"The First Hundred Days"...What It Means, and Why


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
April 29th is the end of President Trump's "First Hundred Days" in office, and we have seen the phrase pointed to as having great political significance.

.... the phrase, and its origin

1. This from wikipedia.

"The first hundred days of a first-term presidency of a President of the United States are sometimes used to measure the successes and accomplishments of a president during the time that the president's power and influence are at their greatest.[1] The term was coined in a July 24, 1933, radio address by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, although he was referring to the 100-day session of the 73rd United States Congress between March 9 and June 17, rather than the first 100 days of his administration."
First hundred days - Wikipedia

2. Wikipedia is 'the people's encyclopedia,' authored and altered by anyone, so, errors do turn up. And, it this case, the above is an error.

What is significant about the error is that the Leftist slant of Wikipedia is on display: the meaning of 'the first hundred days' is dated to the Left's demigod, Franklin Roosevelt, and the history-challenged, the government school grads, accept same.
For the Left and their acolytes, the world begins with Constitution-hating Franklin Roosevelt, and not a day earlier.....it's the modern day equivalent of the French Revolution's starting their calendar at 27th July 1794, calling it the 9th Thermidor.

3. Actually, the resounding '100 day' phrase goes back to Napoleon, the emperor, not the dessert....

"...the phrase is also rich with historical resonances, .... Napoleon Bonaparte was dethroned in 1814 and sent into exile on the island of Elba. But the wily Bonaparte escaped and returned to France in March of the following year. And over the next 100 days, he made it to Paris, rallied his old army and united much of the country behind him." The 'First 100 Days' Presidential Benchmark Goes Back To FDR And Napoleon

4. "Napoleon escaped from Elba, in the brig Inconstant on 26 February 1815 with 700 men over him.[176] Two days later, he landed on the French mainland at Golfe-Juan and started heading north.... Napoleon arrived in Paris on 20 March and governed for a period now called the Hundred Days. By the start of June the armed forces available to him had reached 200,000, " Napoleon - Wikipedia

5. And so, the phrase refers to Napoleon, who grew in strength during his "Hundred Days."

Now.....who else would be so described?

"Poll: Trump Would BEAT Hillary In Popular Vote If They Re-Did The Election Today"
Poll: Trump Would BEAT Hillary In Popular Vote If They Re-Did The Election Today
After Obama's first 100 days, the MSM showered him with love and admiration.

After Trump's first 100 days, the MSM showered him with contempt and disapproval.

I see a pattern here...but apparently many Americans do not.
After Obama's first 100 days, the MSM showered him with love and admiration.

After Trump's first 100 days, the MSM showered him with contempt and disapproval.

I see a pattern here...but apparently many Americans do not.

$400k passed on to Obama for an hour of his jabbering is the Liberal version of this:

"What is 'Money Laundering'
Money laundering is the process of creating the appearance that large amounts of money obtained from serious crimes, such as drug trafficking or terrorist activity, originated from a legitimate source."
Money Laundering Money Laundering
6. "President Trump's first 100 days in office are almost over. He says he's done more than any president to date. .... PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: No administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days." The 'First 100 Days' Presidential Benchmark Goes Back To FDR And Napoleon

Like Napoleon, Trump has grown stronger as the days moved on....
After further consideration, fewer Clinton voters would have voted for her.

7. "Poll: Trump Would BEAT Hillary In Popular Vote If They Re-Did The Election Today"
.... Hillary Clinton continues to cling to after her stunning upset at the hands of Donald Trump in November is the fact that she won the popular vote, by about 2 percent (48 - 46), which though ultimately meaningless in the electoral college system, Democrats have attempted to hold up as "proof" that Trump is "not their president."

But buried within a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll is the delicious little nugget that if a rematch were to be held today, Clinton would apparently be stripped of even that moral victory.

... asked how they would vote if given a second chance, respondents ended up giving Trump the popular vote win in the hypothetical rematch, 43 - 40. "
Poll: Trump Would BEAT Hillary In Popular Vote If They Re-Did The Election Today

"As Trump correctly pointed out, 53% of the survey's respondents described him as a "strong leader" and he continues to maintain nearly unwavering support among his base.
The Post notes that only 2 percent of his supporters say he had disappointed them, while a majority say he had performed better than they expected." Ibid.

That the RWnuts are scoffing at the 100 days benchmark is all the proof you need that Trump's first 100 days have been a disaster.

If Trump's 1st 100 days had been any semblance of a great success, you couldn't get the RW'ers to shut up about it.
Now...about "The First Hundred Days" and the fraud, Franklin Roosevelt.....

8. In attributing the phrase 'First Hundred Days' to Franklin Roosevelt, Wikipedia tells the sort of lie that Democrats are brought up on... "During the first hundred days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency, President Franklin D. Roosevelt planned to put an end to the Great Depression...." First 100 days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency - Wikipedia

No, he didn't.

Roosevelt nudged a recession into the decade-long Great Depression, five times the length of any of the 30 or so recessions we've had. Did they mention that fact in government school?

a. While "The Depression" is probably the only economic downturn ever studied in government schools, few ever speak of any depressions or recessions prior to the "Great Depression."
Know how many there were?
Over thirty. And the average length was a couple of years.
List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. "The Great Depression (1929-39) was the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world. In the United States, ..."The Great Depression - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

OK....so maybe Franklin Roosevelt was actually trying to end the depression.....never mind that he made it last longer, by a multiple of five, from most previous depressions/recessions.....
Was he simply as incompetent as Obama??????

FDR knew exactly what he was doing and why.
"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." Rahm Emanuel
9. Franklin Roosevelt did the following astounding thing during his first 100 days: went back on every campaign promise he had made.

During the campaign, FDR had named the single most prominent gaffe causing the recession on Hoover's not balancing the budget.

a. The basis of FDR's 1932 campaign to win the presidency from Herbert Hoover was his emphatic promise to the suffering American people, that he would balance the budget. American Founders | The Heritage Foundation

b. Roosevelt went further! The cause: "It arises from one cause only and that is the unbalanced budget at he continued failure of this administration to take effective steps to balance it!

If that budget had been fully and honestly balanced in 1930, some of the 1931 troubles would have been avoided. Even if it had been balanced in 1931, much of the extreme dip in 1932 would have been obviated. Every financial man in the country knows why this is true." Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

10.. ....instead FDR put together the huge spending and administrative expansion of his first hundred day..... Roosevelt expanded the federal government and ran up deficits much greater than those of Hoover.

Wikipedia tells the sort of lie that Democrats are brought up on... "During the first hundred days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency, President Franklin D. Roosevelt planned to put an end to the Great Depression...."
First 100 days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency - Wikipedia

An astoundingly transparent fabrication.

They don't teach that in government school, do they.
April 29th is the end of President Trump's "First Hundred Days" in office, and we have seen the phrase pointed to as having great political significance.

.... the phrase, and its origin

1. This from wikipedia.

"The first hundred days of a first-term presidency of a President of the United States are sometimes used to measure the successes and accomplishments of a president during the time that the president's power and influence are at their greatest.[1] The term was coined in a July 24, 1933, radio address by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, although he was referring to the 100-day session of the 73rd United States Congress between March 9 and June 17, rather than the first 100 days of his administration."
First hundred days - Wikipedia

2. Wikipedia is 'the people's encyclopedia,' authored and altered by anyone, so, errors do turn up. And, it this case, the above is an error.

What is significant about the error is that the Leftist slant of Wikipedia is on display: the meaning of 'the first hundred days' is dated to the Left's demigod, Franklin Roosevelt, and the history-challenged, the government school grads, accept same.
For the Left and their acolytes, the world begins with Constitution-hating Franklin Roosevelt, and not a day earlier.....it's the modern day equivalent of the French Revolution's starting their calendar at 27th July 1794, calling it the 9th Thermidor.

3. Actually, the resounding '100 day' phrase goes back to Napoleon, the emperor, not the dessert....

"...the phrase is also rich with historical resonances, .... Napoleon Bonaparte was dethroned in 1814 and sent into exile on the island of Elba. But the wily Bonaparte escaped and returned to France in March of the following year. And over the next 100 days, he made it to Paris, rallied his old army and united much of the country behind him." The 'First 100 Days' Presidential Benchmark Goes Back To FDR And Napoleon

4. "Napoleon escaped from Elba, in the brig Inconstant on 26 February 1815 with 700 men over him.[176] Two days later, he landed on the French mainland at Golfe-Juan and started heading north.... Napoleon arrived in Paris on 20 March and governed for a period now called the Hundred Days. By the start of June the armed forces available to him had reached 200,000, " Napoleon - Wikipedia

5. And so, the phrase refers to Napoleon, who grew in strength during his "Hundred Days."

Now.....who else would be so described?

"Poll: Trump Would BEAT Hillary In Popular Vote If They Re-Did The Election Today"
Poll: Trump Would BEAT Hillary In Popular Vote If They Re-Did The Election Today

Napoleon, and his little-man complex, just wanted to be 60 days better than God.
After Obama's first 100 days, the MSM showered him with love and admiration.

After Trump's first 100 days, the MSM showered him with contempt and disapproval.

I see a pattern here...but apparently many Americans do not.

After the constant and vicious attacks during the campaign it is no wonder that the MSM seems to take great delight in his every flip flop, incompetent misstep, and generally every fuck up that occurs under the so called president.
After Obama's first 100 days, the MSM showered him with love and admiration.

After Trump's first 100 days, the MSM showered him with contempt and disapproval.

I see a pattern here...but apparently many Americans do not.

Not really a pattern dude, they are two different situations.

100 days in, Trump's admin is embroiled in scandal because of Flynn. To the best of my knowledge, there were no investigations into Obama's admin in the first 100 days.

Oh yeah..................there was also no threat of a government shutdown during Obama's first 100 days. In Trump's, there is.
the first 2900 days of Obama,,,hmm,,,,lets see,,,,0.0 Growth,,,45 Million Jobs lost,,,and he played lots and lots of golf.:iagree:

President Barack Obama made it four months into his presidency before his first golf outing as commander in chief. George W. Bush made it even longer, first hitting the links as president about 5 ½ months into his first term.

Donald Trump made it two weeks before heading to the golf course.

Trump beats Obama and Bush in race to the golf course
the first 2900 days of Obama,,,hmm,,,,lets see,,,,0.0 Growth,,,45 Million Jobs lost,,,and he played lots and lots of golf.:iagree:

Trump has ALREADY surpassed Obama in golf trips, and he's not even completely through his first 100 days. Yet another Trump promise broken, because he said he'd be too busy as president to be golfing.

And, his monthly job growth numbers are lower than what Obama's were.
After Obama's first 100 days, the MSM showered him with love and admiration.

After Trump's first 100 days, the MSM showered him with contempt and disapproval.

I see a pattern here...but apparently many Americans do not.

After the constant and vicious attacks during the campaign it is no wonder that the MSM seems to take great delight in his every flip flop, incompetent misstep, and generally every fuck up that occurs under the so called president.

Trump is so very much more attuned to America's needs than Obama ever was.

Don't you agree?
Holy shit. Did righties lose their meme Oreos when Jan 2017 hit!?

Trump himslef bragged about what he would do in the first 100 days!!!!!!
After Obama's first 100 days, the MSM showered him with love and admiration.

After Trump's first 100 days, the MSM showered him with contempt and disapproval.

I see a pattern here...but apparently many Americans do not.

After the constant and vicious attacks during the campaign it is no wonder that the MSM seems to take great delight in his every flip flop, incompetent misstep, and generally every fuck up that occurs under the so called president.

Trump is so very much more attuned to America's needs than Obama ever was.

Don't you agree?

How do you figure ? Obama had better numbers than Trump .

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