The First Debate. What Would Be "The Ultimate First Question" For Joe Biden.

Joe Pesci would ask, "how many fingers am I holding up"?
The First Debate. What Would Be "The Ultimate First Question" For Joe Biden

Mr. Vice president Biden can you spin around and face the cameras please.....

"Was your father born in a very wonderful place in Germany?"

"Does the word would mean its own opposite?"

"Can you redirect a hurricane with a Sharpie?"

"Can you name the Prime Ministers of Button and Nipple?"

"How about the names of the Revolutionary War pilots? Can you name any?"

"Are Nazis 'very fine people'"?

"Can you pronounce the word states?"

SO many choices....
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The First Debate. What Would Be "The Ultimate First Question" For Joe Biden

Mr. Vice president Biden can you spin around and face the cameras please.....
Mr Biden, this is a mutliple choice question, but we will give you 10 seconds to answer it being you are 87 years old,,,OK,,,,the question is,,,"Where are you at this present time? A: Sherry's Massage Parlor B: The Newark Center For The Terminally Stupid or C: Guam
The First Debate. What Would Be "The Ultimate First Question" For Joe Biden

Mr. Vice president Biden can you spin around and face the cameras please.....

"Was your father born in a very wonderful place in Germany?"

"Does the word would mean its own opposite?"

"Can you redirect a hurricane with a Sharpie?"

"Can you name the Prime Ministers of Button and Nipple?"

"How about the names of the Revolutionary War pilots? Can you name any?"

"Are Nazis 'very fine people'"?

"Can you pronounce the word states?"

SO many choices....
Mr. Biden, who invented electricity?
Ask him if he supports American minorities or illegals. Tax increases or tax cuts. Defunding police or law and order. Riots and looting or jail time. Joe Biden wouldn't last 2 minutes if I were moderating the debate. Biden would literally shit himself.
Maria Barcharommo: Senator Biden, why have you been staring at my breasts since 9:35 eastern time?
well, then again, will there be a first debate? it's gonna be like "Rocky VS Maxine Waters".
So Biden can't answer candid questions? Hmm.
Yah, I know I have made a similar thread like this one weeks ago, but that was if you were a moderator. But lets just go with the planned moderators, you can even choose the one you want to ask the question to Biden.
There are probably about 20 great first questions we would love to be thrown at Joe Biden, given his most recent behavior as his brain farts are getting worse.
So, tell us. What is your ultimate first question you would love to see thrown at Joe Biden?
What is your name Joe?
well, then again, will there be a first debate? it's gonna be like "Rocky VS Maxine Waters".
So Biden can't answer candid questions? Hmm.
Yah, I know I have made a similar thread like this one weeks ago, but that was if you were a moderator. But lets just go with the planned moderators, you can even choose the one you want to ask the question to Biden.
There are probably about 20 great first questions we would love to be thrown at Joe Biden, given his most recent behavior as his brain farts are getting worse.
So, tell us. What is your ultimate first question you would love to see thrown at Joe Biden?
What is your name Joe?
Uh,,,umm,,,err,,,ahh,,,my name? ahh,,,,whats that?
Vice President Bidum, which one of the 57 states is the White House in?
Vice President Biden, What US State lies north of Montana?
Biden: ahh,,,hmm, errr,,,North of Montana? uggh,,,I think that would be,,,uhh,,,Maine?
Can you tell us what year it is?

How many hours are in a day?

Can you remember where you left the car keys this morning?
Can you tell us what year it is?

How many hours are in a day?

Can you remember where you left the car keys this morning?
Senator Biden. Give or take 7, how many planets do we have in our galaxy?
VP Biden, please explain the economic impact of implementing your/Bernie's socialist policies on the US economy.
What average GDP growth do you predict compared to the Trump GDP growth? What basis are you using for your prediction?
VP Biden, please explain the economic impact of implementing your/Bernie's socialist policies on the US economy.
What average GDP growth do you predict compared to the Trump GDP growth? What basis are you using for your prediction?
Biden: ahh,,,sorry, that question was a little too complex for me,,,ahh,,,,what does PDG stand for?

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