Zone1 Cult Leader Barbie...

The hair you were splitting was what it means to be led. You started off unconditional and then had to start adding conditions on what it means to be led. You're led all the time. We all are. It's part of life. Sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow.

So, no, it wasn't stupid. It's just that you had no good answer so you pulled your signature deflection move.
The subject was a lifestyle. YOU split hairs
The hair you were splitting was what it means to be led. You started off unconditional and then had to start adding conditions on what it means to be led. You're led all the time. We all are. It's part of life. Sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow.

So, no, it wasn't stupid. It's just that you had no good answer so you pulled your signature deflection move.
Wait, my signature move is responding? 😅
You don't express outrage at the possibility of a portion of your flock being led away to slaughter by a false shepherd..?
That's between them and God. God gave us all free will. We are free to do any stupid thing we want but we are not free from experiencing the consequences of the stupid things we do.

I'm not a fan of uniformity. It's not virtuous to be made to be virtuous. I'm more than happy to let others experience their predictable surprises and learn their lessons.
The subject was a lifestyle. YOU split hairs
Nope. If I recall, the subject was you saying people that are led are stupid and weak. What I argued is that:
  1. People are way more complex than broad sweeping generalizations can capture.
  2. For any given thing there will be those that have a natural talent or affinity and those are the people who will naturally lead others in understanding that given thing.
  3. You're led all the time. We all are. It's part of life. Sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow.
  4. And concluded that if you want to believe you have never been led before, knock yourself out.
But you can't let it go even after I said I was fine with you believing that people that are led are stupid and weak.
Nope. If I recall, the subject was you saying people that are led are stupid and weak. What I argued is that:
  1. People are way more complex than broad sweeping generalizations can capture.
  2. For any given thing there will be those that have a natural talent or affinity and those are the people who will naturally lead others in understanding that given thing.
  3. You're led all the time. We all are. It's part of life. Sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow.
  4. And concluded that if you want to believe you have never been led before, knock yourself out.
But you can't let it go even after I said I was fine with you believing that people that are led are stupid and weak.
Split hairs :dunno:
Yeah. I said it. "Cult". And the puzzling part is that this woman/demon/fraudster is so transparent makes her following even more puzzling. If you've never heard of her consider yourself lucky; but Her name is Kathryn Krick. And she has a large following, and it's growing. What's more appalling, yetimpressive is that her teachings are so unbiblical that it's truly amazing that she has even one follower. I have no idea how this is even possible. Stand by for the Kool-Aid to be passed out...

Oh, and by the way she claims to be not only a prophet, but an Apostle as well.

fairly common american phenomenon. i'm not familiar with this woman . new age stuff?

why do you think people join such cults? i've never been that excited about anything.
Just one of a line of scammers based on Sheeple being stupid .

But will she be smart enough to have two million in cash before she disappears with her tracks fully covered ? That is, FBI and Interpol etc fully resistant .

Few succeed .
fairly common american phenomenon. i'm not familiar with this woman . new age stuff?

why do you think people join such cults? i've never been that excited about anything.
I have no idea. Weak in mind, body, and spirit most likely.

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