The First Female President

Obama had no scandals. We are a very polarized country where a portion of the population will disapprove of President Obama no matter what unless he comes up with a cure for cancer. Republicans have done very well at making issues seem much bigger and more conspiratorial than they are.
A few? You named 4

President Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims over 1,055 days
Lying about 4 dead Americans was a scandal. Fast and furious. Black panthers. Obama had plenty of them. He had a media that was willing to cover for him. If the media counted his lies, there would be more than Trump. I mean he lied about where he was conceived. Oh, and the media is the ones who are over hyping this virus. To make Trump look bad, they screwed the pooch on this one though. It is actually affecting people's lives in a big way. You better hope this virus is huge if not you will be exposed as the scum you are.

Black panthers. LOL.
Yes, when they stood out in front of voting precincts with baseball bats intimidating voters. The Obama administration dropped the charges. Oh and Obama promised to have the most transparent administration in history, another lie.

How transparent did you want him to be?

And you have the balls to talk about transparency?

PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Trump said he would be and that turns out to be a pants on fire lie. I know you don't like the source but they give a full explanation as to how untransparent Trump is. Can you show me the same about Obama? No? Then STFU.

Like I said, read what they had to say and despute the content. You don't get to just poo poo the information because you don't like the source because guess what dummy? No pro trump website is going to count or admit how much he lies. What a stupid fuck you must be. And you probably read it and didn't like how damning it was to Trump so you just came back with that stupid shit?

The fact is Trump said there has never been a more transparent president than me. That's a PANTS ON FIRE LIE. What made them deem it to be a pants on fire lie? Did you read what they wrote?

Whether one looks at his relations with Mueller’s team, his refusal to release his tax returns, or his unwillingness to cooperate with subpoenas from Congress.

And look what they said about Obama (President Barack Obama, for instance, made 35 promises to improve transparency, and we rated 12 of those Promise Broken.)

As we’ve reported, Mueller and his team sought for more than a year to personally talk to the president, but they were ultimately rebuffed. The special counsel eventually agreed to accept Trump’s written answers to questions, but his responses were "inadequate," Mueller said, and contained dozens of instances where Trump claimed not to recall the information sought. Mueller also noted that Trump declined to answer questions about obstruction of justice, or questions on events that occurred during the presidential transition.

In addition, Mueller documented instances of Trump trying to impede the investigation or directing his staff to do so, including firing Mueller. "The president’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful," the Mueller report notes, "but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the president declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests."

Blocking testimony before Congress
While Trump campaign officials have testified in the past to congressional investigative committees, the White House has prevented officials — and even former officials — from testifying or submitting documents to Congress since the Mueller report’s release. These include former White House counsel Don McGahn, former White House communications director Hope Hicks, and one of McGahn’s top aides, Annie Donaldson.

Trump has also sued to block subpoenas for his business records by the House Oversight and Reform Committee, and he’s sued to stop two banks he worked with — Deutsche Bank and Capital One — from cooperating with congressional subpoenas.
Obama had no scandals. We are a very polarized country where a portion of the population will disapprove of President Obama no matter what unless he comes up with a cure for cancer. Republicans have done very well at making issues seem much bigger and more conspiratorial than they are.
A few? You named 4

President Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims over 1,055 days
Lying about 4 dead Americans was a scandal. Fast and furious. Black panthers. Obama had plenty of them. He had a media that was willing to cover for him. If the media counted his lies, there would be more than Trump. I mean he lied about where he was conceived. Oh, and the media is the ones who are over hyping this virus. To make Trump look bad, they screwed the pooch on this one though. It is actually affecting people's lives in a big way. You better hope this virus is huge if not you will be exposed as the scum you are.

Black panthers. LOL.
Yes, when they stood out in front of voting precincts with baseball bats intimidating voters. The Obama administration dropped the charges. Oh and Obama promised to have the most transparent administration in history, another lie.

How transparent did you want him to be?

And you have the balls to talk about transparency?

PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Trump said he would be and that turns out to be a pants on fire lie. I know you don't like the source but they give a full explanation as to how untransparent Trump is. Can you show me the same about Obama? No? Then STFU.

And why would Mr Transparent hide his call to Ukraine in a highly classified “super secret” server reserved for information regarding covert operations and other sensitive intelligence actions.

Lying about 4 dead Americans was a scandal. Fast and furious. Black panthers. Obama had plenty of them. He had a media that was willing to cover for him. If the media counted his lies, there would be more than Trump. I mean he lied about where he was conceived. Oh, and the media is the ones who are over hyping this virus. To make Trump look bad, they screwed the pooch on this one though. It is actually affecting people's lives in a big way. You better hope this virus is huge if not you will be exposed as the scum you are.

Black panthers. LOL.
Yes, when they stood out in front of voting precincts with baseball bats intimidating voters. The Obama administration dropped the charges. Oh and Obama promised to have the most transparent administration in history, another lie.

So did Trump. He's the most secretive.
Lol, 3 years of investigations, leaks, and his lawyers office illegally raided. He is the cleanest president in our history.
Yea right. Mueller basically said if he wasn't the president he would have been charged with a crime and put in jail.

Oh, and how many of Trump's associates are in jail or were in jail before he pardoned them?

Cleanest? HA!

How soon you forget the cock sucker called the Ukrainian President and said, "do me a favor will you? Go on TV and say you are opening up an investigation on my political opponent please? Doesn't matter that you've already looked into it and found nothing. Just go on tv and say you are investigating. That's all you have to do.

Oh, and if you don't I will hold up the aid we were going to send you.
You're imagination is better than Schiff's. When you raid someone's lawyers office and find nothing. You really don't have anything. Trump asked him to look into Biden's criminal activity that made millions illegally.
Lying about 4 dead Americans was a scandal. Fast and furious. Black panthers. Obama had plenty of them. He had a media that was willing to cover for him. If the media counted his lies, there would be more than Trump. I mean he lied about where he was conceived. Oh, and the media is the ones who are over hyping this virus. To make Trump look bad, they screwed the pooch on this one though. It is actually affecting people's lives in a big way. You better hope this virus is huge if not you will be exposed as the scum you are.

Black panthers. LOL.
Yes, when they stood out in front of voting precincts with baseball bats intimidating voters. The Obama administration dropped the charges. Oh and Obama promised to have the most transparent administration in history, another lie.

How transparent did you want him to be?

And you have the balls to talk about transparency?

PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Trump said he would be and that turns out to be a pants on fire lie. I know you don't like the source but they give a full explanation as to how untransparent Trump is. Can you show me the same about Obama? No? Then STFU.

Like I said, read what they had to say and despute the content. You don't get to just poo poo the information because you don't like the source because guess what dummy? No pro trump website is going to count or admit how much he lies. What a stupid fuck you must be. And you probably read it and didn't like how damning it was to Trump so you just came back with that stupid shit?

The fact is Trump said there has never been a more transparent president than me. That's a PANTS ON FIRE LIE. What made them deem it to be a pants on fire lie? Did you read what they wrote?

Whether one looks at his relations with Mueller’s team, his refusal to release his tax returns, or his unwillingness to cooperate with subpoenas from Congress.

And look what they said about Obama (President Barack Obama, for instance, made 35 promises to improve transparency, and we rated 12 of those Promise Broken.)

As we’ve reported, Mueller and his team sought for more than a year to personally talk to the president, but they were ultimately rebuffed. The special counsel eventually agreed to accept Trump’s written answers to questions, but his responses were "inadequate," Mueller said, and contained dozens of instances where Trump claimed not to recall the information sought. Mueller also noted that Trump declined to answer questions about obstruction of justice, or questions on events that occurred during the presidential transition.

In addition, Mueller documented instances of Trump trying to impede the investigation or directing his staff to do so, including firing Mueller. "The president’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful," the Mueller report notes, "but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the president declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests."

Blocking testimony before Congress
While Trump campaign officials have testified in the past to congressional investigative committees, the White House has prevented officials — and even former officials — from testifying or submitting documents to Congress since the Mueller report’s release. These include former White House counsel Don McGahn, former White House communications director Hope Hicks, and one of McGahn’s top aides, Annie Donaldson.

Trump has also sued to block subpoenas for his business records by the House Oversight and Reform Committee, and he’s sued to stop two banks he worked with — Deutsche Bank and Capital One — from cooperating with congressional subpoenas.
Obama constantly lied. Trump is one of the only presidents to keep most of his campaign promises.
I wish a women would of won, celebrate the first 100th year since women can vote, but tramp picked Biden since he so fears him he got impeached over it. Look for Harris to be VP.

Tramp is damaged goods.

Ha ha ha ha @ PROGS.......We should have had a woman win POTUS cuz it's the right sex for 100 year anniversary. This is the way PROGS think.
Trump was one of the first to have a woman CEO. Muslims will take over if we let them. Go ahead because just about everything liberal will not exist when they do tak
Probably so, to bad it will only be because she is a woman. Not because she will be qualified. Just look at the failure Obama.

It is a time when, traditionally, a country looks to its leaders and especially its commander in chief for encouragement, empathy and leadership. More than that, we also look to our commander in chief for the truth and for solutions.

We have not gotten any of these things from Donald Trump.

In fact, what we have gotten is irresponsible sugar-coating, political blaming, grandstanding and a botched Oval Office address that was remarkable for its lack of solutions, its xenophobic undertones and its outright untruths. That the White House had to come out and clarify several of the president’s statements right after the speech was jaw-dropping.

The president’s address was so bungled that instead of calming fears and reassuring the markets, it did exactly the opposite. The next day, the market had dropped an additional 10 percent and had its worst single day since Black Monday in 1987.

Since then, finally understanding the gravity of the harm the president had done with his lack of solutions-based policies, guidance and advice, the White House has declared a national emergency and had the president hold a press conference to try to right the ship that was rapidly sinking in panic-stricken waters.

All of this underscores just how unprepared this administration is to deal with a national crisis of this magnitude and specifically just how unfit and ill-equipped Donald Trump is to serve in the capacity of commander in chief during such a global ordeal.

Shamefully, we now know, but are not surprised, that Donald Trump himself, in an unconscionable act, suppressed the need to have more testing in order to keep the numbers of the coronavirus infection low because he thought it would hurt his reelection.

Consequently, the economic repercussions have been overwhelming. The plunge in the markets has made the administration take notice. Without the ability to brag about the booming stock market, Donald Trump has almost no chance of winning reelection.

Coronavirus exposes Trump's greatest weaknesses
My gosh you were perfectly alright with Obama, that guy couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it.

This is what frustrates me about cons. They can point to a guy like Obama who was mostly honest and say what you just said, but then ignore the fact that Trump is the king of all liars. You guys are such good liars.

View attachment 313189
View attachment 313190

Notice the chuckles from the LIB audience.

Obama had no scandals. We are a very polarized country where a portion of the population will disapprove of President Obama no matter what unless he comes up with a cure for cancer. Republicans have done very well at making issues seem much bigger and more conspiratorial than they are.
My gosh you were perfectly alright with Obama, that guy couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it.

This is what frustrates me about cons. They can point to a guy like Obama who was mostly honest and say what you just said, but then ignore the fact that Trump is the king of all liars. You guys are such good liars.

View attachment 313189
View attachment 313190
Obama lied about where he was conceived. He can't tell the truth. He made numerous lies about Obama care. Lied about the deaths of 4 Americans.

That's it? Yes, we recall you guys going on and on about 4 dead soldiers. If you want to be petty you could do that to every/any president. Did you ever mention the thousands of dead soldiers that Bush killed by lying us into Iraq?

He said, "you can keep your doctor". Wow! What a liar!!!

The thing is, I could show you 10000 lies from Trump. Would you care about any of them? So compare Obama's 4 lies to Trumps 10000.
Obama said those soldiers died because of protest caused by a video. When it was a planned terrorist attack.
The entire health care debate will be on cspan.
A family will save $2500 a year.
I will listen to both sides of the debate.
Just to name a few of his lies that actually affected people' lives.

A few? You named 4

President Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims over 1,055 days

The Obama press secretaries were rabid attack dogs. No civility and most questions were soft ball in nature anyway. They were actually smug. Something that we are seeing today with this virus. Some people are starting to grumble. Just saying.
Lying about 4 dead Americans was a scandal. Fast and furious. Black panthers. Obama had plenty of them. He had a media that was willing to cover for him. If the media counted his lies, there would be more than Trump. I mean he lied about where he was conceived. Oh, and the media is the ones who are over hyping this virus. To make Trump look bad, they screwed the pooch on this one though. It is actually affecting people's lives in a big way. You better hope this virus is huge if not you will be exposed as the scum you are.

Black panthers. LOL.
Yes, when they stood out in front of voting precincts with baseball bats intimidating voters. The Obama administration dropped the charges. Oh and Obama promised to have the most transparent administration in history, another lie.

How transparent did you want him to be?

And you have the balls to talk about transparency?

PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Trump said he would be and that turns out to be a pants on fire lie. I know you don't like the source but they give a full explanation as to how untransparent Trump is. Can you show me the same about Obama? No? Then STFU.

And why would Mr Transparent hide his call to Ukraine in a highly classified “super secret” server reserved for information regarding covert operations and other sensitive intelligence actions.

He released the transcripts of the call. He gave Muller everything he asked for. Unlike Hillary destroying 30,0000 emails.
You guys need new material instead of rehashing the same old hoaxes.


Notice the chuckles from the LIB audience.

Obama had no scandals. We are a very polarized country where a portion of the population will disapprove of President Obama no matter what unless he comes up with a cure for cancer. Republicans have done very well at making issues seem much bigger and more conspiratorial than they are.
Obama said those soldiers died because of protest caused by a video. When it was a planned terrorist attack.
The entire health care debate will be on cspan.
A family will save $2500 a year.
I will listen to both sides of the debate.
Just to name a few of his lies that actually affected people' lives.

A few? You named 4

President Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims over 1,055 days

Lying about 4 dead Americans was a scandal. Fast and furious. Black panthers. Obama had plenty of them. He had a media that was willing to cover for him. If the media counted his lies, there would be more than Trump. I mean he lied about where he was conceived. Oh, and the media is the ones who are over hyping this virus. To make Trump look bad, they screwed the pooch on this one though. It is actually affecting people's lives in a big way. You better hope this virus is huge if not you will be exposed as the scum you are.

Black panthers. LOL.

Yes, when they stood out in front of voting precincts with baseball bats intimidating voters. The Obama administration dropped the charges. Oh and Obama promised to have the most transparent administration in history, another lie.

Well it won't be Tulsi

Tulsi Gabbard Drops Out Of 2020 Democratic Presidential Race, Endorses Joe Biden | HuffPost

Iagine Biden standing in front of a bunch of the world's best health experts and taking questions from a hostile radical Biden hating REP press for an hour and a half everyday like President Trump has done with the Trump hating LIB press almost everyday for the last couples of weeks. LOL LOLO! Biden wouldn't last ten minutes before his Filipino nurse helped him shuffle off the stage.
In a sick weird way I'm starting to hope Biden does become the next President
Then the REPs can say: "I told you so" to those LIB children who voted for Biden and the LIB press who made the debacle happen.
Then a LIB will never be President again for a hundred years.

The difference between Trump and Biden is Trump wants to be President so he can help the American people he clearly loves and cares for. He has a brash New Yorker style but I'll take that over Biden who is in his core a corrupt lying plagiarizing politician at it's worst.
Biden wants to be President because he wants to be the President because he wants to be the President.
Before the election happens Biden will end up taking a swing at someone who asks him an embarrassing question.
He almost did it to the union member at a 'rally' last week. Biden basically told his female staffer to shut up when she tried to remove Biden from the crowd.
Biden has a hair-trigger temper. Imagine him sitting in the Oval office with his finger on the nuclear trigger when he gets into a screaming match with a nuclear armed country like India?
Lying about 4 dead Americans was a scandal. Fast and furious. Black panthers. Obama had plenty of them. He had a media that was willing to cover for him. If the media counted his lies, there would be more than Trump. I mean he lied about where he was conceived. Oh, and the media is the ones who are over hyping this virus. To make Trump look bad, they screwed the pooch on this one though. It is actually affecting people's lives in a big way. You better hope this virus is huge if not you will be exposed as the scum you are.

Black panthers. LOL.
Yes, when they stood out in front of voting precincts with baseball bats intimidating voters. The Obama administration dropped the charges. Oh and Obama promised to have the most transparent administration in history, another lie.

How transparent did you want him to be?

And you have the balls to talk about transparency?

PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Trump said he would be and that turns out to be a pants on fire lie. I know you don't like the source but they give a full explanation as to how untransparent Trump is. Can you show me the same about Obama? No? Then STFU.

And why would Mr Transparent hide his call to Ukraine in a highly classified “super secret” server reserved for information regarding covert operations and other sensitive intelligence actions.

Did President Trump hide his "super secret server" in his bathroom closet? Just asking.
Relax asshole. You only have to put up with President Trump for about four and a half more years.
Then you can attack 'President Ivanka' for eight years.
You'll have 6 inch long hair growing on the palms of your hands by then. LOL!
Black panthers. LOL.
Yes, when they stood out in front of voting precincts with baseball bats intimidating voters. The Obama administration dropped the charges. Oh and Obama promised to have the most transparent administration in history, another lie.

How transparent did you want him to be?

And you have the balls to talk about transparency?

PolitiFact - Is Donald Trump the most transparent president ever? No

Trump said he would be and that turns out to be a pants on fire lie. I know you don't like the source but they give a full explanation as to how untransparent Trump is. Can you show me the same about Obama? No? Then STFU.

And why would Mr Transparent hide his call to Ukraine in a highly classified “super secret” server reserved for information regarding covert operations and other sensitive intelligence actions.

Did President Trump hide his "super secret server" in his bathroom closet? Just asking.
Relax asshole. You only have to put up with President Trump for about four and a half more years.
Then you can attack 'President Ivanka' for eight years.
You'll have 6 inch long hair growing on the palms of your hands by then. LOL!
Obama had no scandals. We are a very polarized country where a portion of the population will disapprove of President Obama no matter what unless he comes up with a cure for cancer. Republicans have done very well at making issues seem much bigger and more conspiratorial than they are.
A few? You named 4

President Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims over 1,055 days
Lying about 4 dead Americans was a scandal. Fast and furious. Black panthers. Obama had plenty of them. He had a media that was willing to cover for him. If the media counted his lies, there would be more than Trump. I mean he lied about where he was conceived. Oh, and the media is the ones who are over hyping this virus. To make Trump look bad, they screwed the pooch on this one though. It is actually affecting people's lives in a big way. You better hope this virus is huge if not you will be exposed as the scum you are.

Black panthers. LOL.
Yes, when they stood out in front of voting precincts with baseball bats intimidating voters. The Obama administration dropped the charges. Oh and Obama promised to have the most transparent administration in history, another lie.

Well it won't be Tulsi

Tulsi Gabbard Drops Out Of 2020 Democratic Presidential Race, Endorses Joe Biden | HuffPost
Iagine Biden standing in front of a bunch of the world's best health experts and taking questions from a hostile radical Biden hating REP press for an hour and a half everyday like President Trump has done with the Trump hating LIB press almost everyday for the last couples of weeks. LOL LOLO! Biden wouldn't last ten minutes before his Filipino nurse helped him shuffle off the stage.
In a sick weird way I'm starting to hope Biden does become the next President
Then the REPs can say: "I told you so" to those LIB children who voted for Biden and the LIB press who made the debacle happen.
Then a LIB will never be President again for a hundred years.

The difference between Trump and Biden is Trump wants to be President so he can help the American people he clearly loves and cares for. He has a brash New Yorker style but I'll take that over Biden who is in his core a corrupt lying plagiarizing politician at it's worst.
Biden wants to be President because he wants to be the President because he wants to be the President.
Before the election happens Biden will end up taking a swing at someone who asks him an embarrassing question.
He almost did it to the union member at a 'rally' last week. Biden basically told his female staffer to shut up when she tried to remove Biden from the crowd.
Biden has a hair-trigger temper. Imagine him sitting in the Oval office with his finger on the nuclear trigger when he gets into a screaming match with a nuclear armed country like India?
You have the tds only opposite. Trump is evil like putin. Puti cares about his people too
Mostly old white men have been running things forever, maybe giving a woman a try would be a good idea, a test as vice president for a start. don't lock your mind against new ways of doing things.
Mostly old white men have been running things forever, maybe giving a woman a try would be a good idea, a test as vice president for a start. don't lock your mind against new ways of doing things.
Next time there is a global pandemic Stacey Abrams ( after Biden is wheel chaired into the Sun Room) can be forklifted unto the stage everyday and tell us what she is doing to save the people in the US from dying.
"Just eat lots of Twinkies and drink lots of Red Bull. Works for me".

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