The First "Part-Time" President...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
As everyone knows, Obama's forte, his ONLY expertise is campaigning! Yes the Campaigner-In-Chief also sure knows how to create part time jobs!

"For the entire U.S.A.workforce, employers have added far more part-time employees in 2013—averaging 93,000 a month, seasonally adjusted—than full-time workers, which have averaged 22,000. Last year the reverse was true, with employers adding 31,000 part-time workers monthly, compared with 171,000 full-time ones.

The Affordable Care Act requires employers with 50 or more full-time equivalent workers to offer affordable insurance to employees working 30 or more hours a week or face fines. Some companies have said the requirement could increase their costs significantly, although others have played down the potential hit.
Behold The Part-Time Worker Society: "We Won't Start Hiring Full-Time People" | Zero Hedge
As everyone knows, Obama's forte, his ONLY expertise is campaigning! Yes the Campaigner-In-Chief also sure knows how to create part time jobs!

"For the entire U.S.A.workforce, employers have added far more part-time employees in 2013—averaging 93,000 a month, seasonally adjusted—than full-time workers, which have averaged 22,000. Last year the reverse was true, with employers adding 31,000 part-time workers monthly, compared with 171,000 full-time ones.

The Affordable Care Act requires employers with 50 or more full-time equivalent workers to offer affordable insurance to employees working 30 or more hours a week or face fines. Some companies have said the requirement could increase their costs significantly, although others have played down the potential hit.
Behold The Part-Time Worker Society: "We Won't Start Hiring Full-Time People" | Zero Hedge

That is how most recoveries start. This is not a surprise but rather an indication that we are about to set on a course of strong growth for quite some time to come. Let me clue you in to something. The government rarely is the cause of an economic meltdown and it is rarely the cause of a recovery. I always find if amusing how everyone wants to blame the government for bad economic times.
Wtf? only 22,000 full time jobs a month compared to 170,000 a month last year?
As everyone knows, Obama's forte, his ONLY expertise is campaigning! Yes the Campaigner-In-Chief also sure knows how to create part time jobs!

"For the entire U.S.A.workforce, employers have added far more part-time employees in 2013—averaging 93,000 a month, seasonally adjusted—than full-time workers, which have averaged 22,000. Last year the reverse was true, with employers adding 31,000 part-time workers monthly, compared with 171,000 full-time ones.

The Affordable Care Act requires employers with 50 or more full-time equivalent workers to offer affordable insurance to employees working 30 or more hours a week or face fines. Some companies have said the requirement could increase their costs significantly, although others have played down the potential hit.
Behold The Part-Time Worker Society: "We Won't Start Hiring Full-Time People" | Zero Hedge

That is how most recoveries start. This is not a surprise but rather an indication that we are about to set on a course of strong growth for quite some time to come. Let me clue you in to something. The government rarely is the cause of an economic meltdown and it is rarely the cause of a recovery. I always find if amusing how everyone wants to blame the government for bad economic times.

Plus, I'm sure Republicans will be prepared come 2014 to tell voters what happened to all the jobs, jobs,jobs they promised in the 2010 elections


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Republicans.....what are you going to show voters about what you have done about jobs?

Voting NO is not a policy
Stock indices at all-time highs. Job numbers improving. It's going to be tough for the Republicans to keep claiming things are bad come the 2014 midterms.

Dow Stocks Close at All-Time High - ABC News


It would seem you don't take your own advice. I'm just stating facts. You're the one that's trying to convince us about how we're supposed to think about those facts. Actually, don't didn't say much of anything. Is this supposed to be some sort of "group mind" thing where we are all supposed to intuitively know what the point is? The problem isn't that people like me are sheep, it's that people like you are trying to create sheep.
Things are going great actually, until the next BS GOP debt "crisis"/sequester....though a regular old jobs/infrastrure bill would add 1% growth...can't do that, of course, got to block EVERYTHING, right, hater dupes?
It's a good thing Obama works only part time...just imagine the damage he'd inflict if he devoted all of his time to his actual job.
stock indices at all-time highs. Job numbers improving. It's going to be tough for the republicans to keep claiming things are bad come the 2014 midterms.

dow stocks close at all-time high - abc news


You're talking about the Republicans' chances in '14 & '16, right, because as a critique of my post it lacks a bit in substance? I guess, if you've got nothing, that's what you post. :cool:

Anyone who follows Obama doesn't deserve a proper rebuttal. I'd have more luck arguing with my Yorkie. You may return to your crack pipe.

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