The Final Stages Of Democrat Grief: Denial, Bargaining....& Acceptance

As a dem, what stage of grief are you in?

  • Shock

  • Denial

  • Anger

  • Bargaining

  • Acceptance

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Inspired by the struggles of some dems to finally come to a healthy grip with reality. From here: Attempts to Roll Back Marriage Equality since the Trump Election.

Now, I didn't say that he has done anything yet, nor did I say that he was going to. I said that there are warning signs based on his past associations, his need to kiss up to his base, and his appointments. Do you think that Sessions, as AG will actively defend LGBT people who are victims of discrimination in federal court? Do you think that Trump would direct Sessions to not defend discriminatory state laws that are unconstitutional as the Obama Administration did?

What about Carson at HUD. Will he promote policies aimed at curbing discrimination against LGBT people. How about DeVos at Education.? I don't think so.

I'm going to give you a little reality check here, because it's clear you're still operating in the part of the grief cycle called "denial & bargaining". I'll try to give you a gentle little nudge into "acceptance"...

Your cult of LGBT deviant sex addictions latched itself onto the democratic party...which was the reason ultimately that you lost 2016 up and down the board. So your ideologies are no longer in power. Worse, while your ideologies were in power, they strutted around and bitch slapped the opposing ideology (conservatism)...even jailing a Christian in your EXTREME AND UNCHECKED HUBRIS...You constantly slugged people in the mouth with brass knuckles, ...gentle, reasonable people, who merely stood up in wonder against the alarming amplification of your never- ending PC rights parade. You bound and gagged any whisper of opposition to an agenda even you don't clearly understand where it's heading..

And that's not the end of it either. Your mouthpiece and media-warrior Rachael Maddow made it something of a sport to go hunting GOP governor careers "to the mattresses" when any of them dared to speak out against the LGBT cult and the extremely radical idea of changing marriage to mean children in it no longer have both a mother and father...One of her targets she shot at with her mud-slinging cannons was Governor Pence. And now he is one heartbeat away from your and her worst nightmare..

Let all that sink in for a minute. Now think of it this way. If the situation was reversed, & gays were thrown in jail and multiple Dem governorships were systematically targeted for "to the mattresses" extinction....if your party got power like the GOP did, how gently would you treat those that did this to your dem buddies? Maybe watch the Godfather if you're still unable to wrap your head around the nuts and bolts reality of what's coming..

So there. You've answered the question for yourself...or rather...I led you to answer it for yourself. Now, go back on another walk and let it all sink in. It's a bitter lesson, but one that will add to your wisdom as you age. Suppressing free speech with a blood-letting whip has consequences. Enjoy them.

It's as simple as saying "the cult of deviant sex addictions no longer is in power"...then...use that to fill in all the blanks of other bewilderments you might have in the upcoming political climate.....2018...2020... it doesn't matter. The "vogue" of drugging to later coerce deranged boys to cut their dick's off so they can shower with girls in public schools has worn off and will never return. The best dems can do at this point is hope to God that voters simply don't have very long memories that associate them with what, until recently, was only the stuff of science fiction nightmares.
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Where are the entries for wailing, screaming, rioting, destroying things, throwing firebombs, blaming Republicans, and blaming Russia?

Various Democrats are going through all those stages.
Silhouette is the very soul of this Churchill quote: "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Where are the entries for wailing, screaming, rioting, destroying things, throwing firebombs, blaming Republicans, and blaming Russia?

Various Democrats are going through all those stages.
I think "anger" and "denial" cover those actions. I'm not saying rioting is legitimate BTW.
Silhouette is the very soul of this Churchill quote: "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
What's funny is I think it was also Churchill who said that if you have a message nobody at first wants to hear, repeat saying it loudly until it gets through.
Silhouette is the very soul of this Churchill quote: "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
What's funny is I think it was also Churchill who said that if you have a message nobody at first wants to hear, repeat saying it loudly until it gets through.

It clearly isn't getting through which is why you've started yet another thread with this exact same topic. :lol:
Silhouette is the very soul of this Churchill quote: "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
What's funny is I think it was also Churchill who said that if you have a message nobody at first wants to hear, repeat saying it loudly until it gets through.

It clearly isn't getting through which is why you've started yet another thread with this exact same topic. :lol:
I'd say "election 2016" got through just fine, thank you.. Remember, elections have consequences.
Inspired by the struggles of some dems to finally come to a healthy grip with reality. From here: Attempts to Roll Back Marriage Equality since the Trump Election.

Now, I didn't say that he has done anything yet, nor did I say that he was going to. I said that there are warning signs based on his past associations, his need to kiss up to his base, and his appointments. Do you think that Sessions, as AG will actively defend LGBT people who are victims of discrimination in federal court? Do you think that Trump would direct Sessions to not defend discriminatory state laws that are unconstitutional as the Obama Administration did?

What about Carson at HUD. Will he promote policies aimed at curbing discrimination against LGBT people. How about DeVos at Education.? I don't think so.

I'm going to give you a little reality check here, because it's clear you're still operating in the part of the grief cycle called "denial & bargaining". I'll try to give you a gentle little nudge into "acceptance"...

Your cult of LGBT deviant sex addictions latched itself onto the democratic party...which was the reason ultimately that you lost 2016 up and down the board. So your ideologies are no longer in power. Worse, while your ideologies were in power, they strutted around and bitch slapped the opposing ideology (conservatism)...even jailing a Christian in your EXTREME AND UNCHECKED HUBRIS...You constantly slugged people in the mouth with brass knuckles, ...gentle, reasonable people, who merely stood up in wonder against the alarming amplification of your never- ending PC rights parade. You bound and gagged any whisper of opposition to an agenda even you don't clearly understand where it's heading..

And that's not the end of it either. Your mouthpiece and media-warrior Rachael Maddow made it something of a sport to go hunting GOP governor careers "to the mattresses" when any of them dared to speak out against the LGBT cult and the extremely radical idea of changing marriage to mean children in it no longer have both a mother and father...One of her targets she shot at with her mud-slinging cannons was Governor Pence. And now he is one heartbeat away from your and her worst nightmare..

Let all that sink in for a minute. Now think of it this way. If the situation was reversed, & gays were thrown in jail and multiple Dem governorships were systematically targeted for "to the mattresses" extinction....if your party got power like the GOP did, how gently would you treat those that did this to your dem buddies? Maybe watch the Godfather if you're still unable to wrap your head around the nuts and bolts reality of what's coming..

So there. You've answered the question for yourself...or rather...I led you to answer it for yourself. Now, go back on another walk and let it all sink in. It's a bitter lesson, but one that will add to your wisdom as you age. Suppressing free speech with a blood-letting whip has consequences. Enjoy them.

It's as simple as saying "the cult of deviant sex addictions no longer is in power"...then...use that to fill in all the blanks of other bewilderments you might have in the upcoming political climate.....2018...2020... it doesn't matter. The "vogue" of drugging to later coerce deranged boys to cut their dick's off so they can shower with girls in public schools has worn off and will never return. The best dems can do at this point is hope to God that voters simply don't have very long memories that associate them with what, until recently, was only the stuff of science fiction nightmares.

Democrats aren't going through any stages of grief. They are fixed in "anger" just like they were before the election
Silhouette is the very soul of this Churchill quote: "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
What's funny is I think it was also Churchill who said that if you have a message nobody at first wants to hear, repeat saying it loudly until it gets through.

It clearly isn't getting through which is why you've started yet another thread with this exact same topic. :lol:
I'd say "election 2016" got through just fine, thank you..

That's a rather odd thing to say coming from a person that spent months and months here hoping that Trump would lose b/c he was too pro-gay. In fact, you voted for Hillary b/c of it.
Silhouette is the very soul of this Churchill quote: "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
What's funny is I think it was also Churchill who said that if you have a message nobody at first wants to hear, repeat saying it loudly until it gets through.

It clearly isn't getting through which is why you've started yet another thread with this exact same topic. :lol:
I'd say "election 2016" got through just fine, thank you..

That's a rather odd thing to say coming from a person that spent months and months here hoping that Trump would lose b/c he was too pro-gay. In fact, you voted for Hillary b/c of it.

Is that right? Voting for Hillary because Trump is too liberal on something? That's just bizarre
Democrats aren't going through any stages of grief. They are fixed in "anger" just like they were before the election
Well if the mental status of those grieving was precarious before the "event", the anger stage usually takes much longer. Because the anger comes from deep seated issues suppressed that were never confronted in their own pasts. So they sometimes "beat up" other things externally as unrelated anger surfaces instead of confronting the source in themselves.
Democrats aren't going through any stages of grief. They are fixed in "anger" just like they were before the election
Well if the mental status of those grieving was precarious before the "event", the anger stage usually takes much longer. Because the anger comes from deep seated issues suppressed that were never confronted in their own pasts. So they sometimes "beat up" other things externally as unrelated anger surfaces instead of confronting the source in themselves.

That sounds like the Democrats. To move on from anger, they would have to grasp that they lost, they don't grasp that
Democrats aren't going through any stages of grief. They are fixed in "anger" just like they were before the election
Well if the mental status of those grieving was precarious before the "event", the anger stage usually takes much longer. Because the anger comes from deep seated issues suppressed that were never confronted in their own pasts. So they sometimes "beat up" other things externally as unrelated anger surfaces instead of confronting the source in themselves.

That sounds like the Democrats. To move on from anger, they would have to grasp that they lost, they don't grasp that

I am a democrat. I really did start this thread to help my lefty fellow party members come to grips with reality. A cult is no laughing matter. And it is once again showing the wisdom of our founding fathers in separating church and state. Just because the cult of LGBT deviant sex addictions doesn't call itself a religion in no way makes it any less of a religion. When a religion seizes control of a political party with radical ideals that the middle voters cannot even remotely warm up to, that party's doom is not very far behind..

Part of my own anger in this process is with my own party who's leaders clung tight to the cult. They literally sacrificed on the rainbow altar, the environment, healthcare, good wages, jobs, women's rights, green energy and progress on climate change and so much more....all so two dudes using each other's lower digestive tracts as artificial vaginas could legally adopt orphaned little boys..

Way to go Pelosi, Sanders, Reid, Feinstein, Schumer, dumbfucks!! There, now I feel a little bit better.
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Part of my own anger in this process is with my own party who's leaders clung tight to the cult. They literally sacrificed on the rainbow altar, the environment, healthcare, good wages, jobs, women's rights, green energy and progress on climate change and so much more....all so two dudes using each other's lower digestive tracts as artificial vaginas could legally adopt orphaned little boys..

You're right. Hillary would have won if queers couldn't get married. The environment, healthcare, good wages, jobs, women's rights, green energy and progress on climate change are all now fucked. Thanks a lot, homos! :mad:
I have to confess that I clicked the "acceptance" option even though I'm not a D-bag, but I couldn't see the score otherwise. Anyways, OP is correct 100%.
Those steps seem unnecessary, I am certain most of them can stay drunk for four to eight years as needed.
Those steps seem unnecessary, I am certain most of them can stay drunk for four to eight years as needed.
Nah...we don't need any more insanity teaching new generations to be as equally insane. The process of acceptance is much preferable, to preserve the longevity of our country.
I see someone voted "shock". I guess probably nobody will vote "denial" in the poll....come to think of it.. :eusa_think:
Silhouette is the very soul of this Churchill quote: "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

That applies to those rioting in the streets only they don't have minds to change.

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