The forgotten history and impact of the first black people to set foot in Europe


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Mar 11, 2015
The truth of history must be told.

The forgotten history and impact of the first black people to set foot in Europe​

The history of black people in Europe is often overlooked, but their presence on the continent dates back to ancient times and their contributions to European society and culture have been significant and enduring.

One of the earliest recorded instances of black people in Europe was in the Roman Empire, where they were brought as slaves from Africa and the Middle East to work as farm laborers, artisans, and soldiers. In the 15th and 16th centuries, during the Age of Exploration, Portuguese colonizers brought black slaves with them to work on plantations and in mines in the Americas and Africa. These slaves were often treated brutally and were not afforded the same rights as their white counterparts.

The African diaspora in Europe brought with it a rich cultural heritage that influenced various aspects of European society and culture. For example, the spread of Islam throughout Africa and the Middle East in the 7th and 8th centuries brought with it a wealth of knowledge and cultural practices that were embraced by many Europeans. The Moors, a group of Muslim inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula, made important contributions to science, mathematics, and literature, and their influence can still be seen in the architecture and cultural traditions of Spain and Portugal today.

In addition to the cultural influence of the African diaspora, the transatlantic slave trade also had a profound economic impact on Europe. The trade of African slaves provided a cheap source of labor for European colonizers, and the wealth generated by the slave trade helped to fuel the industrialization of Europe. The slave trade also had a profound impact on the economies of African states, as many were stripped of their most valuable resource: human labor.

It really must torque the OP to know how, historically, whites had their way with blacks for the most part. Still do for that matter....The leftist plantation is not a myth and Africa continues to Africa.

And we continue to have to keep dumbing things down in America to get a handful of blacks to pass all sorts of tests, for school, for jobs of all types.
The truth of history must be told.

The forgotten history and impact of the first black people to set foot in Europe​

The history of black people in Europe is often overlooked, but their presence on the continent dates back to ancient times and their contributions to European society and culture have been significant and enduring.

One of the earliest recorded instances of black people in Europe was in the Roman Empire, where they were brought as slaves from Africa and the Middle East to work as farm laborers, artisans, and soldiers. In the 15th and 16th centuries, during the Age of Exploration, Portuguese colonizers brought black slaves with them to work on plantations and in mines in the Americas and Africa. These slaves were often treated brutally and were not afforded the same rights as their white counterparts.

The African diaspora in Europe brought with it a rich cultural heritage that influenced various aspects of European society and culture. For example, the spread of Islam throughout Africa and the Middle East in the 7th and 8th centuries brought with it a wealth of knowledge and cultural practices that were embraced by many Europeans. The Moors, a group of Muslim inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula, made important contributions to science, mathematics, and literature, and their influence can still be seen in the architecture and cultural traditions of Spain and Portugal today.

In addition to the cultural influence of the African diaspora, the transatlantic slave trade also had a profound economic impact on Europe. The trade of African slaves provided a cheap source of labor for European colonizers, and the wealth generated by the slave trade helped to fuel the industrialization of Europe. The slave trade also had a profound impact on the economies of African states, as many were stripped of their most valuable resource: human labor.

The Moors raped, killed and enslaved the Iberians for several centuries. Their ‘civilization” was no better than the slave owners of the new world. The knowledge that Islam brought to Iberia wasn’t created by Muslims, it was the product of Jews fleeing the intolerance of Northern Europe and the survivors of Byzantium who hadn’t been converted to Islam yet. Once those hold-outs gave in to the pressure to embrace Islam, that golden age ended and has never returned. Islam has never been friendly to research because everything is the will of Allah.
The history of black people in Europe is often overlooked, but their presence on the continent dates back to ancient times and their contributions to European society and culture have been significant and enduring.

What color do you think the first homo sapiens were who entered Europe?

Here's a big clue, they were not "white". It is now believed that lighter skin tones were bred into H. Sapiens from H. Neanderthal.
  • Fact
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The truth of history must be told.

The forgotten history and impact of the first black people to set foot in Europe​

The history of black people in Europe is often overlooked, but their presence on the continent dates back to ancient times and their contributions to European society and culture have been significant and enduring.

One of the earliest recorded instances of black people in Europe was in the Roman Empire, where they were brought as slaves from Africa and the Middle East to work as farm laborers, artisans, and soldiers. In the 15th and 16th centuries, during the Age of Exploration, Portuguese colonizers brought black slaves with them to work on plantations and in mines in the Americas and Africa. These slaves were often treated brutally and were not afforded the same rights as their white counterparts.

The African diaspora in Europe brought with it a rich cultural heritage that influenced various aspects of European society and culture. For example, the spread of Islam throughout Africa and the Middle East in the 7th and 8th centuries brought with it a wealth of knowledge and cultural practices that were embraced by many Europeans. The Moors, a group of Muslim inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula, made important contributions to science, mathematics, and literature, and their influence can still be seen in the architecture and cultural traditions of Spain and Portugal today.

In addition to the cultural influence of the African diaspora, the transatlantic slave trade also had a profound economic impact on Europe. The trade of African slaves provided a cheap source of labor for European colonizers, and the wealth generated by the slave trade helped to fuel the industrialization of Europe. The slave trade also had a profound impact on the economies of African states, as many were stripped of their most valuable resource: human labor.

You're going to stop lying?
The Moors raped, killed and enslaved the Iberians for several centuries. Their ‘civilization” was no better than the slave owners of the new world. The knowledge that Islam brought to Iberia wasn’t created by Muslims, it was the product of Jews fleeing the intolerance of Northern Europe and the survivors of Byzantium who hadn’t been converted to Islam yet. Once those hold-outs gave in to the pressure to embrace Islam, that golden age ended and has never returned. Islam has never been friendly to research because everything is the will of Allah.
Jews created Islam? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jews created Islam? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No, but Jews fleeing persecution and the survivors of Byzantium were the driving force of the Islamic “renaissance “ of the early Middle Ages that people-Islamic people always hold up to prove how educated and enlightened the Moors were compared to the dumb Whites. Islam was at least four hundred years old at the time, but it takes a long time to terrorize educated people into accepting a faith that denigrates education and science.
The truth of history must be told.

The forgotten history and impact of the first black people to set foot in Europe​

The history of black people in Europe is often overlooked, but their presence on the continent dates back to ancient times and their contributions to European society and culture have been significant and enduring.

One of the earliest recorded instances of black people in Europe was in the Roman Empire, where they were brought as slaves from Africa and the Middle East to work as farm laborers, artisans, and soldiers. In the 15th and 16th centuries, during the Age of Exploration, Portuguese colonizers brought black slaves with them to work on plantations and in mines in the Americas and Africa. These slaves were often treated brutally and were not afforded the same rights as their white counterparts.

The African diaspora in Europe brought with it a rich cultural heritage that influenced various aspects of European society and culture. For example, the spread of Islam throughout Africa and the Middle East in the 7th and 8th centuries brought with it a wealth of knowledge and cultural practices that were embraced by many Europeans. The Moors, a group of Muslim inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula, made important contributions to science, mathematics, and literature, and their influence can still be seen in the architecture and cultural traditions of Spain and Portugal today.

In addition to the cultural influence of the African diaspora, the transatlantic slave trade also had a profound economic impact on Europe. The trade of African slaves provided a cheap source of labor for European colonizers, and the wealth generated by the slave trade helped to fuel the industrialization of Europe. The slave trade also had a profound impact on the economies of African states, as many were stripped of their most valuable resource: human labor.

And what about the Moors who raided, raped, and took whites for slaves for hundreds of years?

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