The Floyd Lockdown

Very sad. By the way, plywood 4 x 8 sheets are not enough. Fences with barbed wire is necessary to keep the inbred Negroes and assorted Middle East scum out.
Very sad. By the way, plywood 4 x 8 sheets are not enough. Fences with barbed wire is necessary to keep the inbred Negroes and assorted Middle East scum out.
Looks like St Louis did when I went thru there years back.
I guess we need to get rid of glass and just put up metal bars to keep our youth from stealing us blind.
Last Friday I walked to a Trader Joe's in a nice part of Los Angeles.

Along the way, most storefronts were boarded up, too.

Some stores had "BLM" signs in a pathetic attempt to curry favor with potential looters.

On one corner were three California National Guardsmen. They had some kind of rifle. Of course, they would never dare use it.

The BLM had scheduled a march in this area, but it was later canceled. The stores were not looted.

The lady in charge of the Los Angeles BLM movement told the media that she was picking the nice parts of this city for marches because she wanted people in those areas to feel uncomfortable.

She succeeded.

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