The (First) Lewinsky Fallout


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
With Monica back in the news, one recalls President Clinton's most quoted line:

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman - Miss Lewinsky."

You may recall that WJC was a man who often tortured, distorted, and strained the truth, but he never actually lied. And when he told America that he didn’t have sex with Monica HE WAS SPEAKING THE TRUTH. At that time, being the recipient of a BJ was not considered “having sex,” any more than jerking off was "having sex." “Having sex” was an expression that only applied to arguably-reproductive acts.

But two forces joined to change the colloquial meaning of “having sex.” Clinton’s critics, who sought to highlight any example of him lying, insisted that the quoted public statement was a blatant lie, thus implicitly taking the position that receiving a BJ was “having sex.”

At the same time, the Gay Mafia saw an opportunity to “normalize” their exclusively sodomistic activities, by being able to give them the same general characterization as heterosexual, reproductive acts, in the expression “having sex.” From that moment on, Gays started using the expression exclusively to describe their activities, and now never mention, especially to "outsiders" what conduct, exactly, is being referred to.

And now the commonly understood meaning of "having sex" encompasses just about anything having to do with any arguably sexual organ except evacuating waste.

Another unspoken effect of the Clinton-Lewinsky episode was an explosion of oral sex incidence among teen and even pre-teen schoolmates.

Not that that's a bad thing.

But don't forget, Bill Clinton changed the American colloquial understanding of the expression, "having sex," for all time. Pity.
He actually used the term "sexual relations" which implies not just penile/vaginal sex.

In any point, he lied pure and simple.
With Monica back in the news, one recalls President Clinton's most quoted line:

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman - Miss Lewinsky."

You may recall that WJC was a man who often tortured, distorted, and strained the truth, but he never actually lied. And when he told America that he didn’t have sex with Monica HE WAS SPEAKING THE TRUTH. At that time, being the recipient of a BJ was not considered “having sex,” any more than jerking off was "having sex." “Having sex” was an expression that only applied to arguably-reproductive acts.

But two forces joined to change the colloquial meaning of “having sex.” Clinton’s critics, who sought to highlight any example of him lying, insisted that the quoted public statement was a blatant lie, thus implicitly taking the position that receiving a BJ was “having sex.”

At the same time, the Gay Mafia saw an opportunity to “normalize” their exclusively sodomistic activities, by being able to give them the same general characterization as heterosexual, reproductive acts, in the expression “having sex.” From that moment on, Gays started using the expression exclusively to describe their activities, and now never mention, especially to "outsiders" what conduct, exactly, is being referred to.

And now the commonly understood meaning of "having sex" encompasses just about anything having to do with any arguably sexual organ except evacuating waste.

Another unspoken effect of the Clinton-Lewinsky episode was an explosion of oral sex incidence among teen and even pre-teen schoolmates.

Not that that's a bad thing.

But don't forget, Bill Clinton changed the American colloquial understanding of the expression, "having sex," for all time. Pity.

At that time, being the recipient of a BJ was not considered “having sex,” any more than jerking off was "having sex

By whose definition ?? I'll guarantee you that he had sex with that woman according to a hell of a lot of Americans.
Clinton was much like Obama -- when his lips were moving he was likely lying. At the very least, he was a master and distorting the truth.

One only needs to watch that old expose' of the Clintons called "The Clinton Chronicles" to see the depth of depravity that both Bill and Hillary have sunk to in order to gain power.

I'd be willing to bet that Clinton most certainly DID have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. But I suppose we'll never know everything that occurred under Clinton's cover of darkness.
You may recall that WJC was a man who often tortured, distorted, and strained the truth, but he never actually lied. And when he told America that he didn’t have sex with Monica HE WAS SPEAKING THE TRUTH. At that time, being the recipient of a BJ was not considered “having sex,” any more than jerking off was "having sex." “Having sex” was an expression that only applied to arguably-reproductive acts.

Who's opinion is that?

A "blowjob" is sexual contact with another person. It is a sexual act. In the legal context it involves penetration. It is indeed sexual relations. Anyone who doubts that can settle the issue by having oral sex with a minor and confessing to it.

A blowjob is sexual relations and Bill Clinton is an instinctual, inveterate, degenerate, pathological liar -- as in "Ah didn't inhayle" His survival in Office is evidence of the sheer stupidity of a significant percentage of the American People.
Many years ago I saw an interview with James "Snakehead" Carville, in which he related the WH discussions of how Clinton should address the issue, since it had become public and unavoidable. When WJC told his advisors that he was going to take the position that he did not "have sex" with Lewinsky on the basis that BJ did not equal sex, the response was basically, while that is technically true (my point), it would be perceived as a "lie." Which is exactly what happened.

But receiving a BJ is not "having sex," nor is giving any sort of head job. But now we pretend that it is.
How so what?

In what context is my use of a Gay actor in Character as Gandalf Hilarious? In the context of this post, or in the context of the original commenters opinion of my supposed beliefs as indicated in other threads?

Oh, ok.
Then in the context of your apparent distaste for gay sex.
Very funny that this is your avatar!
Hope that helps.

Gay sex did not come up anywhere in this thread. Are you not paying attention, or can you not read?
in what context is my use of a gay actor in character as gandalf hilarious? In the context of this post, or in the context of the original commenters opinion of my supposed beliefs as indicated in other threads?

oh, ok.
Then in the context of your apparent distaste for gay sex.
Very funny that this is your avatar!
Hope that helps.

gay sex did not come up anywhere in this thread. Are you not paying attention, or can you not read?

There will be no fall out of any insignificance, and by July this will all be forgotten.

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