The flaw of capitalism is Income inequality

193K for "other"? I would like to know what is in that column.

Legal, accounting, insurance, franchise fees, secuirty etc, etc

Hmm. Since I have actually owned a franchise(Midas), I doubt that. BTW, I am pro capitalist, I just feel that this graph is misleading.

My mother owned four DQs, the 3-5% before tax is pretty much standard.

So, a person would invest a million dollars for a return of 3%? I doubt that. Could it be that the owners pay is part of the "other"?


Could be I suppose, her DQs did massive business and she made a ton when she sold them. I know a couple who own a Subway I'll ask them what kind of return they are getting. Depending on location you can open a DQ for about 400K, the real estate is the killer
193K for "other"? I would like to know what is in that column.

Legal, accounting, insurance, franchise fees, secuirty etc, etc

Hmm. Since I have actually owned a franchise(Midas), I doubt that. BTW, I am pro capitalist, I just feel that this graph is misleading.

My mother owned four DQs, the 3-5% before tax is pretty much standard.

So, a person would invest a million dollars for a return of 3%? I doubt that. Could it be that the owners pay is part of the "other"?


Could be I suppose, her DQs did massive business and she made a ton when she sold them. I know a couple who own a Subway I'll ask them what kind of return they are getting. Depending on location you can open a DQ for about 400K, the real estate is the killer

Many years ago, I checked into fast food, and if I remember correctly, start up was about a million.

Legal, accounting, insurance, franchise fees, secuirty etc, etc

Hmm. Since I have actually owned a franchise(Midas), I doubt that. BTW, I am pro capitalist, I just feel that this graph is misleading.

My mother owned four DQs, the 3-5% before tax is pretty much standard.

So, a person would invest a million dollars for a return of 3%? I doubt that. Could it be that the owners pay is part of the "other"?


Could be I suppose, her DQs did massive business and she made a ton when she sold them. I know a couple who own a Subway I'll ask them what kind of return they are getting. Depending on location you can open a DQ for about 400K, the real estate is the killer

Many years ago, I checked into fast food, and if I remember correctly, start up was about a million.


All depends on location, according to what I looked at DQ will require anywhere from 380K - 1.8 million. Of course the better location the busier you will be.
You need evidence that our standard of living has risen over the last 100 years? LOL!
Dear, if I said I needed evidence of that I'll pay you $10,000. Bet??

Why don't you tell me what evidence you need?
Dear, if I said I needed evidence of that I'll pay you $10,000. Bet??

dear, wages and prices move together

If your moronic claim were true, our standard of living would never improve.
Got it, moron?
wages here are shit because of inflation.

??? inflation has nothing to do with wages. OMG!!!!!
Are you kidding me? We are paid in dollars. Dollars devalue over time. That means wages devalue. They buy less with the same amount over time. This isn't complicated.

So I assume that you are cheering for a more free market oriented monetary system then - where the money doesn't lose 97% of it's value over a century to pay for social benefits?

Oh wait...
You realize of course, that if we raised the minimum wage, millions of people would no longer qualify for programs like food stamps right?

In your dreams. Its damn basic economics you raise the national minimum wage the libs arer going to have to raise the threshold for food stamps

Why? Because they are making Minimum wage.They are still FUCKING POOR.

Do Minimum-Wage Boosts Reduce Reliance on Government Assistance?

A new study that foundfederal and state minimum-wage boosts have had no statistically significant impact on working-age adults’ net use of several such programs, including Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program formerly known as the food-stamp plan.

The study, partly funded by the right-leaning Employment Policies Institute, contends a $15 minimum wage is poorly targeted to recipients of these programs. Among those who would be affected by a $15 minimum wage, just 12% are SNAP recipients and just 10% are Medicaid recipients

Mr. Sabia said higher minimum wages did help some workers get off the welfare rolls but others stayed stuck because of adverse employment effects such as a reduction in jobs or hours worked. While each 10% minimum wage increase resulted in reduced receipt of SNAP and WIC, for example, the amounts weren’t statistically significant and at the same time the receipt of school-nutrition assistance and housing assistance increased.

“Minimum-wage increases redistribute the income of low-skilled workers, helping some, hurting others,” Mr. Sabia said, and added that there’s scant evidence minimum-wage boosts reduce welfare caseloads or public spending on needs-based public programs. He said expanding the earned-income tax credit program would be a “far better” tool

As usual you people can't seem to grasp that socialism isn't necessarily the absence of capitalism. You do realize that if we raised the minimum wage we would still have a free market system, right?

Actually, it wouldn't be a free market. It would be a market interfered with by government price controls.
As usual you people can't seem to grasp that socialism isn't necessarily the absence of capitalism. You do realize that if we raised the minimum wage we would still have a free market system, right?

Actually, it wouldn't be a free market. It would be a market interfered with by government price controls.
Oh really? One time legislation on the market changes the system itself?
wages here are shit because of inflation.

??? inflation has nothing to do with wages. OMG!!!!!
Are you kidding me? We are paid in dollars. Dollars devalue over time. That means wages devalue. They buy less with the same amount over time. This isn't complicated.

So I assume that you are cheering for a more free market oriented monetary system then - where the money doesn't lose 97% of it's value over a century to pay for social benefits?

Oh wait...
You realize of course, that if we raised the minimum wage, millions of people would no longer qualify for programs like food stamps right?

In your dreams. Its damn basic economics you raise the national minimum wage the libs arer going to have to raise the threshold for food stamps

Why? Because they are making Minimum wage.They are still FUCKING POOR.

Do Minimum-Wage Boosts Reduce Reliance on Government Assistance?

A new study that foundfederal and state minimum-wage boosts have had no statistically significant impact on working-age adults’ net use of several such programs, including Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program formerly known as the food-stamp plan.

The study, partly funded by the right-leaning Employment Policies Institute, contends a $15 minimum wage is poorly targeted to recipients of these programs. Among those who would be affected by a $15 minimum wage, just 12% are SNAP recipients and just 10% are Medicaid recipients

Mr. Sabia said higher minimum wages did help some workers get off the welfare rolls but others stayed stuck because of adverse employment effects such as a reduction in jobs or hours worked. While each 10% minimum wage increase resulted in reduced receipt of SNAP and WIC, for example, the amounts weren’t statistically significant and at the same time the receipt of school-nutrition assistance and housing assistance increased.

“Minimum-wage increases redistribute the income of low-skilled workers, helping some, hurting others,” Mr. Sabia said, and added that there’s scant evidence minimum-wage boosts reduce welfare caseloads or public spending on needs-based public programs. He said expanding the earned-income tax credit program would be a “far better” tool

Lol nothing this article says involves the gov "raising the threshold". Do you even read? It says 12% of the 10s of millions on food stamps would be affected by the wage increase. Of course, if the fed wage was increased, over time the big spike in consumer spending would create jobs and increase hours worked.

It's funny how you cons only care about factual information when you're trying to win an argument lol. Perhaps you should apply this critical thinking to all of your political beliefs. Obviously you won't of course.
??? inflation has nothing to do with wages. OMG!!!!!
Are you kidding me? We are paid in dollars. Dollars devalue over time. That means wages devalue. They buy less with the same amount over time. This isn't complicated.

So I assume that you are cheering for a more free market oriented monetary system then - where the money doesn't lose 97% of it's value over a century to pay for social benefits?

Oh wait...
You realize of course, that if we raised the minimum wage, millions of people would no longer qualify for programs like food stamps right?

In your dreams. Its damn basic economics you raise the national minimum wage the libs arer going to have to raise the threshold for food stamps

Why? Because they are making Minimum wage.They are still FUCKING POOR.

Do Minimum-Wage Boosts Reduce Reliance on Government Assistance?

A new study that foundfederal and state minimum-wage boosts have had no statistically significant impact on working-age adults’ net use of several such programs, including Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program formerly known as the food-stamp plan.

The study, partly funded by the right-leaning Employment Policies Institute, contends a $15 minimum wage is poorly targeted to recipients of these programs. Among those who would be affected by a $15 minimum wage, just 12% are SNAP recipients and just 10% are Medicaid recipients

Mr. Sabia said higher minimum wages did help some workers get off the welfare rolls but others stayed stuck because of adverse employment effects such as a reduction in jobs or hours worked. While each 10% minimum wage increase resulted in reduced receipt of SNAP and WIC, for example, the amounts weren’t statistically significant and at the same time the receipt of school-nutrition assistance and housing assistance increased.

“Minimum-wage increases redistribute the income of low-skilled workers, helping some, hurting others,” Mr. Sabia said, and added that there’s scant evidence minimum-wage boosts reduce welfare caseloads or public spending on needs-based public programs. He said expanding the earned-income tax credit program would be a “far better” tool

Lol nothing this article says involves the gov "raising the threshold". Do you even read? It says 12% of the 10s of millions on food stamps would be affected by the wage increase. Of course, if the fed wage was increased, over time the big spike in consumer spending would create jobs and increase hours worked.

It's funny how you cons only care about factual information when you're trying to win an argument lol. Perhaps you should apply this critical thinking to all of your political beliefs. Obviously you won't of course.

Of course, if the fed wage was increased, over time the big spike in consumer spending would create jobs and increase hours worked.

Just how big a spike in spending are you imagining?
??? inflation has nothing to do with wages. OMG!!!!!
Are you kidding me? We are paid in dollars. Dollars devalue over time. That means wages devalue. They buy less with the same amount over time. This isn't complicated.

So I assume that you are cheering for a more free market oriented monetary system then - where the money doesn't lose 97% of it's value over a century to pay for social benefits?

Oh wait...
You realize of course, that if we raised the minimum wage, millions of people would no longer qualify for programs like food stamps right?

In your dreams. Its damn basic economics you raise the national minimum wage the libs arer going to have to raise the threshold for food stamps

Why? Because they are making Minimum wage.They are still FUCKING POOR.

Do Minimum-Wage Boosts Reduce Reliance on Government Assistance?

A new study that foundfederal and state minimum-wage boosts have had no statistically significant impact on working-age adults’ net use of several such programs, including Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program formerly known as the food-stamp plan.

The study, partly funded by the right-leaning Employment Policies Institute, contends a $15 minimum wage is poorly targeted to recipients of these programs. Among those who would be affected by a $15 minimum wage, just 12% are SNAP recipients and just 10% are Medicaid recipients

Mr. Sabia said higher minimum wages did help some workers get off the welfare rolls but others stayed stuck because of adverse employment effects such as a reduction in jobs or hours worked. While each 10% minimum wage increase resulted in reduced receipt of SNAP and WIC, for example, the amounts weren’t statistically significant and at the same time the receipt of school-nutrition assistance and housing assistance increased.

“Minimum-wage increases redistribute the income of low-skilled workers, helping some, hurting others,” Mr. Sabia said, and added that there’s scant evidence minimum-wage boosts reduce welfare caseloads or public spending on needs-based public programs. He said expanding the earned-income tax credit program would be a “far better” tool

Lol nothing this article says involves the gov "raising the threshold". Do you even read? It says 12% of the 10s of millions on food stamps would be affected by the wage increase. Of course, if the fed wage was increased, over time the big spike in consumer spending would create jobs and increase hours worked.

It's funny how you cons only care about factual information when you're trying to win an argument lol. Perhaps you should apply this critical thinking to all of your political beliefs. Obviously you won't of course.

Its not about winning an argument silly Billy it is common sense. Hell a 7 year old running a lemonade stand knows more about economics then libs like you. Again the threshold would have to be raised for entitlements.

Some minimum wage workers would face a 50% tax rate if Obama and Dems raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour - AEI

Some minimum wage workers would face a 50% tax rate if Obama and Dems raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour


Forbes contributor Jeffrey Dorfman crunches the numbers and finds that a single mom (with one child) working at the minimum wage would face the equivalent of a 50% tax rate(from both higher payroll taxes and a loss in government benefits) if Obama is successful at raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour. Here’s how some minimum wage workers would be taxed at a higher rate than the “top 1%” by Obama’s “compassionate” 40% minimum wage hike:

A hypothetical single mom with one kid would see more than half of the proposed minimum wage increase offset by a reduction in benefits from the federal government and increased taxes. For those actually in or near poverty, however, any gain in wage earnings causes a significant loss in benefits that severely curtails the claimed impact of a minimum wage increase at lifting the working poor out of poverty.Essentially, these workers face the equivalent of a 50 percent or higher tax rate
Are you kidding me? We are paid in dollars. Dollars devalue over time. That means wages devalue. They buy less with the same amount over time. This isn't complicated.

So I assume that you are cheering for a more free market oriented monetary system then - where the money doesn't lose 97% of it's value over a century to pay for social benefits?

Oh wait...
You realize of course, that if we raised the minimum wage, millions of people would no longer qualify for programs like food stamps right?

In your dreams. Its damn basic economics you raise the national minimum wage the libs arer going to have to raise the threshold for food stamps

Why? Because they are making Minimum wage.They are still FUCKING POOR.

Do Minimum-Wage Boosts Reduce Reliance on Government Assistance?

A new study that foundfederal and state minimum-wage boosts have had no statistically significant impact on working-age adults’ net use of several such programs, including Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program formerly known as the food-stamp plan.

The study, partly funded by the right-leaning Employment Policies Institute, contends a $15 minimum wage is poorly targeted to recipients of these programs. Among those who would be affected by a $15 minimum wage, just 12% are SNAP recipients and just 10% are Medicaid recipients

Mr. Sabia said higher minimum wages did help some workers get off the welfare rolls but others stayed stuck because of adverse employment effects such as a reduction in jobs or hours worked. While each 10% minimum wage increase resulted in reduced receipt of SNAP and WIC, for example, the amounts weren’t statistically significant and at the same time the receipt of school-nutrition assistance and housing assistance increased.

“Minimum-wage increases redistribute the income of low-skilled workers, helping some, hurting others,” Mr. Sabia said, and added that there’s scant evidence minimum-wage boosts reduce welfare caseloads or public spending on needs-based public programs. He said expanding the earned-income tax credit program would be a “far better” tool

Lol nothing this article says involves the gov "raising the threshold". Do you even read? It says 12% of the 10s of millions on food stamps would be affected by the wage increase. Of course, if the fed wage was increased, over time the big spike in consumer spending would create jobs and increase hours worked.

It's funny how you cons only care about factual information when you're trying to win an argument lol. Perhaps you should apply this critical thinking to all of your political beliefs. Obviously you won't of course.

Its not about winning an argument silly Billy it is common sense. Hell a 7 year old running a lemonade stand knows more about economics then libs like you. Again the threshold would have to be raised for entitlements.

Some minimum wage workers would face a 50% tax rate if Obama and Dems raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour - AEI

Some minimum wage workers would face a 50% tax rate if Obama and Dems raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour


Forbes contributor Jeffrey Dorfman crunches the numbers and finds that a single mom (with one child) working at the minimum wage would face the equivalent of a 50% tax rate(from both higher payroll taxes and a loss in government benefits) if Obama is successful at raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour. Here’s how some minimum wage workers would be taxed at a higher rate than the “top 1%” by Obama’s “compassionate” 40% minimum wage hike:

A hypothetical single mom with one kid would see more than half of the proposed minimum wage increase offset by a reduction in benefits from the federal government and increased taxes. For those actually in or near poverty, however, any gain in wage earnings causes a significant loss in benefits that severely curtails the claimed impact of a minimum wage increase at lifting the working poor out of poverty.Essentially, these workers face the equivalent of a 50 percent or higher tax rate
Oh Christ I can only take so much of this rightwing bullshit. You parroting Forbes and AEI only makes you look like a jackass. Have any actual unbiased sources? Of course not.

As usual Forbes is vague rightwing bullshit. It says "some" would see a hike. What is some? Of course this number was come to by Forbes by including the loss of gov benefits which is what you were originally arguing against happening in your previous post lol. You crack me up.
Are you kidding me? We are paid in dollars. Dollars devalue over time. That means wages devalue. They buy less with the same amount over time. This isn't complicated.

So I assume that you are cheering for a more free market oriented monetary system then - where the money doesn't lose 97% of it's value over a century to pay for social benefits?

Oh wait...
You realize of course, that if we raised the minimum wage, millions of people would no longer qualify for programs like food stamps right?

In your dreams. Its damn basic economics you raise the national minimum wage the libs arer going to have to raise the threshold for food stamps

Why? Because they are making Minimum wage.They are still FUCKING POOR.

Do Minimum-Wage Boosts Reduce Reliance on Government Assistance?

A new study that foundfederal and state minimum-wage boosts have had no statistically significant impact on working-age adults’ net use of several such programs, including Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program formerly known as the food-stamp plan.

The study, partly funded by the right-leaning Employment Policies Institute, contends a $15 minimum wage is poorly targeted to recipients of these programs. Among those who would be affected by a $15 minimum wage, just 12% are SNAP recipients and just 10% are Medicaid recipients

Mr. Sabia said higher minimum wages did help some workers get off the welfare rolls but others stayed stuck because of adverse employment effects such as a reduction in jobs or hours worked. While each 10% minimum wage increase resulted in reduced receipt of SNAP and WIC, for example, the amounts weren’t statistically significant and at the same time the receipt of school-nutrition assistance and housing assistance increased.

“Minimum-wage increases redistribute the income of low-skilled workers, helping some, hurting others,” Mr. Sabia said, and added that there’s scant evidence minimum-wage boosts reduce welfare caseloads or public spending on needs-based public programs. He said expanding the earned-income tax credit program would be a “far better” tool

Lol nothing this article says involves the gov "raising the threshold". Do you even read? It says 12% of the 10s of millions on food stamps would be affected by the wage increase. Of course, if the fed wage was increased, over time the big spike in consumer spending would create jobs and increase hours worked.

It's funny how you cons only care about factual information when you're trying to win an argument lol. Perhaps you should apply this critical thinking to all of your political beliefs. Obviously you won't of course.

Its not about winning an argument silly Billy it is common sense. Hell a 7 year old running a lemonade stand knows more about economics then libs like you. Again the threshold would have to be raised for entitlements.

Some minimum wage workers would face a 50% tax rate if Obama and Dems raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour - AEI

Some minimum wage workers would face a 50% tax rate if Obama and Dems raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour


Forbes contributor Jeffrey Dorfman crunches the numbers and finds that a single mom (with one child) working at the minimum wage would face the equivalent of a 50% tax rate(from both higher payroll taxes and a loss in government benefits) if Obama is successful at raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour. Here’s how some minimum wage workers would be taxed at a higher rate than the “top 1%” by Obama’s “compassionate” 40% minimum wage hike:

A hypothetical single mom with one kid would see more than half of the proposed minimum wage increase offset by a reduction in benefits from the federal government and increased taxes. For those actually in or near poverty, however, any gain in wage earnings causes a significant loss in benefits that severely curtails the claimed impact of a minimum wage increase at lifting the working poor out of poverty.Essentially, these workers face the equivalent of a 50 percent or higher tax rate
Look ill give you credit. The article you posted about how the min wage would have affected welfare numbers was interesting and made some good points.
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? 18 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than 15? How many of them have kids?Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.

More of that "critical thinking" ?

Government just released a report showing raising minimum wage will not only not help the poor it will hurt them.

Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? 18 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than 15? How many of them have kids?Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.
That's not the only way. How about we start off by lower the corporate tax from 35% to about 15% across the board? Then companies that have outsourced will want to come back. Right now it's too expensive. Bringing back the jobs means that people have the chance to WORK towards higher paying jobs. Stop illegal immigrants from taking American jobs, and you're well on your way.
Well I guess you don't understand inflation then. It is way ahead. Do you really think 15 per hour pays for what it did 20 years ago? Of course not.
It depends. It buys less food but 15 years ago how many people had giant flat screen TVs, computer phones & tablets, etc. But we won't increase wages until the economy gets off life support, you simply can't tax your way to prosperity.
Capitalism has no flaw. Governments on the other hand are highly flawed.

I am not so sure that is true anymore. The day is coming(if its not already here) when technology will leave us with too many people and too few jobs.

Unless population is controlled, the world will have a permanent class of unemployed people. Capitalism will have to deal with that reality.

Of course, if the fed wage was increased, over time the big spike in consumer spending would create jobs and increase hours worked.

why not just increase wages 100% all over the world and create a big spike in spending and hours worked????????? We should have thought of this before!! Eureka!!!!! What would we do without liberal new ideas??

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