The Flood Of Illegal Immigrant Children: Why The Secrecy?

Why the secrecy? Because it's yet another Porkfest maneuver to funnel taxpayer dollars to favored political cronies. Obama is planning to spend $78K per minor for room and board.

Considering that the average middle class household's income is around $50K, those illegal alien kids will either be living "onepercenter" lifestyles of a lot of money is going to be siphoned off by cronies.

Well, I was right. Here's more background on the porkfest:

Obama held the meeting in Dallas one day after he asked Congress for $3.7 billion in emergency spending for the crisis along the Texas/Mexico border. Border Patrol has apprehended more than 50,000 unaccompanied minors so far this year, many of them fleeing violence in Central America.

Chris Liebrum, who leads the Baptist General Convention of Texas’ disaster recovery program, characterized the meeting as a genuine roundtable discussion with “quite a bit of back and forth” dialogue, noting Obama called on each person to ask for his or her ideas.

[...] Also attending the meeting was Kevin Dinnin, president of Baptist Child & Family Services, a BGCT-related agency providing care for children housed at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio.

Other participants included Arne Nelson, president of Catholic Charities of Dallas; Gov. Rick Perry; Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Dallas; Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, who had volunteered the county to house up to 2,000 immigrant children; the mayors of Dallas and nearby Grand Prairie, and county and state officials. (link)

So that’s who President Obama calls “faith leaders“. But there’s a problem, none of them are religion based organizations. None of them have churches. None of them have congregations or parishioners’.

They are the heads of government funded non-profits. Remember ACORN? Same/Same.

They are taxpayer funded corporations who exist almost exclusively on government grants. Despite the words “Baptist” and “Catholic”, these are NOT religious “faith based” groups. The name Baptist and Catholic is only to give the appearance of “religion” and add a dose of “charity” to the appearances.

We recently stumbled upon Mr. Kevin Dinnin when we were looking around for the primary recipients’ of HHS Grants and we came upon the 2012 tax filings of BCFS, or more accurately BCFS EMD where Kevin Dinnin is the principal officer and CEO. Paid at an annual salary of $477,799+

This one group alone makes ACORN seem small ball in comparison.

Two days before this meeting with President Obama, on 7/7/14 Mr. Dinnin was given a grant from Health and Human Services in the amount of $190,707,505....


But the most staggering figure is what HHS has spent on Unaccompanied Minor Children (under grant code 93676) since the President’s 2012 Deferred action program began:

The Obama Dallas Immigration Visit ? The Curious Case of Obama?s ?Faith Leaders? and Obama?s ?Faith-Based Groups?? | The Last Refuge

so these 'Baptist' and 'Catholic' organizations are not actual religious organizations.....

but are more like re-invented ACORN groups with a religious label....which Obama has been financing ahead of time to facilitate the importation of illegals.....:mad:

the diabolical deviousness of this Administrtion never ceases to astonish....
The Obama Administration is the biggest organized crime syndicate ever in the U.S.

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