The final cycle of TDS

I keep trying to tell people that the Left Wingers are insane with hate.
Too bad he only used a .22 and he lived.

It has to be an excuse. It would take a special insanity to shoot yourself in protest. It is worth noting that I do not see anything whatsoever mentioned in the article about a note or other such indication that this 'protest' was a real one if he had succeeded in killing himself. Not much of a protest if no one knows...
Hopefully they'll be dropping like flies in a week.
Psychologists better start studying this TDS stuff, I'm afraid it's a real thing.
Sadly you are correct
Yeah ... they are on it:

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
Interesting back in November 2016 three or 4 days after the election I noticed a change in how leftist was handling the election. They were acting abnormally bitter So I started using TDS TO IDENTIFY THEIR ACTIONS. And someone from the media picked it up as if we both were thinking the same thing. lol

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