The First Republican Presidential Debate Was Rife With Abortion Misinformation

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

And these clowns are supposed to be the grown ups.
Its difficult to see the US not reverting to medieval slime with people like this in charge.
Why doesnt the US just have a referendum and put it to bed once and for all ?
Nobody wants the likes of pence making decisions about their bodies.
“I would love for someone to ask Biden and Kamala Harris: Are they for 38 weeks, are they for 39 weeks, are they for 40 weeks? Because that’s what the media needs to be asking,” said Nikki Haley, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, referring to President Joe Biden and his vice president.

That's not misinformation. While abortions are not going to happen at this point, neither Biden nor Harris would be able to state they would support a ban at this point.

On the other hand the Republicans are getting their asses kicked over trying to completely ban them so I doubt they can be any more honest.
sounds like what the democrats do on firearms/Second Amendment.
I don't know what abortionists do in Wales, but here in America, they push this atrocity right up to the date of delivery. The money maker for Abortuaries is the "PBA"- or partial birth abortion.

Its just a lot easier to do an abortion after the broad goes into labor, and the abortionists get paid a lot more for it.
“I would love for someone to ask Biden and Kamala Harris: Are they for 38 weeks, are they for 39 weeks, are they for 40 weeks? Because that’s what the media needs to be asking,” said Nikki Haley, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, referring to President Joe Biden and his vice president.

That's not misinformation. While abortions are not going to happen at this point, neither Biden nor Harris would be able to state they would support a ban at this point.

On the other hand the Republicans are getting their asses kicked over trying to completely ban them so I doubt they can be any more honest.
Biden is not sound on abortions.
If Partial Birth Abortion was "fake", the Democrat Party wouldn't be fighting proposals against it with every fiber of their beings.
I don't know what abortionists do in Wales, but here in America, they push this atrocity right up to the date of delivery. The money maker for Abortuaries is the "PBA"- or partial birth abortion.

Its just a lot easier to do an abortion after the broad goes into labor, and the abortionists get paid a lot more for it.
They really dont. Name one ?

And these clowns are supposed to be the grown ups.
Its difficult to see the US not reverting to medieval slime with people like this in charge.
Why doesnt the US just have a referendum and put it to bed once and for all ?
Nobody wants the likes of pence making decisions about their bodies.
Does it matter what any Republican says about abortion? Is there still a single woman out there that trusts Republicans with reproductive health?
All abortions should be taxpayer funded. Its healthcare.
At the point any government tries to force that, the members of that government should be summarily executed. It’s rifles and explosions time.

And no, lying idiot, contract killing isn’t healthcare.

And no, vile socialist, healthcare shouldn’t be taxpayer funded either.
Does it matter what any Republican says about abortion? Is there still a single woman out there that trusts Republicans with reproductive health?
The smarter ones are now keeping quiet about it because it loses them votes. But the crazy politicians should not have any part in this at all.
It should be between a woman and her Doctor.
I dont know if these loons were just playing to the base with this crap but you have to take them at face value.
Most of them will have paid for an abortion at some point.

And these clowns are supposed to be the grown ups.
Its difficult to see the US not reverting to medieval slime with people like this in charge.
Why doesnt the US just have a referendum and put it to bed once and for all ?
Nobody wants the likes of pence making decisions about their bodies.
There doesn't have to be any misinformation. Abortion is murder, plain and simple.
Lol .. it's an optional procedure in the United States where a super majority (95-97%+) are because the child is an inconvenience. A super majority of females receiving abortions don't want to be bothered with a child.
You are the guy with the facts but no stats.

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