide.
Why don't you charge less? You're greedy, that's why...
Canon Shooter, To the extent of its purchasing power, our federal minimum wage rate reduces incidences and extent of poverty among our nation’s working-poor; that’s its purpose and justification.
However, it does not regulate other than the minimum applicable rate; [i.e. it does not regulate (all) wage rates], that’s NOT its purpose.

Are you suggesting that the U.S. Congress should modify our nation’s federal policy and regulate all employee compensation and all prices in the USA?
Are you suggesting that Creptus is greedy because he’s not a socialist, or if you refrain from paying more than you must for any product, you’re not simply exercising financial prudence, but rather your indicating you’re stingy and/or you’re opposed to our nation’s economic capitalism system?

Please explain what it is that you’re contending. Respectfully, Supposn
It's ill-advised.

Here in Florida, minimum wage is currently $8.46 an hour. In five years, it will have almost doubled to $15 an hour. On its face, sure, that looks great for those who will be making $15 an hour.

But that doesn't mean the $15 an hour employee is going to be able to buy almost twice as much stuff.

yeah, I'm not going to drill through all your fantasy numbers because it's kind of a waste of my time.

The reality- You guys keep wringing the hyperinflation bell every time this comes up, and it doesn't happen.

Right now, at least prior to Covid and probably after Covid is done, we are having a labor shortage. More boomers are retiring than Millennials to replace them. So, really, having a LIVING WAGE doesn't hurt that much.

Really small businesses will still have an out, if they make less than 500K a year and do no interstate business. This is something I found out when I worked my first job at a Pizza Place in 1978.

Not to mention, businesses that work for tips or the Gig Economy won't really be bound by this, either.
I've never eaten there, so no it wasn't "you guys", stupid. Words mean things and online dictionaries are easy to access when in doubt- if however, one, such as yourself, knows all there is to know about all there is to know about everything there is to know you will probably find it cumbersome-

Shhh... quiet the grown ups are talking.

They aren't stupid, they are evil. They know those two people who were let go now are more likely to vote for the political party that promises to punish the business owner who let them go and promises to give them money for free....

The problem here is that you are perfectly fine with protections for your job and income. You'd be throwing a fit if someone brought in someone from India on a H1B Visa to replac

Me, I haven't had to work for minimum wage since 1985. I still fully support a $15.00 an hour minimum wage.
So you want to pay more for the same
It's ill-advised.

Here in Florida, minimum wage is currently $8.46 an hour. In five years, it will have almost doubled to $15 an hour. On its face, sure, that looks great for those who will be making $15 an hour.

But that doesn't mean the $15 an hour employee is going to be able to buy almost twice as much stuff.

yeah, I'm not going to drill through all your fantasy numbers because it's kind of a waste of my time.

The reality- You guys keep wringing the hyperinflation bell every time this comes up, and it doesn't happen.

Right now, at least prior to Covid and probably after Covid is done, we are having a labor shortage. More boomers are retiring than Millennials to replace them. So, really, having a LIVING WAGE doesn't hurt that much.

If more boomers are retiring , then millennials replacing them where do we get the money from for a living wage?

Blue states $50 bucks an hour!!!

Redstates $7.25 an hour!!
So you want to pay more for the same

Okay, going to try to explain this to you as simply as possible.

If you are a Billion Dollar Corporation, the people who DO THE ACTUAL WORK should get more of the money than the investors and the executives.

This isn't complicated at all.

The problem with our economy is the balance of power has shifted from the working class to the investor class, and that is never a good thing.

If more boomers are retiring , then millennials replacing them where do we get the money from for a living wage?

Blue states $50 bucks an hour!!!

Redstates $7.25 an hour!!

I think we see enough abuses of working folks down in JesusLand, thank you very much.
So you want to pay more for the same

Okay, going to try to explain this to you as simply as possible.

If you are a Billion Dollar Corporation, the people who DO THE ACTUAL WORK should get more of the money than the investors and the executives.

This isn't complicated at all.

The problem with our economy is the balance of power has shifted from the working class to the investor class, and that is never a good thing.

If more boomers are retiring , then millennials replacing them where do we get the money from for a living wage?

Blue states $50 bucks an hour!!!

Redstates $7.25 an hour!!

I think we see enough abuses of working folks down in JesusLand, thank you very much.

Do the workers buy the computers and such to make their labor easier?
So you want to pay more for the same

Okay, going to try to explain this to you as simply as possible.

If you are a Billion Dollar Corporation, the people who DO THE ACTUAL WORK should get more of the money than the investors and the executives.

This isn't complicated at all.

The problem with our economy is the balance of power has shifted from the working class to the investor class, and that is never a good thing.

If more boomers are retiring , then millennials replacing them where do we get the money from for a living wage?

Blue states $50 bucks an hour!!!

Redstates $7.25 an hour!!

I think we see enough abuses of working folks down in JesusLand, thank you very much.

What abuses of workers in Jesus land? They have pick up trucks, bass boats, ATVs and guns making $7.25 an hour
What abuses of workers in Jesus land? They have pick up trucks, bass boats, ATVs and guns making $7.25 an hour

No teeth, serious inbreeding, crushing levels of poverty.

The South would be a third world country if it wasn't attached to the United States.
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.
Correct. Raising the min wage will have the opposite effect of what the leftists want.
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.
Universal basic income.

It's coming.

Blame corporate greed.

Blame corporate greed?

Universal basic income, will dramatically drive up taxes on the public, and destroy the economy at the same time.

What are you blaming on corporate greed again?

I've never understood this concept that you take a grenade, pull the pin, drop it to the ground... then lay on it.... and scream at everyone "BLAME CORPORATE GREED" and then you blow yourself up.

How is you.... destroying you.... to be blamed on corporate greed?

They didn't make you buy a grenade, pull the pin, and then jump on it waiting to die.

You did that. Don't blame others for your own incompetence.
What abuses of workers in Jesus land? They have pick up trucks, bass boats, ATVs and guns making $7.25 an hour

No teeth, serious inbreeding, crushing levels of poverty.

The South would be a third world country if it wasn't attached to the United States.

I love this....


It's amazing. You attack literally millions on millions of people, insult all of them, claim that without you, they would be a 3rd world country.

Then decry Republicans not unifying under Biden. Gee I wonder why.... can't be the same reasons we hated Hillary and her 'deploreables' comment.

Stupid left-wingers. At least if you insult me, I've given you a reason. But you insult absolutely everyone everywhere, and then have these laughable attempts to claim you are a unifying party.

lol :) Such dumb stupid left-wingers. You people never figure out why every country you are in charge of, turns to crap. Look at yourself in the mirror for once, and see why we're all better than you. Because that's the truth. We are just all flat out better people than you could ever hope to be.

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