The first set of commandments written by God himself...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, the first set of commandments were written by God himself. Moses took these down to the people, but upon seeing the golden calf idolatry threw them down dashing them to bits on the rocks.

That's the Torah's account. But is possible Moses simply didn't like the first commandments, wanted to write his own, so destroyed God's commandments and replaced some or all of them with his own?

Kinda strange an all-powerful god would care whether people believed in it or not. Just as we wouldn't care what an ant thinks, saying a god cares what we think is asking a bit much. Could the first commandments have been more 'godlike?' Something like,

- treat your fellows like you'd treat yourself and loved ones.

"Treat everyone the same? No no, that wont work." So Moses destroys that and makes it into the commandments we know of today, where kindness is highly situational and conditional. "Love your neighbor as yourself." But not someone in a far away country, just those who live close to you. Thus the concept of nations, states, and 'this is our land, that's your land' is born.

- love, pleasure, and the sharing of joy through sexual relations is the highest virtue.

"If everyone loves everyone else and is encouraged to have sex with them too we'll never be able to keep the people in line convincing them 'others' are their enemy and to be feared because they'll see them as potential friends and lovers instead of potential threats and enemies."


A god's commandments should sound like a god wrote them. Not a small-minded petty human.
You start your statement with, "At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, the first set of commandments were written by God himself. Moses took these down to the people, but upon seeing the golden calf idolatry threw them down dashing them to bits on the rocks." but you do not believe in God so why do you make statements such as these?
You start your statement with, "At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, the first set of commandments were written by God himself. Moses took these down to the people, but upon seeing the golden calf idolatry threw them down dashing them to bits on the rocks." but you do not believe in God so why do you make statements such as these?

Can read a book others say they take literally and ask questions about it.
You start your statement with, "At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, the first set of commandments were written by God himself. Moses took these down to the people, but upon seeing the golden calf idolatry threw them down dashing them to bits on the rocks." but you do not believe in God so why do you make statements such as these?

Can read a book others say they take literally and ask questions about it.
But you make the statement as fact. You did not state that you read it in a book. You said, ""At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, ..." Do you see the difference?
You start your statement with, "At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, the first set of commandments were written by God himself. Moses took these down to the people, but upon seeing the golden calf idolatry threw them down dashing them to bits on the rocks." but you do not believe in God so why do you make statements such as these?

Can read a book others say they take literally and ask questions about it.
But you make the statement as fact. You did not state that you read it in a book. You said, ""At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, ..." Do you see the difference?

Perhaps if you'd continued reading?
You start your statement with, "At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, the first set of commandments were written by God himself. Moses took these down to the people, but upon seeing the golden calf idolatry threw them down dashing them to bits on the rocks." but you do not believe in God so why do you make statements such as these?

Can read a book others say they take literally and ask questions about it.
But you make the statement as fact. You did not state that you read it in a book. You said, ""At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, ..." Do you see the difference?

Perhaps if you'd continued reading?
No. You start of saying what God did. That is my point. There is no 'read more and you see what I mean'. You do not believe in God and you start off your thread implying you do.
You start your statement with, "At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, the first set of commandments were written by God himself. Moses took these down to the people, but upon seeing the golden calf idolatry threw them down dashing them to bits on the rocks." but you do not believe in God so why do you make statements such as these?

Can read a book others say they take literally and ask questions about it.
But you make the statement as fact. You did not state that you read it in a book. You said, ""At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, ..." Do you see the difference?

Perhaps if you'd continued reading?
No. You start of saying what God did. That is my point. There is no 'read more and you see what I mean'. You do not believe in God and you start off your thread implying you do.

I started off saying what Torah says. Either you're too dumb to read and understand that, or are so desperate to invalidate the thread you'll make yourself look like an idiot in hopes it works.
You start your statement with, "At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, the first set of commandments were written by God himself. Moses took these down to the people, but upon seeing the golden calf idolatry threw them down dashing them to bits on the rocks." but you do not believe in God so why do you make statements such as these?

Can read a book others say they take literally and ask questions about it.
But you make the statement as fact. You did not state that you read it in a book. You said, ""At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, ..." Do you see the difference?

Perhaps if you'd continued reading?
No. You start of saying what God did. That is my point. There is no 'read more and you see what I mean'. You do not believe in God and you start off your thread implying you do.

I started off saying what Torah says. Either you're too dumb to read and understand that, or are so desperate to invalidate the thread you'll make yourself look like an idiot in hopes it works.
First sentence, and first paragraph:
At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, the first set of commandments were written by God himself. Moses took these down to the people, but upon seeing the golden calf idolatry threw them down dashing them to bits on the rocks.​
No quotes, no introduction that is from anyone but yourself. You even made it into its own paragraph. You started off saying what God did. But you do not believe in God.
Do you misrepresent yourself as much to females as you do to the people of this forum. You must be one heck of a swell guy. :doubt:
Kinda strange an all-powerful god would care whether people believed in it or not.
so stupid ... no, there is no requirement for any affinity for the Almighty but for the Admission to the Everlasting there is the requirement to accomplish Remission, that is the sole commandment that can not be ignored - otherwise have a happy mortal life and then perish.

I can't believe no one has mentioned History of the World Part I yet. Do people no longer teach kids the classics?

But Delta

There is nothing we humans can write without it coming across small minded and petty in comparison to an 'all knowing' God.
At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, the first set of commandments were written by God himself. Moses took these down to the people, but upon seeing the golden calf idolatry threw them down dashing them to bits on the rocks.

That's the Torah's account. But is possible Moses simply didn't like the first commandments, wanted to write his own, so destroyed God's commandments and replaced some or all of them with his own?

Kinda strange an all-powerful god would care whether people believed in it or not. Just as we wouldn't care what an ant thinks, saying a god cares what we think is asking a bit much. Could the first commandments have been more 'godlike?' Something like,

- treat your fellows like you'd treat yourself and loved ones.

"Treat everyone the same? No no, that wont work." So Moses destroys that and makes it into the commandments we know of today, where kindness is highly situational and conditional. "Love your neighbor as yourself." But not someone in a far away country, just those who live close to you. Thus the concept of nations, states, and 'this is our land, that's your land' is born.

- love, pleasure, and the sharing of joy through sexual relations is the highest virtue.

"If everyone loves everyone else and is encouraged to have sex with them too we'll never be able to keep the people in line convincing them 'others' are their enemy and to be feared because they'll see them as potential friends and lovers instead of potential threats and enemies."


A god's commandments should sound like a god wrote them. Not a small-minded petty human.
Maybe Moses was gay, and smashed the tablets that referred to homosexuality?
A god's commandments should sound like a god wrote them. Not a small-minded petty human.

I am guessing you have never managed a group of people. When you give instructions, you do so in a language they will understand. If your staff's comprehension level is Dr. Seuss and you are instructing them using a Harvard vocabulary, they won't know what the hell you are talking about. If your entire staff speaks Spanish and you instruct them in English you get what you deserve. It's real simple: do you want your instructions to be followed or do you just want to sound like you are smarter than them?

I know you are trying hard here Delta, but this doesn't take great depth of thought.
One would think that God could dictate commandments in a simple language, but not leave so much wiggle room. Do we refrain for all killing whatsoever, or just murder, or war, or revenge, or justice, or what?

Of course, one could also think God could smite those who disobey the commandments without needing humans to do the dirty work. Someone covets his neighbor's wife or ass or house and they burst into green flames or something without needing priests to tell other people to break out the stones.
Ok I need to point something out here which I am guessing has probably been addressed to Delta by many others previously but since I have recently returned to the boards more regularly I have noticed this disturbing pattern with you Delta...No matter what subject you originate or contribute a comment there is some element of sex that comes with it and more often than not it is something really off center as it pertains to the act. I strongly encourage you to seek a professional counselor for your obsession and addiction instead of using a message board forum to promote your fixation
At Mount Sinai when GOd gave Moses the Torah, the first set of commandments were written by God himself. Moses took these down to the people, but upon seeing the golden calf idolatry threw them down dashing them to bits on the rocks.

That's the Torah's account. But is possible Moses simply didn't like the first commandments, wanted to write his own, so destroyed God's commandments and replaced some or all of them with his own?

Kinda strange an all-powerful god would care whether people believed in it or not. Just as we wouldn't care what an ant thinks, saying a god cares what we think is asking a bit much. Could the first commandments have been more 'godlike?' Something like,

- treat your fellows like you'd treat yourself and loved ones.

"Treat everyone the same? No no, that wont work." So Moses destroys that and makes it into the commandments we know of today, where kindness is highly situational and conditional. "Love your neighbor as yourself." But not someone in a far away country, just those who live close to you. Thus the concept of nations, states, and 'this is our land, that's your land' is born.

- love, pleasure, and the sharing of joy through sexual relations is the highest virtue.

"If everyone loves everyone else and is encouraged to have sex with them too we'll never be able to keep the people in line convincing them 'others' are their enemy and to be feared because they'll see them as potential friends and lovers instead of potential threats and enemies."


A god's commandments should sound like a god wrote them. Not a small-minded petty human.

Um... being your own god & encouraging sex with all will not bring peace. Your way is a guaranteed way to self destruct "all together now". Its just the nature of humans. Not at first...but it will turn into a devour fest.
Im glad you aren't judge of all Delta. =)

the friendship thing is possible lol
A god's commandments should sound like a god wrote them. Not a small-minded petty human.

I am guessing you have never managed a group of people. When you give instructions, you do so in a language they will understand. If your staff's comprehension level is Dr. Seuss and you are instructing them using a Harvard vocabulary, they won't know what the hell you are talking about. If your entire staff speaks Spanish and you instruct them in English you get what you deserve. It's real simple: do you want your instructions to be followed or do you just want to sound like you are smarter than them?

I know you are trying hard here Delta, but this doesn't take great depth of thought.

Why are your gawds such inept communicators?

Of course, your gods have chosen a painfully inept way to "keep the truth" since there's a glut of holy texts, religions, sects, and beliefs, so many of them contradicting one another. I find it amusing that the gawds of ancient Egypt come down to us through the ages clearly and without an iota of change in the "holy words" as they were chiseled into stone 3 and 4 thousand years ago. A direct link from then to now. No translation issues, no gaps, no redacting. It doesn't make their content true, mind you -- but it does make the content pristine.

It would be hard for the Egyptian chiseled "holy inscriptions" to go through the laughable circus attending the "holy words of Jehovah" or those other gawds. Something that Yahweh wasn't able to manage. Some people prefer their myths scribbled and faded on parchment rather than chiseled in stone.
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I find it amusing that the gawds of ancient Egypt come down to us through the ages clearly and without an iota of change in the "holy words" as they were chiseled into stone 3 and 4 thousand years ago. A direct link from then to now. No translation issues, no gaps, no redacting. It doesn't make their content true, mind you -- but it does make the content pristine.

Uh...there is tons of translations issues and redacting. We couldn't even read them until we deciphered the Rosetta Stone and over time many of those texts were carved out. Ridiculous attempts were made to erase Akhnaten from history, for example, and there are gaps in many stories of ancient Egypt because later generations got rid of them by chiseling them out. No translation issues, gaps, or redacting. Sheesh.
I find it amusing that the gawds of ancient Egypt come down to us through the ages clearly and without an iota of change in the "holy words" as they were chiseled into stone 3 and 4 thousand years ago. A direct link from then to now. No translation issues, no gaps, no redacting. It doesn't make their content true, mind you -- but it does make the content pristine.

Uh...there is tons of translations issues and redacting. We couldn't even read them until we deciphered the Rosetta Stone and over time many of those texts were carved out. Ridiculous attempts were made to erase Akhnaten from history, for example, and there are gaps in many stories of ancient Egypt because later generations got rid of them by chiseling them out. No translation issues, gaps, or redacting. Sheesh.
Hokey schmokes. So I guess I can agree that the holy writings of the Egyptians are just as muddled, redacted and ill-translated as the various bibles.

Why are the gawds so poorly thought out? To leave their holy words to the corruptible hand of man seems ill considered.

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