The final solution is mixed race marriages.

I am mixed race. I know dozens of mixed race families that are quite happy. Mixed culture families sometimes end in murder.
And you put "White" down when you fill out the forms. ...

You a mind reader now, HV?
Most "mix raced" people when it get's serious. most of them put white. They all put white. J Lo, Eva Mendes....all the ones who act all ethnic. They put white down


I think they were labeled white by the police they didn't put that down themselves in cases of those arrested in the picture
I think that identity is a social and cultural construction phenotypes and biological differences are real but how people identify or seperated eatch other based on identity is certainly human creation society creation that's like how society at large tends to identify Beyonce or Mariah Carrey as black or everyone as whatever minority they have in them. When I was a kid teenager split their identity whether you are raver or skatepunk and they develop clique behavior. I don't think there is any major biological disadvantage from being mixed race I only know that you have fewer chances of finding a bone marrow match if you are mixed
" End Goal "

* Significantly Skewed Data *

I think they were labeled white by the police they didn't put that down themselves in cases of those arrested in the picture
Anyone who is not black is white according to fbi statistics and the same is true of population statistics that originate from a political effort to perpetuate a lie that whites are still a majority so the the left wing reprobates continue to " kill whitey " to remove their representation and to replace them .

Ultimately it is the fictional ishmaelism degenerate behind the left wing goals of getting rid of whites who stopped the otto man invasion of europe whose goal was to replace the social systems and breed out the lineages of japheth in an effort to usher in the mentally deranged ideology of moo ham head .
For purposes of FBI records when a Hispanic is a perpetrator of a crime they are classified as white. When they are the victim of a crime they are Hispanic.
For purposes of FBI records when a Hispanic is a perpetrator of a crime they are classified as white. When they are the victim of a crime they are Hispanic.
Well, "Hispanic" is a bogus racial term to begin with since "Hispanics" can be anything from White, to Black to Amerindian and everything inbetween.
[Most "mix raced" people when it get's serious. most of them put white. They all put white. J Lo, Eva Mendes....all the ones who act all ethnic. They put white down
USA is such a retarded country for asking people to "put down their race" - I do not see why or how that would be of relevance and in the very few occasions that it could be interesting, people can just use their eyes.

I am not sure if it is true that mixed race people are more likely to put down "White" because the way the system is designed, putting down Hispanic or Black is incentivised as the "minority quotas" are very lucrative when you are applying for a job or an education. Furthermore, society at large, tend to categorise those of mixed race as whatever minority it is they have in them; Mariah Carey and Alicia Keys are both categorised as "Black" and JLo and Eva Mendes are cateogrised as "Hispanic". Must be a remnant of the "one drop rule" or something.

Elizabeth Warren landed a plum assignment at Harvard by lying about her background. Perhaps the biggest example of "marking the box" to one's advantage played a large, some would say the largest, role in a certain someone becoming President of the United States. That would seem to be a case of "when it gets serious."
Yeah let’s reproduce with races that have IQs lower then dirt
And multiculturalism failed even here.

You still haven't explained how the most powerful and successful nation in the history of the world "failed." We have always been a land of many peoples, cultures, languages, religions, etc. and it has only made us stronger. If you imagine some "failure," does that mean you oppose certain relationships/marriages?
And multiculturalism failed even here.
And the alternative is?
No multiculturalism. It worked for us for over 200 years. Everyone that came here became American. There were many who did not and went home.
Then how do you stop multiculturalism in America. Most of the US is already multicultural. Minorities are close to being the majority now and will be the majority within 20 years.
The same way we always did it. Everyone was forced to become American. There was no accommodation given to other cultures or ethnicities. It's not a mystery. We did it for a couple of hundred years.
I think you have things a bit mixed up. No one forced the Irish, Italians, Chinese, of other nationalities to become Americans. They became Americans because they choose to. And their culture has become part of American culture. It did not happen in a few years or a few decades. It took many generations. The same exact thing is happening today. IMHO, this is one the great things about America, we are a nation of so many cultures. It is reflected in our music, art, entertainment, the clothes we wear, and food we eat.
Yeah let’s reproduce with races that have IQs lower then dirt
If IQ is so important then why aren't you driving your argument to it's logical conclusion.

That is - Why don't you demand that everything is based on IQ ? Why not give all the top positions to those with the highest IQ? Why have elections? Why have job interviews or resumes? Why not have birth licences or sterilization based on IQ?
And multiculturalism failed even here.
And the alternative is?
No multiculturalism. It worked for us for over 200 years. Everyone that came here became American. There were many who did not and went home.
Then how do you stop multiculturalism in America. Most of the US is already multicultural. Minorities are close to being the majority now and will be the majority within 20 years.
The same way we always did it. Everyone was forced to become American. There was no accommodation given to other cultures or ethnicities. It's not a mystery. We did it for a couple of hundred years.
I think you have things a bit mixed up. No one forced the Irish, Italians, Chinese, of other nationalities to become Americans. They became Americans because they choose to. And their culture has become part of American culture. It did not happen in a few years or a few decades. It took many generations. The same exact thing is happening today. IMHO, this is one the great things about America, we are a nation of so many cultures. It is reflected in our music, art, entertainment, the clothes we wear, and food we eat.
Many of those different cultures today refuse to become part of the American culture. They want Americans to change to suit them. That's why government documents are in the plethora of polyglot. It is not enough that halal restaurants get permits to open. All restaurants must be halal. Nations are monoculture and succeed. Empires are multicultural and fail.
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race.
What bullshit. Humans evolved by being separated and adapting to their environments. Remixing everyone would be de-evolving.

What happened to “diversity”? Now the left wants to eradicate ethnic groups.

When you see an interracial couple does it frighten you?
No, why would it?
You do seem frightened. Are you afraid of being "eradicated"?

The data suggests that ALL should be frightened by whitey being “eradicated”.
Why not get out of your FEELZ and tell us how multiculturalism is good for core Americans, show us data. Spare us the good food recipes bullshit please.
Multiculturalism is neither good nor bad. It is simply a fact of life in the US and most of the world. Multiculturalism in the US began with the founding of the country and has been growing ever since. With the rapid growth of the Internet, trade, tourism, multilingualism, and global corporations the world is fast becoming one giant community. Turning the clock back is not an option.
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race.
What bullshit. Humans evolved by being separated and adapting to their environments. Remixing everyone would be de-evolving.

What happened to “diversity”? Now the left wants to eradicate ethnic groups.

When you see an interracial couple does it frighten you?
No, why would it?
You do seem frightened. Are you afraid of being "eradicated"?

The data suggests that ALL should be frightened by whitey being “eradicated”.
Why not get out of your FEELZ and tell us how multiculturalism is good for core Americans, show us data. Spare us the good food recipes bullshit please.
Multiculturalism is neither good nor bad. It is simply a fact of life in the US and most of the world. Multiculturalism in the US began with the founding of the country and has been growing ever since. With the rapid growth of the Internet, trade, tourism, multilingualism, and global corporations the world is fast becoming one giant community. Turning the clock back is not an option.
Exchange between two or more countries isn’t what we are talking about. Multiculturalism within a nation simply doesn’t work, there can be only one dominant culture in a society.
And multiculturalism failed even here.

You still haven't explained how the most powerful and successful nation in the history of the world "failed." We have always been a land of many peoples, cultures, languages, religions, etc. and it has only made us stronger. If you imagine some "failure," does that mean you oppose certain relationships/marriages?
No the most multicultural cites are all failing , the assimilated communities are keeping America strong
Yeah let’s reproduce with races that have IQs lower then dirt
If IQ is so important then why aren't you driving your argument to it's logical conclusion.

That is - Why don't you demand that everything is based on IQ ? Why not give all the top positions to those with the highest IQ? Why have elections? Why have job interviews or resumes? Why not have birth licences or sterilization based on IQ?
I say give everyone a chance to dig their own grave.. 55 blacks killed yesterday in democrat run cities? Hehe
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race.
anyone black or white that marries another race is a low down scum sucker
I’m thinking about dating Latina woman because they have traditional views in marriage.. I’m seeing while woman commit Suicide daily.
I can easily teach them to assimilate. Our kids will be taught western culture not Latin
And multiculturalism failed even here.
And the alternative is?
No multiculturalism. It worked for us for over 200 years. Everyone that came here became American. There were many who did not and went home.
Then how do you stop multiculturalism in America. Most of the US is already multicultural. Minorities are close to being the majority now and will be the majority within 20 years.
The same way we always did it. Everyone was forced to become American. There was no accommodation given to other cultures or ethnicities. It's not a mystery. We did it for a couple of hundred years.
I think you have things a bit mixed up. No one forced the Irish, Italians, Chinese, of other nationalities to become Americans. They became Americans because they choose to. And their culture has become part of American culture. It did not happen in a few years or a few decades. It took many generations. The same exact thing is happening today. IMHO, this is one the great things about America, we are a nation of so many cultures. It is reflected in our music, art, entertainment, the clothes we wear, and food we eat.
Many of those different cultures today refuse to become part of the American culture. They want Americans to change to suit them. That's why government documents are in the plethora of polyglot. It is not enough that halal restaurants get permits to open. All restaurants must be halal. Nations are monoculture and succeed. Empires are multicultural and fail.
Which why there are no empires today. We have had ethnic neighborhoods such as Chinese, Italian, Hispanic, Polish, Irish, Vietnamese, Russian, German, Arabic, ect developing and disappearing in this country for over 200 years. Their establishment is primarily due to other communities reluctant to accept their culture. As generations pass, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren move out these communities carrying with them parts of their ancestors culture to become part of American culture.

I so no reason to debate the merits and faults of multiculturalism because it is not going away and most likely within a century or so, there will be no geographic bounders for various cultures.

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