The final solution to take Trump down.

You solidified your position as a USMB Loony Bird on 9-3-2019 :D
You solidified YOUR position as one of THE biggest dumbsh*ts on this site a LONG time ago. It must be HORRIFIC to be as stupid as you, Doc. I pray to God you come to your senses some day. Thank you.

Dr Hate is Weapons Grade Stupid.

Dangerous when left unsupervised. Oxygen thieves like that are the reason I endorse liberals having abortions.

We are better off when rats eat them in dumpsters behind Planned Unparenthood clinics.

realizing that the strategy of dumbing down the population of the United States, the last obstacle blocking a world government, had failed,
Thanks to Faux and right wing media getting 1/3 of the country to be misinformed is a shining success.

The right wing is dumb? Then how did we whoop your ass in 2016, retain the Senate in 2018, and defeat your pathetic impeachment attempt in 2020? :itsok:

trump squeaked by in 2016. He got his ass kicked in the 2018 midterms and he is still Impeached.

Debunked as lie and lie. Do you have a valid point?

What has been debunked?
realizing that the strategy of dumbing down the population of the United States, the last obstacle blocking a world government, had failed,
Thanks to Faux and right wing media getting 1/3 of the country to be misinformed is a shining success.

The right wing is dumb? Then how did we whoop your ass in 2016, retain the Senate in 2018, and defeat your pathetic impeachment attempt in 2020? :itsok:

trump squeaked by in 2016. He got his ass kicked in the 2018 midterms and he is still Impeached.

Debunked as lie and lie. Do you have a valid point?

What has been debunked?

otto105 has been debunked, unmasked, exposed, lampooned, uncloaked, cut down to size. :itsok:
realizing that the strategy of dumbing down the population of the United States, the last obstacle blocking a world government, had failed,
Thanks to Faux and right wing media getting 1/3 of the country to be misinformed is a shining success.

The right wing is dumb? Then how did we whoop your ass in 2016, retain the Senate in 2018, and defeat your pathetic impeachment attempt in 2020? :itsok:

trump squeaked by in 2016. He got his ass kicked in the 2018 midterms and he is still Impeached.

Debunked as lie and lie. Do you have a valid point?

What has been debunked?

otto105 has been debunked, unmasked, exposed, lampooned, uncloaked, cut down to size. :itsok:

And that was done how?

By ever-trump parrots with very little facts?
genetically engineered superbug across the world making its way to the United States, the primary target. The US economy came to a halt along with many others.
So you're saying they released a little of it in Wuhan and around China so we would not think it was really for us, the ultimate target?

And you're saying they sent it here on airplanes in people, where it would be easily traced back to China, rather than in boxes, envelopes, parts, machines, food, toys etc etc where it could never be traced?
Remember when they took this guy off the air for discovering thousands of plastic caskets?

Now you know why.

Orange man Bad! Orange man bad! Conspiracy! conspiracy!

'Police State' criticism[edit]

An episode from season two titled "Police State" caused some controversy when it investigated allegations that various prison-like facilities built around the country that are operated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be used during martial law for the internment of citizens who are deemed a threat to national security. Officials have said the facilities are emergency FEMA camps for the housing of civilians displaced by natural disasters.[8] U.S. Representative Steve Cohen from Tennessee, a co-sponsor of a bill which aimed to create temporary FEMA camps for the housing of people affected by hurricanes or earthquakes in his district, was interviewed for the show.[9]

Shortly after the episode aired, Cohen called for the removal of this program from truTV's lineup. He called the episode an "outrageous distortion and an outright lie," as well as "dangerous and irresponsible." He said "when the media purposely distort the facts to create confusion and mislead people, they must be held accountable. Unless we actively debunk false and misleading reports, we risk leaving the public with a dangerously skewed vision of this country." Cohen said he was "shocked and appalled" that Time Warner would air a program "so full of inaccuracies and irresponsible distortions."[10]

Another allegation brought up in the episode focused on a private facility outside Covington, Georgia, that was stockpiling thousands of plastic bins alleged to be used as coffins for mass burials.

In a response to the criticism, Misty Skedgell, a Turner spokesperson, described Conspiracy Theory as an "entertainment program that appears on an entertainment network."[9]

Although most of the episodes of Conspiracy Theory have been rerun, the "Police State" episode has been shown only once, owing largely to the controversy surrounding the content of the episode.

Afraid to comment? You should be.

That video is a minimum of 9 years old. It is a joke, like this whole thread!

That video was way ahead of its time. It was so dangerous to the elites that phone calls and threats were made unless the program was cancelled. You don't put up barbed wire housing with bars on the windows for families and manufacture thousands of plastic caskets for freedom and liberty. Sounds like a neighborhood you may end up in if trump loses.
Remember when they took this guy off the air for discovering thousands of plastic caskets?

Now you know why.

Orange man Bad! Orange man bad! Conspiracy! conspiracy!

'Police State' criticism[edit]

An episode from season two titled "Police State" caused some controversy when it investigated allegations that various prison-like facilities built around the country that are operated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be used during martial law for the internment of citizens who are deemed a threat to national security. Officials have said the facilities are emergency FEMA camps for the housing of civilians displaced by natural disasters.[8] U.S. Representative Steve Cohen from Tennessee, a co-sponsor of a bill which aimed to create temporary FEMA camps for the housing of people affected by hurricanes or earthquakes in his district, was interviewed for the show.[9]

Shortly after the episode aired, Cohen called for the removal of this program from truTV's lineup. He called the episode an "outrageous distortion and an outright lie," as well as "dangerous and irresponsible." He said "when the media purposely distort the facts to create confusion and mislead people, they must be held accountable. Unless we actively debunk false and misleading reports, we risk leaving the public with a dangerously skewed vision of this country." Cohen said he was "shocked and appalled" that Time Warner would air a program "so full of inaccuracies and irresponsible distortions."[10]

Another allegation brought up in the episode focused on a private facility outside Covington, Georgia, that was stockpiling thousands of plastic bins alleged to be used as coffins for mass burials.

In a response to the criticism, Misty Skedgell, a Turner spokesperson, described Conspiracy Theory as an "entertainment program that appears on an entertainment network."[9]

Although most of the episodes of Conspiracy Theory have been rerun, the "Police State" episode has been shown only once, owing largely to the controversy surrounding the content of the episode.

Afraid to comment? You should be.

That video is a minimum of 9 years old. It is a joke, like this whole thread!

That video was way ahead of its time. It was so dangerous to the elites that phone calls and threats were made unless the program was cancelled. You don't put up barbed wire housing with bars on the windows for families and manufacture thousands of plastic caskets for freedom and liberty. Sounds like a neighborhood you may end up in if trump loses.

There will be violence when trump is defeated?
Remember when they took this guy off the air for discovering thousands of plastic caskets?

Now you know why.

Orange man Bad! Orange man bad! Conspiracy! conspiracy!

'Police State' criticism[edit]

An episode from season two titled "Police State" caused some controversy when it investigated allegations that various prison-like facilities built around the country that are operated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be used during martial law for the internment of citizens who are deemed a threat to national security. Officials have said the facilities are emergency FEMA camps for the housing of civilians displaced by natural disasters.[8] U.S. Representative Steve Cohen from Tennessee, a co-sponsor of a bill which aimed to create temporary FEMA camps for the housing of people affected by hurricanes or earthquakes in his district, was interviewed for the show.[9]

Shortly after the episode aired, Cohen called for the removal of this program from truTV's lineup. He called the episode an "outrageous distortion and an outright lie," as well as "dangerous and irresponsible." He said "when the media purposely distort the facts to create confusion and mislead people, they must be held accountable. Unless we actively debunk false and misleading reports, we risk leaving the public with a dangerously skewed vision of this country." Cohen said he was "shocked and appalled" that Time Warner would air a program "so full of inaccuracies and irresponsible distortions."[10]

Another allegation brought up in the episode focused on a private facility outside Covington, Georgia, that was stockpiling thousands of plastic bins alleged to be used as coffins for mass burials.

In a response to the criticism, Misty Skedgell, a Turner spokesperson, described Conspiracy Theory as an "entertainment program that appears on an entertainment network."[9]

Although most of the episodes of Conspiracy Theory have been rerun, the "Police State" episode has been shown only once, owing largely to the controversy surrounding the content of the episode.

Afraid to comment? You should be.

That video is a minimum of 9 years old. It is a joke, like this whole thread!

That video was way ahead of its time. It was so dangerous to the elites that phone calls and threats were made unless the program was cancelled. You don't put up barbed wire housing with bars on the windows for families and manufacture thousands of plastic caskets for freedom and liberty. Sounds like a neighborhood you may end up in if trump loses.

Just exactly where are these "neighborhoods" located except in your imagination?
As China's biowarfare attack on the world and the US continues to spread death it is important to expose bribed traitors to the United States. Ties to China in Congress should be investigated with the same zeal that was used in corrupted probes of Donald Trump.

But there are others, particularly in the NBA that actually went on record to defend China and its authoritarian policies against Hong Kong. Stuffing your pockets with enemy money and providing aid and comfort to an adversary that seeks the destruction of your homeland is treachery of the first order.

The United States should implement an immediate moratorium on the sport of basketball and use it as an example of treason for money. Propaganda puppets like Lebron James should be exposed as paid Chinese shills that betray the United States. While the death toll escalates, the sport of basketball should be outlawed in all US schools as a moral lesson to those who would betray their countrymen for rewards from an enemy.

James says Americans that don't support China are stupid, uneducated and racist.

There's nothing like taking a sport invented in the United States and using it for propaganda to take it down is there?

As China's biowarfare attack on the world and the US continues to spread death it is important to expose bribed traitors to the United States. Ties to China in Congress should be investigated with the same zeal that was used in corrupted probes of Donald Trump.

But there are others, particularly in the NBA that actually went on record to defend China and its authoritarian policies against Hong Kong. Stuffing your pockets with enemy money and providing aid and comfort to an adversary that seeks the destruction of your homeland is treachery of the first order.

The United States should implement an immediate moratorium on the sport of basketball and use it as an example of treason for money. Propaganda puppets like Lebron James should be exposed as paid Chinese shills that betray the United States. While the death toll escalates, the sport of basketball should be outlawed in all US schools as a moral lesson to those who would betray their countrymen for rewards from an enemy.

James says Americans that don't support China are stupid, uneducated and racist.

The sport of basketball? Don’t you mean the NBA Dorkwad?
Mounting evidence that the Wuhan virus was lab created is either being ignored or pushed under the rug because the Chinese have control of the lion's share of essential drugs American's take to stay alive. Thanks to the Clinton's the Bush's and the Obama's, America is severely hampered in holding China responsible for the Pandemic.

The riches attained by Congress and Wall street that betrayed our way of life to an authoritarian communist country now stand In the way of accurate reporting of the source of the human engineered pathogen.

The president cannot directly accuse the Chinese of creating the virus because to do so would risk the lives of millions dependent on the racket created by US Congress to hand over the US manufacturing Pharmaceutical infrastructure to China.

It remains to be seen if the people will wake up in the midst of the carnage many in Congress partnered with the Chinese have inflicted on America.

Again, the US is no position to tell the world the truth because the US Congress gave China control of the majority of necessary drugs and millions more would die if China disrupted the corrupt deal by withholding those drugs.

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AP-NORC poll: Few Americans trust Trump’s info on pandemic

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has made himself the daily spokesman for the nation’s coronavirus response. Yet few Americans regularly look to or trust Trump as a source of information on the pandemic, according to a new survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Just 28% of Americans say they’re regularly getting information from Trump about the coronavirus and only 23% say they have high levels of trust in what the president is telling the public. Another 21% trust him a moderate amount.
AP-NORC poll: Few Americans trust Trump’s info on pandemic

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has made himself the daily spokesman for the nation’s coronavirus response. Yet few Americans regularly look to or trust Trump as a source of information on the pandemic, according to a new survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Just 28% of Americans say they’re regularly getting information from Trump about the coronavirus and only 23% say they have high levels of trust in what the president is telling the public. Another 21% trust him a moderate amount.

Orange man bad! Orange Man bad! It's not the Chinese, it's that guy that colluded with the Russians and stole the election! I saw it on TV and read it on the internet! Anyone can see that! It's the official explanation! :desk:
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Human beings are not insects that operate collectively. If you observe a colony of ants you will notice that individuals in the colony do not function with freedom and liberty. There is an instinctive hierarchy much like human royalty or ascended elitism that enjoys the benefit of the toiling masses dictated by chemical signals. Ants do not have brains in the same sense that humans do. They do not have consciousness and self-awareness or hearts that love and minds that dream. They are simply mindless extensions acting blindly like nerve endings under the control of a giant central nervous system.

That model works well in the insect world where robotic collectivism ensures unconscious obedience centrically dispersed. Any renegade behavior by worker ants is met with authoritarian attack similar to killer cells in an immune system. This is the Chinese model patterned after communist prototypes that and went previously. This archetype is an abomination to the human spirit and a direct contradiction to the foundation of the United States.

So why would congressional leadership in America sell out the American spirit to an evil, insectoid, authoritarian enemy? The answer is as old as human existence itself-Greed. I came to these conclusions a decade ago when I read Thomas Sowell’s book, Intellectuals and Society. The span of human intelligence and the academic/political hive mind does not become more benign at upper levels. It is as susceptible to the love of money being the root of all evil as any other example of human treachery.

Our academic institutions, our national press and our political infrastructure have all been captured and corrupted by the gift-bearing emissaries of globalization headed by People like Peter Walker, former head of McKinsey & Company. That organization practically single handedly ushered in the end of American Exceptionalism by handing bribed gold to political leadership in the US for decades. It weakened America by ceding control of its manufacturing, particularly its essential drugs like antibiotics, insulin, and blood pressure medications.

Now due to Congress’s money-grabbing malfeasance, the US, in a vulnerable state, has been attacked by a man-made, engineered, lab-created pathogen to finish it off. Th US can do nothing about it because its leadership sold out the people to the Chinese for money. If economic destruction takes the US down, don’t blame the Chinese. Blame the real enemy-the domestic politicians and academics that conspired with them to take us down.

This guy got filthy rich just like Congress by betraying us to China:

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China is a threat to the entire globe. They also apparently are a Fake ID factory.

They attacked us with a bio weapon and now we caught them making fake IDs most like for illegal Immigrants.

For some it's just too horrible to contemplate. We can all blame ourselves for not paying attention when the groundwork was laid. Look at the fix we are in. We, along with the rest of the world have been attacked, not by soldiers or bombs but by evil science.

This is a "War of the World" right out of the movies only the vanquished will be the world economy and a possible worldwide depression. The enemy is patient and ruthless with a massive population that can outlast its targets.

Once the US falls, the world is theirs and they know it. Their corrupting investment in US Congress, the American banking system and Wall Street is paying off in spades. America is not the manufacturing giant it was before Peal Harbor.

All those magnificent educations from Harvard and Yale have handed you over to the enemy by giving them a super weapon-your essential life-saving drugs. The president is powerless even to characterize the attack for what it is.

The world, on the other hand, now looks to the US to be strong. This may not be possible because America's foundations have been corroded by globalist traitors. This coming presidential election is the most important in world history.

Don't let the fools in your midst that give the enemy aid and comfort prevail.

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