the first Jesuit to the papacy

Conservatives are such dreamers and schemers. face reality:
Francis is A Jesuit - One of 'God's Marines' - who rode a bus to work last month and cooked his own meals. A man who knows the job of the church means not only comforting the afflicted but often requires afflicting the comfortable. He watched his country endure austerity mandated by the IMF and will call conservatives to task whenever they try to legislate such mass suffering with a new vigor - missing from many recent popes:

“The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers.”
Pope Francis I
Fuck em all...

That's a bold thing to say. The hopes of over a billion are on the line here and I hope this new Pope can live up to his role.

as head of a pedophile ring ?

Yup the entire catholic church is just a NAMBLA conspiracy :cuckoo:

What's your ACTUAL problem with the church? There are lots of evil people in the world, of course some of them will end up being Catholic. What's your reason for condemning the new Pope and all those who will follow him?
There's far more child molestation going on in the public school system than ever went on in the Catholic Church.
Attended a Jesuit high school, a very no nonsense academic environment. One result of which was college was pretty much a walk in the academic park due to those four years. Like them or not, the Jebbies know how to educate young folks. What that's got to do with the Poping business I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Jesuits are known to be very well educated and rather liberal when it comes to church orthodoxy. The fact that the Pope took the name of the traditional head of the Franciscan order is interesting. All in all I think it was an excellent choice.
Anyone who thinks that Pope Francis is going to be more liberal will be disappointed to the point of feeling betrayed.
Fuck em all...

That's a bold thing to say. The hopes of over a billion are on the line here and I hope this new Pope can live up to his role.

Im sure he will.:eusa_whistle:

There's far more child molestation going on in the public school system than ever went on in the Catholic Church.

And there is far, far more pedophilia going on in Islamic countries where it is considered a right of the privileged.

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