The flaw of capitalism is Income inequality


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? 18 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than 15? How many of them have kids?Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.
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Here in NYC a school crossing guard currently makes $11.50 an hour, the Socialist mayor just made it $15 an hour for all city workers at the cost TO THE TAXPAYER of an EXTRA $200 MILLION a year starting in 2017....Is a school crossing guard, or a park sweeper, or an information clerk directing you in a city building worth this kind of money?....
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.




Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.

wages increase because of competition for the supply of labor. If productivity increases, then businesses will use their extra profits to bid up the price of labor since they can earn more by hiring more people. They don't maximize their profits by keeping wages low.

For the last 15 years, wages have remained constant because the USA has been importing cheap labor from third world countries. More labor competing for the same number of jobs means lower wages. It's as simple as that.

The minimum wage has nothing to do with it. Socializing the economy is what will cause economic collapse. Socialism has never worked, and it never will.
Don't want to wok for minimum wage then apply yourself, get an education, work hard to advance....nobody owes you $15 an hour because you're an uneducated individual with no fire inside to better yourself
Protip #1

McDonald's is NOT a career choice it is a kids job
A kid's jo? The average fast food worker is 29 years old. Why? Because in today's economy low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. People take what they can get you wanker.
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.

Okay you want to raise the minimum wage.. bad idea, but okay. What else do you mean by more "socialization"?
Don't want to wok for minimum wage then apply yourself, get an education, work hard to advance....nobody owes you $15 an hour because you're an uneducated individual with no fire inside to better yourself
What you people say is so stupid. Low wage jobs outnumber higher wage jobs. Millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.

Okay you want to raise the minimum wage.. bad idea, but okay. What else do you mean by more "socialization"?
Keeping wages up to date with inflation. Fixing our infrastructure system that will create millions of jobs for the middle class.
Don't want to wok for minimum wage then apply yourself, get an education, work hard to advance....nobody owes you $15 an hour because you're an uneducated individual with no fire inside to better yourself
What you people say is so stupid. Low wage jobs outnumber higher wage jobs. Millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

Employers hire the educated, the ones that will have drive...if you're 30 something and taking orders at fast food you have failed in life
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.

wages increase because of competition for the supply of labor. If productivity increases, then businesses will use their extra profits to bid up the price of labor since they can earn more by hiring more people. They don't maximize their profits by keeping wages low.

For the last 15 years, wages have remained constant because the USA has been importing cheap labor from third world countries. More labor competing for the same number of jobs means lower wages. It's as simple as that.

The minimum wage has nothing to do with it. Socializing the economy is what will cause economic collapse. Socialism has never worked, and it never will.
What are we importing exactly? 10s of thousands?

Oh and productivity in the lower classes has skyrocketed in the last few decades yet wages have remained flat. These are facts.
Mario Cuomo: "Ronald Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor." Enjoy hell, hater dupes.

Meanwhile, with the passing of the Greatest Generation and the power of unions, only the gov't is left to protect workers and customers. Feel the Bern!
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.

Okay you want to raise the minimum wage.. bad idea, but okay. What else do you mean by more "socialization"?
Keeping wages up to date with inflation. Fixing our infrastructure system that will create millions of jobs for the middle class.

How do you plan on keeping wages up to inflation?
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.




What exactly is your solution to these people learning new skills if they can't afford the education for it? 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. How many more do you think make less than 15 and have kids?
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.

Okay you want to raise the minimum wage.. bad idea, but okay. What else do you mean by more "socialization"?
Keeping wages up to date with inflation. Fixing our infrastructure system that will create millions of jobs for the middle class.

How do you plan on keeping wages up to inflation?
By forcing the minimum wage to be kept up do date. This would however require a long drawn out process that would take years.
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.

Okay you want to raise the minimum wage.. bad idea, but okay. What else do you mean by more "socialization"?
Keeping wages up to date with inflation. Fixing our infrastructure system that will create millions of jobs for the middle class.

I must have missed where anything was wrong with our infrastructure system.

We get this song and dance from stupid politicians, and morons eat it up. What changes when they spend our money for it? The politicians get richer.

Wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant, because our government for for hire. I find it hilarious you rail at the problem government created, that the politicians profit from, and you expect them to do something to derail that gravy train?

Boosting the minimum wage means you'll effectively kill the middle class. And you think that's a good idea. I swear some of you folks can't think beyond 30 seconds from now.

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