The Fighting Fauna Parable


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
A manufactured Holy War (with quite a few atheist creatures pitching in). Can anyone say "provocation"...

This is a parable I posted a few years back on another site, updated...

Once upon a time there was Silkworm, Bear and Goat. All three hated Eagle for various reasons of their own so they were united against her. Eagle was fierce and strong but had the uncanny penchant to be distracted by mice. So Silkworm, Bear and Goat silently mapped her penchants and formulated a plan to destroy her.

They knew that because of Eagle's strength, it would take a very long time to bring her down. So many years before they began placing mice strategically here and there, while waiting in ambush. They were smart enough not to take her on headlong. Bear used to try but they decided he should play possum to make Eagle even more drunk with her Bear's "defeat".

The plan was to be like leeches, to bleed her without her knowing. So they opted each time as she swooped on the mice they let loose, to just pluck a few feathers from her. Enough to make a difference over time, but not too many so she would notice that the ruse might be harmful to her.

As the years went by, Eagle began to look rather ragged and thin. But still encouraged by her endless ego that her body looked fit, she believed in spite of it she could still soar no matter what. But Silkworm, Bear and Goat knew better. They knew that she had lost enough feathers to where she no longer could fly as well. So they made another plan.

Eagle was beginning to wise up to the mice carefully placed before her. She retreated to her perch to attend to her messy nest and squabbling chicks. So Silkworm and Bear told Goat to provoke her. Eagle's best friend that lived near goat was Scorpion who lived on an eastern shore of the Mediterranean, a crucial port. Eagle and Scorpion were bound by a sacred pact that revolved around using oils to anoint fattened pigs, and some holy places, a war and a bunch of other entanglements too varied and numerous to mention...I digress..where was I. Oh yes, the trap..

Anyway Goat knew Eagle had one great intolerance. That was the intolerance of any other beast who had exploding eggs as vile as hers. So Silkworm and Bear who already had these eggs, told Goat to begin to make them too. They knew that Scorpion, who also had these eggs, would become so furious that her neighbor Goat had even one, that she would scream like a tantrum infant for her friend Eagle to swoop on Goat and kill him for daring to have an exploding vile egg so nearby her.

Now, Eagle as I said was in her perch, picking out nastiness here and there, distracted by noisy and hungry chicks. The timing couldn't be more perfect for Silkworm, Bear and Goat's plan. Eagle was "made to know" about Goat's laboratories working away on the exploding egg device. Eagle was furious and even in spite of pressing matters at the nest, considered the unthinkable..

Yet some small voice in her was wary, having lost so many feathers the chill of reality now seeped into her bones. Her sixth sense moved in.. She halted for a moment just to think.
She could

1. Swoop down and give "reason to ire" to Silkworm, Bear and Goat to summon other benign creatures of the land to their aid, from the appearance of Eagle's final act of unwarranted aggression to onloookers, gain their support and kill her or..

2. She could rely on her sixth sense, stay at home close to her chicks and competely ignore the cries of her friend Scorpion. After all, Scorpion had all the equipment to defend herself. She had more exploding eggs than Goat by far and she liked to use her tail to sting all her neighbors at her whim, even against the advice of her longtime cohort Eagle to not do so. Scorpion liked to flex because she knew everyone was afraid of Eagle, her best friend. But Scorpion failed to notice how many feathers Eagle came to be missing over the years of swooping on mice so strangely availible and distracting to her penetrating eye.

Lately, Bear, Silkworm, and Goat enlisted the help of Eagle's closer neighbor, Jaguar. She lives just south of the big pond where the island is situated that Eagle just extended an olive branch to.
The moral of the story is that having an eagle eye may mean you are fatally-myopic. Perhaps a fish-eye lens instead?
Adapted from a Kenny Rogers tune, today's theme being poker:

You got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run
You'd better count your feathers
before you swoop into box canyons
won't be lift enough to save you
when the game is won

Pop Quiz question for extra credit:

"How many Russian, Chinese, Iranian or Venezuelan (or N. Korean) people have been beheadded or executed by ISIS?"
A manufactured Holy War (with quite a few atheist creatures pitching in). Can anyone say "provocation"...

This is a parable I posted a few years back on another site, updated...

Once upon a time there was Silkworm, Bear and Goat. All three hated Eagle for various reasons of their own so they were united against her. Eagle was fierce and strong but had the uncanny penchant to be distracted by mice. So Silkworm, Bear and Goat silently mapped her penchants and formulated a plan to destroy her.

They knew that because of Eagle's strength, it would take a very long time to bring her down. So many years before they began placing mice strategically here and there, while waiting in ambush. They were smart enough not to take her on headlong. Bear used to try but they decided he should play possum to make Eagle even more drunk with her Bear's "defeat".

The plan was to be like leeches, to bleed her without her knowing. So they opted each time as she swooped on the mice they let loose, to just pluck a few feathers from her. Enough to make a difference over time, but not too many so she would notice that the ruse might be harmful to her.

As the years went by, Eagle began to look rather ragged and thin. But still encouraged by her endless ego that her body looked fit, she believed in spite of it she could still soar no matter what. But Silkworm, Bear and Goat knew better. They knew that she had lost enough feathers to where she no longer could fly as well. So they made another plan.

Eagle was beginning to wise up to the mice carefully placed before her. She retreated to her perch to attend to her messy nest and squabbling chicks. So Silkworm and Bear told Goat to provoke her. Eagle's best friend that lived near goat was Scorpion who lived on an eastern shore of the Mediterranean, a crucial port. Eagle and Scorpion were bound by a sacred pact that revolved around using oils to anoint fattened pigs, and some holy places, a war and a bunch of other entanglements too varied and numerous to mention...I digress..where was I. Oh yes, the trap..

Anyway Goat knew Eagle had one great intolerance. That was the intolerance of any other beast who had exploding eggs as vile as hers. So Silkworm and Bear who already had these eggs, told Goat to begin to make them too. They knew that Scorpion, who also had these eggs, would become so furious that her neighbor Goat had even one, that she would scream like a tantrum infant for her friend Eagle to swoop on Goat and kill him for daring to have an exploding vile egg so nearby her.

Now, Eagle as I said was in her perch, picking out nastiness here and there, distracted by noisy and hungry chicks. The timing couldn't be more perfect for Silkworm, Bear and Goat's plan. Eagle was "made to know" about Goat's laboratories working away on the exploding egg device. Eagle was furious and even in spite of pressing matters at the nest, considered the unthinkable..

Yet some small voice in her was wary, having lost so many feathers the chill of reality now seeped into her bones. Her sixth sense moved in.. She halted for a moment just to think.
She could

1. Swoop down and give "reason to ire" to Silkworm, Bear and Goat to summon other benign creatures of the land to their aid, from the appearance of Eagle's final act of unwarranted aggression to onloookers, gain their support and kill her or..

2. She could rely on her sixth sense, stay at home close to her chicks and competely ignore the cries of her friend Scorpion. After all, Scorpion had all the equipment to defend herself. She had more exploding eggs than Goat by far and she liked to use her tail to sting all her neighbors at her whim, even against the advice of her longtime cohort Eagle to not do so. Scorpion liked to flex because she knew everyone was afraid of Eagle, her best friend. But Scorpion failed to notice how many feathers Eagle came to be missing over the years of swooping on mice so strangely availible and distracting to her penetrating eye.

Lately, Bear, Silkworm, and Goat enlisted the help of Eagle's closer neighbor, Jaguar. She lives just south of the big pond where the island is situated that Eagle just extended an olive branch to.
The moral of the story is that having an eagle eye may mean you are fatally-myopic. Perhaps a fish-eye lens instead?
Adapted from a Kenny Rogers tune, today's theme being poker:

You got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run
You'd better count your feathers
before you swoop into box canyons
won't be lift enough to save you
when the game is won

Pop Quiz question for extra credit:

"How many Russian, Chinese, Iranian or Venezuelan (or N. Korean) people have been beheadded or executed by ISIS?"

What do you do then?

I can tell you who I can help. Within range. But no more than that right now.

It's all I can do.
By the way. Anyone notice I don't have an avatar? I didn't take it away.

I didn't take it away.

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