The first set of commandments written by God himself...

I find it amusing that the gawds of ancient Egypt come down to us through the ages clearly and without an iota of change in the "holy words" as they were chiseled into stone 3 and 4 thousand years ago. A direct link from then to now. No translation issues, no gaps, no redacting. It doesn't make their content true, mind you -- but it does make the content pristine.

Uh...there is tons of translations issues and redacting. We couldn't even read them until we deciphered the Rosetta Stone and over time many of those texts were carved out. Ridiculous attempts were made to erase Akhnaten from history, for example, and there are gaps in many stories of ancient Egypt because later generations got rid of them by chiseling them out. No translation issues, gaps, or redacting. Sheesh.
Hokey schmokes. So I guess I can agree that the holy writings of the Egyptians are just as muddled, redacted and ill-translated as the various bibles.

Why are the gawds so poorly thought out? To leave their holy words to the corruptible hand of man seems ill considered.

Well, I will certainly give you credit that when your original argument is shown to be bullshit, you have a natural knack for turning it around to support some other argument of yours.
I find it amusing that the gawds of ancient Egypt come down to us through the ages clearly and without an iota of change in the "holy words" as they were chiseled into stone 3 and 4 thousand years ago. A direct link from then to now. No translation issues, no gaps, no redacting. It doesn't make their content true, mind you -- but it does make the content pristine.

Uh...there is tons of translations issues and redacting. We couldn't even read them until we deciphered the Rosetta Stone and over time many of those texts were carved out. Ridiculous attempts were made to erase Akhnaten from history, for example, and there are gaps in many stories of ancient Egypt because later generations got rid of them by chiseling them out. No translation issues, gaps, or redacting. Sheesh.
Hokey schmokes. So I guess I can agree that the holy writings of the Egyptians are just as muddled, redacted and ill-translated as the various bibles.

Why are the gawds so poorly thought out? To leave their holy words to the corruptible hand of man seems ill considered.

Well, I will certainly give you credit that when your original argument is shown to be bullshit, you have a natural knack for turning it around to support some other argument of yours.
It wasn't bullshit at all. It was an argument you sidestepped as best you could. The fact is, the chiseled in stone tablets have survived where the bibles have not. The fact is, your polytheistic gawds couldn't manage to have their gawdly words survive the corruptible hand of man. The fact is, stone tablets survive to this day where the various bibles do not.

The bullshit argument is yours.
I find it amusing that the gawds of ancient Egypt come down to us through the ages clearly and without an iota of change in the "holy words" as they were chiseled into stone 3 and 4 thousand years ago. A direct link from then to now. No translation issues, no gaps, no redacting. It doesn't make their content true, mind you -- but it does make the content pristine.

Uh...there is tons of translations issues and redacting. We couldn't even read them until we deciphered the Rosetta Stone and over time many of those texts were carved out. Ridiculous attempts were made to erase Akhnaten from history, for example, and there are gaps in many stories of ancient Egypt because later generations got rid of them by chiseling them out. No translation issues, gaps, or redacting. Sheesh.
Hokey schmokes. So I guess I can agree that the holy writings of the Egyptians are just as muddled, redacted and ill-translated as the various bibles.

Why are the gawds so poorly thought out? To leave their holy words to the corruptible hand of man seems ill considered.

Well, I will certainly give you credit that when your original argument is shown to be bullshit, you have a natural knack for turning it around to support some other argument of yours.
It wasn't bullshit at all. It was an argument you sidestepped as best you could. The fact is, the chiseled in stone tablets have survived where the bibles have not. The fact is, your polytheistic gawds couldn't manage to have their gawdly words survive the corruptible hand of man. The fact is, stone tablets survive to this day where the various bibles do not.

The bullshit argument is yours.

Clearly they haven't. The tablets and inscriptions on tombs have been altered, lost, destroyed, etc. They were rarely, if ever, copied and thus when a tablet was lost its record of history was lost with it. BTW...the Egyptians used papyrus too (in fact that's where it came from) so they were subject to the exact same problems of historical accuracy, errors in copying papyrus, etc as the Hebrews. Your entire basis of comparison is total horseshit. I haven't seen someone so proudly roll around a ball of shit this big since I watched that documentary on dung beetles.
I find it amusing that the gawds of ancient Egypt come down to us through the ages clearly and without an iota of change in the "holy words" as they were chiseled into stone 3 and 4 thousand years ago. A direct link from then to now. No translation issues, no gaps, no redacting. It doesn't make their content true, mind you -- but it does make the content pristine.

Uh...there is tons of translations issues and redacting. We couldn't even read them until we deciphered the Rosetta Stone and over time many of those texts were carved out. Ridiculous attempts were made to erase Akhnaten from history, for example, and there are gaps in many stories of ancient Egypt because later generations got rid of them by chiseling them out. No translation issues, gaps, or redacting. Sheesh.
Hokey schmokes. So I guess I can agree that the holy writings of the Egyptians are just as muddled, redacted and ill-translated as the various bibles.

Why are the gawds so poorly thought out? To leave their holy words to the corruptible hand of man seems ill considered.

Well, I will certainly give you credit that when your original argument is shown to be bullshit, you have a natural knack for turning it around to support some other argument of yours.
It wasn't bullshit at all. It was an argument you sidestepped as best you could. The fact is, the chiseled in stone tablets have survived where the bibles have not. The fact is, your polytheistic gawds couldn't manage to have their gawdly words survive the corruptible hand of man. The fact is, stone tablets survive to this day where the various bibles do not.

The bullshit argument is yours.

Clearly they haven't. The tablets and inscriptions on tombs have been altered, lost, destroyed, etc. They were rarely, if ever, copied and thus when a tablet was lost its record of history was lost with it. BTW...the Egyptians used papyrus too (in fact that's where it came from) so they were subject to the exact same problems of historical accuracy, errors in copying papyrus, etc as the Hebrews. Your entire basis of comparison is total horseshit. I haven't seen someone so proudly roll around a ball of shit this big since I watched that documentary on dung beetles.
And yet it's an issue that you fundamentalists can't resolve. The all-knowing, all-seeing gawds must have known that the books of the gawds authored by men would lead to conflict and division. Yet, they did nothing.

Amun Ra apparently knew that in spite of tampering by the corruptible hand of man, stone tablets would survive where later, subordinate gawds would fail to learn that simple lesson.

Why are your gawds such inept and careless communicators?
And yet it's an issue that you fundamentalists can't resolve....

Stop! Stop! I didn't even read any further. I am not a fundamentalist. Where on earth did you get the idea that I am a fundamentalist? I am on these boards posting on threads (that I know you are posting on too) about how the Bible should not be taken literally, how the Bible is a work of literature and not the inspired and inerrant word of God, how translation errors throughout history created misunderstandings about what the Bible says and what people think it says, how Christian fundamentalists need to stop being so black and white and self-righteous...and through all that you have concluded that I am a fundamentalist?

Do you have any reading comprehension beyond the third grade? Do you even pay attention to whom you are rolling your ball of shit at or are you just looking for a fight? Christ Al-fucking-mighty
And yet it's an issue that you fundamentalists can't resolve....

Stop! Stop! I didn't even read any further. I am not a fundamentalist. Where on earth did you get the idea that I am a fundamentalist? I am on these boards posting on threads (that I know you are posting on too) about how the Bible should not be taken literally, how the Bible is a work of literature and not the inspired and inerrant word of God, how translation errors throughout history created misunderstandings about what the Bible says and what people think it says, how Christian fundamentalists need to stop being so black and white and self-righteous...and through all that you have concluded that I am a fundamentalist?

Do you have any reading comprehension beyond the third grade? Christ Al-fucking-mighty
I see you're wearing your dancing shoes. You've been dancing around some pretty obvious errors and omissions on the part of the gawds and their willingness to allow their holy word to be corrupted by man, understanding that the gawds, for some reason, never claimed final editing rights to the books penned in their name. That is a common theme for the holy books authored by men who claim to have heard voices from the gawds. For some reason, these gawds never seem to have an interest in correcting the divisions these books create.
And yet it's an issue that you fundamentalists can't resolve....

Stop! Stop! I didn't even read any further. I am not a fundamentalist. Where on earth did you get the idea that I am a fundamentalist? I am on these boards posting on threads (that I know you are posting on too) about how the Bible should not be taken literally, how the Bible is a work of literature and not the inspired and inerrant word of God, how translation errors throughout history created misunderstandings about what the Bible says and what people think it says, how Christian fundamentalists need to stop being so black and white and self-righteous...and through all that you have concluded that I am a fundamentalist?

Do you have any reading comprehension beyond the third grade? Christ Al-fucking-mighty
I see you're wearing your dancing shoes. You've been dancing around some pretty obvious errors and omissions on the part of the gawds and their willingness to allow their holy word to be corrupted by man, understanding that the gawds, for some reason, never claimed final editing rights to the books penned in their name. That is a common theme for the holy books authored by men who claim to have heard voices from the gawds. For some reason, these gawds never seem to have an interest in correcting the divisions these books create.

You call me a fundamentalist when anyone who has read anything I have posted would laugh so hard at that charge that it may cause a cardiac arrest are I am putting on my dancing shoes? I have posted several times on multiple threads that if the Bible was the inspired word of God, He sure wasn't terribly interested in preserving it. I really try to avoid stooping to ad hominem comments, but occasionally....just occasionally I run into someone that can't understand anything else.

Now I want you to keep in mind before I say this, that I have managed to avoid such things regarding posters like HaShev, who I am nearly convinced gets his brain power through photosynthesis, and Guno, who is so incredibly stupid he wouldn't even understand it if I insulted him. So put this comment in that perspective. For you to attack me on points I have made myself over and over on multiple threads, has to establish you as perhaps the most incredibly obtuse and inept poster on USMB.

" fundamentalists...." what unbelievable ignorance.
And yet it's an issue that you fundamentalists can't resolve....

Stop! Stop! I didn't even read any further. I am not a fundamentalist. Where on earth did you get the idea that I am a fundamentalist? I am on these boards posting on threads (that I know you are posting on too) about how the Bible should not be taken literally, how the Bible is a work of literature and not the inspired and inerrant word of God, how translation errors throughout history created misunderstandings about what the Bible says and what people think it says, how Christian fundamentalists need to stop being so black and white and self-righteous...and through all that you have concluded that I am a fundamentalist?

Do you have any reading comprehension beyond the third grade? Christ Al-fucking-mighty
I see you're wearing your dancing shoes. You've been dancing around some pretty obvious errors and omissions on the part of the gawds and their willingness to allow their holy word to be corrupted by man, understanding that the gawds, for some reason, never claimed final editing rights to the books penned in their name. That is a common theme for the holy books authored by men who claim to have heard voices from the gawds. For some reason, these gawds never seem to have an interest in correcting the divisions these books create.

You call me a fundamentalist when anyone who has read anything I have posted would laugh so hard at that charge that it may cause a cardiac arrest are I am putting on my dancing shoes? I have posted several times on multiple threads that if the Bible was the inspired word of God, He sure wasn't terribly interested in preserving it. I really try to avoid stooping to ad hominem comments, but occasionally....just occasionally I run into someone that can't understand anything else.

Now I want you to keep in mind before I say this, that I have managed to avoid such things regarding posters like HaShev, who I am nearly convinced gets his brain power through photosynthesis, and Guno, who is so incredibly stupid he wouldn't even understand it if I insulted him. So put this comment in that perspective. For you to attack me on points I have made myself over and over on multiple threads, has to establish you as perhaps the most incredibly obtuse and inept poster on USMB.

" fundamentalists...." what unbelievable ignorance.
Oh, on the contrary, you angry, self-hating fundamentalists have a habit of being reduced to pointless name-callers when you're unable to resolve the obvious paradoxes created by your gawds.
And yet it's an issue that you fundamentalists can't resolve....

Stop! Stop! I didn't even read any further. I am not a fundamentalist. Where on earth did you get the idea that I am a fundamentalist? I am on these boards posting on threads (that I know you are posting on too) about how the Bible should not be taken literally, how the Bible is a work of literature and not the inspired and inerrant word of God, how translation errors throughout history created misunderstandings about what the Bible says and what people think it says, how Christian fundamentalists need to stop being so black and white and self-righteous...and through all that you have concluded that I am a fundamentalist?

Do you have any reading comprehension beyond the third grade? Christ Al-fucking-mighty
I see you're wearing your dancing shoes. You've been dancing around some pretty obvious errors and omissions on the part of the gawds and their willingness to allow their holy word to be corrupted by man, understanding that the gawds, for some reason, never claimed final editing rights to the books penned in their name. That is a common theme for the holy books authored by men who claim to have heard voices from the gawds. For some reason, these gawds never seem to have an interest in correcting the divisions these books create.

You call me a fundamentalist when anyone who has read anything I have posted would laugh so hard at that charge that it may cause a cardiac arrest are I am putting on my dancing shoes? I have posted several times on multiple threads that if the Bible was the inspired word of God, He sure wasn't terribly interested in preserving it. I really try to avoid stooping to ad hominem comments, but occasionally....just occasionally I run into someone that can't understand anything else.

Now I want you to keep in mind before I say this, that I have managed to avoid such things regarding posters like HaShev, who I am nearly convinced gets his brain power through photosynthesis, and Guno, who is so incredibly stupid he wouldn't even understand it if I insulted him. So put this comment in that perspective. For you to attack me on points I have made myself over and over on multiple threads, has to establish you as perhaps the most incredibly obtuse and inept poster on USMB.

" fundamentalists...." what unbelievable ignorance.
Oh, on the contrary, you angry, self-hating fundamentalists have a habit of being reduced to pointless name-callers when you're unable to resolve the obvious paradoxes created by your gawds.
Your reference "gawds" means you worship statues then? I have not been around here too much again so far but why are you on message forums talking about God? Why not go to a forum where your ideas are commonplace? But that would be barking up the wrong tree wouldn't it? Is that a practice of your faith. Hey maybe your religious texts are on the barks of trees. Sounds to me like you go about making trouble contributing nothing but to say someone else is wrong and add zero to your statements

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