the first act of insurrection was committed by democrats on may 30th 2020 !

I remember that day. Those poor people outside picketing in Jefferson Square park had Barr come out and send troops to shoot them with rubber bullets and tear gas. Then Trump walked out and held up a Bible upside down.

Disgusting moment in American history
I remember that day. Those poor people outside picketing in Jefferson Square park had Barr come out and send troops to shoot them with rubber bullets and tear gas. Then Trump walked out and held up a Bible upside down.

Disgusting moment in American history
im not talking about the day after ...i'm talking about the night when fires were set and vehicles were damaged when the left tried to break through the WH barriers . 60 secrete servicemen were injured !take your deflecting bull somewhere else.
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I remember that day. Those poor people outside picketing in Jefferson Square park had Barr come out and send troops to shoot them with rubber bullets and tear gas. Then Trump walked out and held up a Bible upside down.

Disgusting moment in American history

Ah shucks, he held the bible upside down while the "poor" people outside were interrupted. Nice dressing PROG

Kicker was Trump was standing next to a sign that read all welcome. To a PROG that means Trump is the exception, because he's "Hitler" and snowflake stuff like that.
democrats tried to break through barriers surrounding the WH it got so bad that the POTUS was moved to a secure location ! At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC

You cannot reason with modern democrat cultists—it is impossible. They will never admit to the hypocrisy of their religion or their actions taken in practice of it. They do not, will not acknowledge double standards, logical arguments, hard proof, facts, truth or reality in any way imaginable. Arguing your very valid points with them is a total waste of your time. Their minds and souls have been taken by sadistic, anti-truth, anti-reality ideology. Nothing you can say, no debate point you can link to or bring up—or shred of proof of their madness, for that matter—will change their course, tone or minds. Why bother to continue trying?
Is anyone who has seen any of his other bullshit at all surprised to see this new cretin openly taking the side of violent criminals, terrorists, and traitors?

May this subhuman piece of shit be known by the company that he keeps.

I remember that day. Those poor people outside picketing in Jefferson Square park had Barr come out and send troops to shoot them with rubber bullets and tear gas. Then Trump walked out and held up a Bible upside down.
I remember that day. Those poor people outside picketing in Jefferson Square park had Barr come out and send troops to shoot them with rubber bullets and tear gas. Then Trump walked out and held up a Bible upside down.

Disgusting moment in American history
It wasn't tear gas.
I remember that day. Those poor people outside picketing in Jefferson Square park had Barr come out and send troops to shoot them with rubber bullets and tear gas. Then Trump walked out and held up a Bible upside down.

Disgusting moment in American history
You are perpetuating a lie. You are a good boy. A Fascist merit badge is in it for you.
democrats tried to break through barriers surrounding the WH it got so bad that the POTUS was moved to a secure location ! At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC

From your source:

" "No individuals crossed the White House fence and no Secret Service protesters were ever in any danger," the agency said. "
the point is not whether or not they succeeded the point is they tried ! the insurrection failed . and dozens of secrete service agents were injured ...nice try ...
democrats tried to break through barriers surrounding the WH it got so bad that the POTUS was moved to a secure location ! At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC
If we had a media Trump would still be president.
What we have is the propaganda arm of the globalist-controlled deep state.
We really do. Even Big Tech seems to be a propaganda arm of the Democratic party, censoring Conservatives and even the President of the United States.

Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, and Sundar Pichai are self-appointed world leaders now, deciding what the "official truth" is.

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