The First Official Protest Against Slavery in America

Dont white wash history.

You dont [sic] think the slaves were the first to protest?

First official document written and presented in protest.
Says who?


"In 1672, there were reports of fugitive slaves forming groups to harass plantation owners. The first recorded all-black slave revolt occurred in Virginia in 1687"

I showed you a document. Show me the document to which you are referring.
Your title says nothing about a document. You just used that document to pretend it was the first protest against slavery even though Black people had already revolted long before the document was written.

Stop trying so hard to be a douche bag. Everyone on this site already knows you are one. I've been trying to start threads in honor of Black History Month, and you are going out of your way to be a fucking asshole anyway. Where are the non-bitching, non-divisive, non-troll threads honoring black history from you? Gotta let a white guy do it for you? Or are you ready to admit that you don't give half a shit about black history; you just want to bitch and moan and be a fucking troll. That's all you've ever done here.
Slavery has been a disease of all cultures in the past. Protest was not much of an option for those subjugated and not much thought about by those subjugating them.
It was European humanism that began the serious rejection of this practice, with concepts deriving from Christianity playing a large part. The history of people is shared. One group's is all groups', successes and failures.
The history of slavery in the U.S. is of some of the "white" people enslaving and other "white" people liberating.
Dont white wash history.

You dont [sic] think the slaves were the first to protest?

First official document written and presented in protest.
Says who?


"In 1672, there were reports of fugitive slaves forming groups to harass plantation owners. The first recorded all-black slave revolt occurred in Virginia in 1687"

I showed you a document. Show me the document to which you are referring.
Your title says nothing about a document. You just used that document to pretend it was the first protest against slavery even though Black people had already revolted long before the document was written.

Stop trying so hard to be a douche bag. Everyone on this site already knows you are one. I've been trying to start threads in honor of Black History Month, and you are going out of your way to be a fucking asshole anyway. Where are the non-bitching, non-divisive, non-troll threads honoring black history from you? Gotta let a white guy do it for you? Or are you ready to admit that you don't give half a shit about black history; you just want to bitch and moan and be a fucking troll. That's all you've ever done here.
Thank you for starting threads in honor of Black History Month but if youre going to do that then be responsible and dont white wash your threads. Stop whining because I corrected your flaw and get your shit together.
Slavery has been a disease of all cultures in the past. Protest was not much of an option for those subjugated and not much thought about by those subjugating them.
It was European humanism that began the serious rejection of this practice, with concepts deriving from Christianity playing a large part. The history of people is shared. One group's is all groups', successes and failures.
The history of slavery in the U.S. is of some of the "white" people enslaving and other "white" people liberating.
" It was European humanism that began the serious rejection of this practice, with concepts deriving from Christianity playing a large part. "

I gotta disagree. The first nation on this planet to outlaw slavery permanently was a Black nation. That nations leaders specifically rejected the christian faith. While slavery has always existed, europeans are the ones that came up with the idea of chattel slavery which is what people think of when slavery is mentioned.
Dont white wash history.

You dont think the slaves were the first to protest?
Very good point.

But, the people being enslaved were not considered human by their enslavers, so their protests were akin to a cow protesting being kept in a pen.
Doesnt really matter what the enslavers thought. Doesnt change the fact that the enslaved were the first to protest.
No disagreement at all.

I was putting down the enslavers.
I've been trying to start threads in honor of Black History Month,

OK. And what black person have you honoured ? You're post is honoring white people (Quakers) who sent in document to say it was wrong

And that was really going to have them shaking in there boots ?

This white man (John Brown)


He was hanged for treason, murder and insurrection after his failed attempt to take over the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry to gain arms for a slave uprising. He studied military history, particularly guerrilla warfare and the slave uprising of Toussaint L’Ouverture in Haiti.

His idea was to create a new state in the mountains of Virginia where black slaves could flee and defend their freedom.

In those mountains was Harpers Ferry. There the government kept 100,000 guns, more than enough for an army. Brown led a band of 22 armed men, both blacks and whites, and took it – but then lost it two days later to the Marines under Robert E. Lee. Brown was badly wounded in the fighting but not killed.

That's the type of sh*t I'm talking about.

and you a who re going out of your way to be a fucking asshole anyway

You are going to have to show some humilty and stop being so emotional and be ready to get the brunt of the criticism and in-your-face retaliation. Yes, it’s part of the price of the ticket back to justice.

You want show black history ? OK. You have to read history and listen to the angry voices and radical voices and there is internal struggle of lifetime proportion. Be prepared to be criticized and rejected.

Remember John Brown went to the gallows. The black men who died with him were grassroots folks.

The Quakers are a bit odd

Why were they odd ?

Was a document presented in Philadelphia in 1688 by the Quakers, who found the practice of slavery to be in opposition to The Golden Rule.

So you talk about black history and what do you do ? Focus on white saviours (Quakers). OK. Got ya.

Just another Mississpi Burning - Right ?


We gotta have some good ol white folks saving the day. Right ?
I've been trying to start threads in honor of Black History Month,

OK. And what black person have you honoured ? You're post is honoring white people (Quakers) who sent in document to say it was wrong

And that was really going to have them shaking in there boots ?

This white man (John Brown)


He was hanged for treason, murder and insurrection after his failed attempt to take over the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry to gain arms for a slave uprising. He studied military history, particularly guerrilla warfare and the slave uprising of Toussaint L’Ouverture in Haiti.

His idea was to create a new state in the mountains of Virginia where black slaves could flee and defend their freedom.

In those mountains was Harpers Ferry. There the government kept 100,000 guns, more than enough for an army. Brown led a band of 22 armed men, both blacks and whites, and took it – but then lost it two days later to the Marines under Robert E. Lee. Brown was badly wounded in the fighting but not killed.

That's the type of sh*t I'm talking about.

and you a who re going out of your way to be a fucking asshole anyway

You are going to have to show some humilty and stop being so emotional and be ready to get the brunt of the criticism and in-your-face retaliation. Yes, it’s part of the price of the ticket back to justice.

You want show black history ? OK. You have to read history and listen to the angry voices and radical voices and there is internal struggle of lifetime proportion. Be prepared to be criticized and rejected.

Remember John Brown went to the gallows. The black men who died with him were grassroots folks.

The Quakers are a bit odd

Why were they odd ?

Was a document presented in Philadelphia in 1688 by the Quakers, who found the practice of slavery to be in opposition to The Golden Rule.

So you talk about black history and what do you do ? Focus on white saviours (Quakers). OK. Got ya.

Just another Mississpi Burning - Right ?


We gotta have some good ol white folks saving the day. Right ?

Get it yet Unkotare ? The only kind of black history USMB niggas want to hear about is soaked in blood so GTFO with your historical documents.

OK. And what black person have you honoured [sic]?...

This particular thread was intended to highlight the fact that people of good conscience have always recognized the inherent injustice in the practice of slavery, and how the very notion was at odds with the principles upon which this great nation would be built; principles toward which we still strive to fully realize.

OK. And what black person have you honoured [sic]?...

This particular thread was intended to highlight the fact that people of good conscience have always recognized the inherent injustice in the practice of slavery, and how the very notion was at odds with the principles upon which this great nation would be built; principles toward which we still strive to fully realize.
So "black history" can only be about "blacks"? How can that be when they, as all of us, exist on earth and in a context of other peoples, "races", groups.
Honesty demands the recognition that slavery was not begun by just one group. In the U.S., it was ended by the group identified as "white". That is history. It does not exonerate the evils of the practice. No group is innocent.
Why do we discuss slavery in a past tense when it is still alive and thriving today around the world affecting millions of humans from Asia to the U.S.?

It is wonderful that Quakers back then had the strength to write a protest but they lacked the ability to stop the practice that kept on going until today...
So "black history" can only be about "blacks"?

Never said that. I'm saying white people can't play a central role in that. And that's very common 99.99% white people do that Unkotare done. They always try to make white people central

How can that be when they, as all of us, exist on earth and in a context of other peoples, "races", groups.

And when in history did white people consider all of us, exist on in a context of peoples ?

Honesty demands the recognition that slavery was not begun by just one group. In the U.S., it was ended by the group identified as "white". That is history

Why thank you for only keeping my people enslaved for only 400 years. Sometimes I wonder do some if white people have any humanity.

Whites did not end slavery. They just figured out how to do it in a different context. The Emancipation Proclamation didn’t end slavery, the 13th Amendment did that.

The Emancipation Proclamation was a war tactic, enacted only in states in open rebellion, in response to the incredible numbers of enslaved persons fleeing plantations and taking up the Union cause.

Until the Proclamation, Blacks were legally considered contraband and were returned to Confederacy in prisoner exchanges. Also, many of these black men and women were serving the Union as spies, cooks, fort builders, and yes, soldiers.

In one swoop, Lincoln ended contraband exchanges and paved the way for Black soldiers to legally join the Army. And none too soon. The Union was losing badly until Blacks joined the effort. This fresh influx of Black soldiers won the Civil War. So the ancestors won their own freedom.

Also, keep in mind that according to the 13th Amendment, if you’re in prison, you can still be enslaved. What effect does this have on us today? Think about the prison industrial complex and it’s overwhelming entrapment of Black women and men. So no, “whites” didn’t end slavery for “blacks.”

Slavery never ended. Chattel slavery was just first stage of white supremacy and racism.

You're POV is like praising the thief because he drove your stolen vehicle back to your house after using it to rob a bank.

Also many white abolitionists did not agree with slavery as an institution. I know this but they, themselves, were still white supremacists. They still believed blk ppl to be inferior and whites as superior.

Just because an animal rights activist might protest against cruelty to Fido the pit bull, that doesn’t mean that he wants to take him out for dinner and a movie.

But once again. You are trying to make centralize white people. You have a conscious or unconscious desire to deflect focus back to white people themselves, because you can’t actually bear to understand someone else’s experience.

That is history. It does not exonerate the evils of the practice. No group is innocent.

That's just the "everyone does it" argument. I tried when I was 8
So "black history" can only be about "blacks"?

Never said that. I'm saying white people can't play a central role in that. And that's very common 99.99% white people do that Unkotare done. They always try to make white people central

How can that be when they, as all of us, exist on earth and in a context of other peoples, "races", groups.

And when in history did white people consider all of us, exist on in a context of peoples ?

Honesty demands the recognition that slavery was not begun by just one group. In the U.S., it was ended by the group identified as "white". That is history

Why thank you for only keeping my people enslaved for only 400 years. Sometimes I wonder do some if white people have any humanity.

Whites did not end slavery. They just figured out how to do it in a different context. The Emancipation Proclamation didn’t end slavery, the 13th Amendment did that.

The Emancipation Proclamation was a war tactic, enacted only in states in open rebellion, in response to the incredible numbers of enslaved persons fleeing plantations and taking up the Union cause.

Until the Proclamation, Blacks were legally considered contraband and were returned to Confederacy in prisoner exchanges. Also, many of these black men and women were serving the Union as spies, cooks, fort builders, and yes, soldiers.

In one swoop, Lincoln ended contraband exchanges and paved the way for Black soldiers to legally join the Army. And none too soon. The Union was losing badly until Blacks joined the effort. This fresh influx of Black soldiers won the Civil War. So the ancestors won their own freedom.

Also, keep in mind that according to the 13th Amendment, if you’re in prison, you can still be enslaved. What effect does this have on us today? Think about the prison industrial complex and it’s overwhelming entrapment of Black women and men. So no, “whites” didn’t end slavery for “blacks.”

Slavery never ended. Chattel slavery was just first stage of white supremacy and racism.

You're POV is like praising the thief because he drove your stolen vehicle back to your house after using it to rob a bank.

Also many white abolitionists did not agree with slavery as an institution. I know this but they, themselves, were still white supremacists. They still believed blk ppl to be inferior and whites as superior.

Just because an animal rights activist might protest against cruelty to Fido the pit bull, that doesn’t mean that he wants to take him out for dinner and a movie.

But once again. You are trying to make centralize white people. You have a conscious or unconscious desire to deflect focus back to white people themselves, because you can’t actually bear to understand someone else’s experience.

That is history. It does not exonerate the evils of the practice. No group is innocent.

That's just the "everyone does it" argument. I tried when I was 8
As long as you insist that "white people" are the center of your problem, they (whatever you have decided "white people" are) will dominate you and your thinking.
I am not "white people", and I don't know who they are to you. As with all humans, my skin has a color.

OK. And what black person have you honoured [sic]?...

This particular thread was intended to highlight the fact that people of good conscience have always recognized the inherent injustice in the practice of slavery, and how the very notion was at odds with the principles upon which this great nation would be built; principles toward which we still strive to fully realize.
So "black history" can only be about "blacks"? How can that be when they, as all of us, exist on earth and in a context of other peoples, "races", groups.
Honesty demands the recognition that slavery was not begun by just one group. In the U.S., it was ended by the group identified as "white". That is history. It does not exonerate the evils of the practice. No group is innocent.

" So "black history" can only be about "blacks"? "

Uh yeah? Why would Black history be about anything other than Black people?

"How can that be when they, as all of us, exist on earth and in a context of other peoples, "races", groups."

Easy. Chinese people have their history, Koreans theirs, Whites theirs ect ect. Each group has its on POV along with traditions and philosophies that make it unique.

"Honesty demands the recognition that slavery was not begun by just one group"

Actually true honesty demands drawing a distinction between chattel slavery and traditional slavery as well as pointing out just exactly who used chattel slavery and ignored the fact that they literally knew better.

"In the U.S., it was ended by the group identified as "white"."

It was ended nearly a century after a Black nation ended it first.

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