The Foul Mouth B.... Who Wants to be Your President

Wow, he used that name when talking about what he would say to someone who was taking advantage of America, and there was cheers and applause!.. I don't think it's right at all. A president can't talk like that and surely shouldn't be talking to the security detail like that. That cannot be acceptable to anyone. That's Hillary way of talking...she's a pig!
According to second hand accounts with books to sell of course. But if you want to be a hypocrite about cursing go ahead. A little fire in a candidate isn't a bad thing IMO.
Okay, I v=can go with a little fire in the belly, but that is not what Hitlery has. She downright disrespectful to the same people that are protecting her life. She sees them as "beneath her." And then continually berates them for it.

If the SS detail are disgusting to Hillary, just what does she think of those in poverty, or even the middle class? What a hypocrite! A disgusting one at that. And boy does she lie!
Again, second hand accounts by people who have a book to sell.
Did they all have a meeting to tell lies about Hillary?

Ronald Kessler, p.244
Christopher Anderson, p.90 –

Joyce Milton p.259
Gary Aldrich, p.139-
Robert Patterson, p.71-72

“Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t fuck her here!!”
From the book Inside the White House, by Ronald Kessler, p.243 –
From the Op's link
The person the country will put in charge of the red button.

(And these are the men and women who are coming forward. How many haven't?)
Not a meeting. They're all either decent people who gave in to partisan hackery to sell books, or were already partisan hacks who know how to sell books to rubes.
I really don't think that all of these agents would make this up. Perhaps one, but not this many. Agents have integrity.
They say what comes out of a person's mouth tells just what kind of person it is. If that be the case, Shrillary definitely belongs wallowing in a pig sty somewhere. The screamed and hollered over a few swear words from Pres Nixon but the media totally ignore the garbage coming out of her mouth.

Most of it is simply to disgusting to post in a public forum. But, it you have the stomach and want to know just what kind of a person she is, go to The filthy mouth of Hillary Clinton And all of it links to the original reports.
Never realized conservatives had such sensitive ears
They say what comes out of a person's mouth tells just what kind of person it is. If that be the case, Shrillary definitely belongs wallowing in a pig sty somewhere. The screamed and hollered over a few swear words from Pres Nixon but the media totally ignore the garbage coming out of her mouth.

Most of it is simply to disgusting to post in a public forum. But, it you have the stomach and want to know just what kind of a person she is, go to The filthy mouth of Hillary Clinton And all of it links to the original reports.
Never realized conservatives had such sensitive ears
They don't have sensitive ears. they have standards.
According to second hand accounts with books to sell of course. But if you want to be a hypocrite about cursing go ahead. A little fire in a candidate isn't a bad thing IMO.
Okay, I v=can go with a little fire in the belly, but that is not what Hitlery has. She downright disrespectful to the same people that are protecting her life. She sees them as "beneath her." And then continually berates them for it.

If the SS detail are disgusting to Hillary, just what does she think of those in poverty, or even the middle class? What a hypocrite! A disgusting one at that. And boy does she lie!
Again, second hand accounts by people who have a book to sell.
Did they all have a meeting to tell lies about Hillary?

Ronald Kessler, p.244
Christopher Anderson, p.90 –

Joyce Milton p.259
Gary Aldrich, p.139-
Robert Patterson, p.71-72

“Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t fuck her here!!”
From the book Inside the White House, by Ronald Kessler, p.243 –
From the Op's link
The person the country will put in charge of the red button.

(And these are the men and women who are coming forward. How many haven't?)
Not a meeting. They're all either decent people who gave in to partisan hackery to sell books, or were already partisan hacks who know how to sell books to rubes.
I really don't think that all of these agents would make this up. Perhaps one, but not this many. Agents have integrity.
No. Slandering a former employer in a book because it will sell more copies is not integrity.
They say what comes out of a person's mouth tells just what kind of person it is. If that be the case, Shrillary definitely belongs wallowing in a pig sty somewhere. The screamed and hollered over a few swear words from Pres Nixon but the media totally ignore the garbage coming out of her mouth.

Most of it is simply to disgusting to post in a public forum. But, it you have the stomach and want to know just what kind of a person she is, go to The filthy mouth of Hillary Clinton And all of it links to the original reports.
Never realized conservatives had such sensitive ears
They don't have sensitive ears. they have standards.
You mean like Trump?
They say what comes out of a person's mouth tells just what kind of person it is. If that be the case, Shrillary definitely belongs wallowing in a pig sty somewhere. The screamed and hollered over a few swear words from Pres Nixon but the media totally ignore the garbage coming out of her mouth.

Most of it is simply to disgusting to post in a public forum. But, it you have the stomach and want to know just what kind of a person she is, go to The filthy mouth of Hillary Clinton And all of it links to the original reports.
Never realized conservatives had such sensitive ears
They don't have sensitive ears. they have standards.
You mean like Trump?
I like most of his policies.
They say what comes out of a person's mouth tells just what kind of person it is. If that be the case, Shrillary definitely belongs wallowing in a pig sty somewhere. The screamed and hollered over a few swear words from Pres Nixon but the media totally ignore the garbage coming out of her mouth.

Most of it is simply to disgusting to post in a public forum. But, it you have the stomach and want to know just what kind of a person she is, go to The filthy mouth of Hillary Clinton And all of it links to the original reports.
Never realized conservatives had such sensitive ears
They don't have sensitive ears. they have standards.
You mean like Trump?
I like most of his policies.
Then you are as big a moron as the rest of the Trump supporters

I am going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
I am going to round up all 11 million Mexicans and deport them
I am going to ban Muslims from entering the country
I am going to cut taxes on the super wealthy at a cost of $1.5 trillion a year
They say what comes out of a person's mouth tells just what kind of person it is. If that be the case, Shrillary definitely belongs wallowing in a pig sty somewhere. The screamed and hollered over a few swear words from Pres Nixon but the media totally ignore the garbage coming out of her mouth.

Most of it is simply to disgusting to post in a public forum. But, it you have the stomach and want to know just what kind of a person she is, go to The filthy mouth of Hillary Clinton And all of it links to the original reports.
Never realized conservatives had such sensitive ears
They don't have sensitive ears. they have standards.
You mean like Trump?
I like most of his policies.
Then you are as big a moron as the rest of the Trump supporters

I am going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
I am going to round up all 11 million Mexicans and deport them
I am going to ban Muslims from entering the country
I am going to cut taxes on the super wealthy at a cost of $1.5 trillion a year
You didn't see my post detailing how much foreign aid we give to Mexico?

[TBODY][TR][TD]Mexico[/TD][TD="align: right"]
[/TD][TD="align: right"]
Almost $1 B went to Mexico in 2014

List of countries by foreign aid received - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's how we make Mexico pay for the wall...

We might not be able to deport 11 million, but that doesn't mean we can't try to get rid of illegals, now does it?

FBI said we cannot vet all of those entering the country from radical Muslim countries...

I don't recall him saying he's going to cut taxes on super wealthy. Just the opposite.
Never realized conservatives had such sensitive ears
They don't have sensitive ears. they have standards.
You mean like Trump?
I like most of his policies.
Then you are as big a moron as the rest of the Trump supporters

I am going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
I am going to round up all 11 million Mexicans and deport them
I am going to ban Muslims from entering the country
I am going to cut taxes on the super wealthy at a cost of $1.5 trillion a year
You didn't see my post detailing how much foreign aid we give to Mexico?

Almost $1 B went to Mexico in 2014

List of countries by foreign aid received - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's how we make Mexico pay for the wall...

We might not be able to deport 11 million, but that doesn't mean we can't try to get rid of illegals, now does it?

FBI said we cannot vet all of those entering the country from radical Muslim countries...

I don't recall him saying he's going to cut taxes on super wealthy. Just the opposite.
Trumps tax plan cuts taxes on the wealthy except for the villainous "hedge fund managers". (Note, not real estate developers)

It runs a $1.5 trillion deficit
They don't have sensitive ears. they have standards.
You mean like Trump?
I like most of his policies.
Then you are as big a moron as the rest of the Trump supporters

I am going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
I am going to round up all 11 million Mexicans and deport them
I am going to ban Muslims from entering the country
I am going to cut taxes on the super wealthy at a cost of $1.5 trillion a year
You didn't see my post detailing how much foreign aid we give to Mexico?

Almost $1 B went to Mexico in 2014

List of countries by foreign aid received - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's how we make Mexico pay for the wall...

We might not be able to deport 11 million, but that doesn't mean we can't try to get rid of illegals, now does it?

FBI said we cannot vet all of those entering the country from radical Muslim countries...

I don't recall him saying he's going to cut taxes on super wealthy. Just the opposite.
Trumps tax plan cuts taxes on the wealthy except for the villainous "hedge fund managers". (Note, not real estate developers)

It runs a $1.5 trillion deficit
He proposes a 40% one time tax in addition to their normal rate on the super rich. I don't agree with your statement. Supply a link, please
Okay, I v=can go with a little fire in the belly, but that is not what Hitlery has. She downright disrespectful to the same people that are protecting her life. She sees them as "beneath her." And then continually berates them for it.

If the SS detail are disgusting to Hillary, just what does she think of those in poverty, or even the middle class? What a hypocrite! A disgusting one at that. And boy does she lie!
Again, second hand accounts by people who have a book to sell.
Did they all have a meeting to tell lies about Hillary?

Ronald Kessler, p.244
Christopher Anderson, p.90 –

Joyce Milton p.259
Gary Aldrich, p.139-
Robert Patterson, p.71-72

“Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t fuck her here!!”
From the book Inside the White House, by Ronald Kessler, p.243 –
From the Op's link
The person the country will put in charge of the red button.

(And these are the men and women who are coming forward. How many haven't?)
Not a meeting. They're all either decent people who gave in to partisan hackery to sell books, or were already partisan hacks who know how to sell books to rubes.
I really don't think that all of these agents would make this up. Perhaps one, but not this many. Agents have integrity.
No. Slandering a former employer in a book because it will sell more copies is not integrity.
It's not slander if it's true. Has Hillary come out and denied this?
The OP was NOT about Trump!

It was about the foul-mouthed woman who has no respect for anybody and constantly shows her lack of class by using language belonging in a gutter somewhere.

If any of you who support her can explain why this behavior is fitting of a POTUS, I would love to hear it.
They say what comes out of a person's mouth tells just what kind of person it is. If that be the case, Shrillary definitely belongs wallowing in a pig sty somewhere. The screamed and hollered over a few swear words from Pres Nixon but the media totally ignore the garbage coming out of her mouth.

Most of it is simply to disgusting to post in a public forum. But, it you have the stomach and want to know just what kind of a person she is, go to The filthy mouth of Hillary Clinton And all of it links to the original reports.
Lol a Trump supporter knocking another candidate for having a filthy mouth :rofl:
And just when did Trump call people the names in my prior post?

maybe people should ignore the rightwingnut blogosphere and get actual sources for things.

and anyone who supports trump really has no business commenting on anyone's language.... or anyone else's choice of a candidate for that matter.
You mean like Trump?
I like most of his policies.
Then you are as big a moron as the rest of the Trump supporters

I am going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
I am going to round up all 11 million Mexicans and deport them
I am going to ban Muslims from entering the country
I am going to cut taxes on the super wealthy at a cost of $1.5 trillion a year
You didn't see my post detailing how much foreign aid we give to Mexico?

Almost $1 B went to Mexico in 2014

List of countries by foreign aid received - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's how we make Mexico pay for the wall...

We might not be able to deport 11 million, but that doesn't mean we can't try to get rid of illegals, now does it?

FBI said we cannot vet all of those entering the country from radical Muslim countries...

I don't recall him saying he's going to cut taxes on super wealthy. Just the opposite.
Trumps tax plan cuts taxes on the wealthy except for the villainous "hedge fund managers". (Note, not real estate developers)

It runs a $1.5 trillion deficit
He proposes a 40% one time tax in addition to their normal rate on the super rich. I don't agree with your statement. Supply a link, please
Donald Trump's tax plan costs $12 trillion, according to analysis

In addition, the gains from the cuts would disproportionately benefit ultra-wealthy Americans like Trump, whose personal income, business earnings and inheritors all stand to gain from a number of its provisions. According to the analysis, the wealthiest 1% of Americans would see their after-tax incomes increase by 21.6% versus just 1.4% for the poorest 10%.
Did they all have a meeting to tell lies about Hillary?

Ronald Kessler, p.244
Christopher Anderson, p.90 –

Joyce Milton p.259
Gary Aldrich, p.139-
Robert Patterson, p.71-72

“Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t fuck her here!!”
From the book Inside the White House, by Ronald Kessler, p.243 –
From the Op's link
The person the country will put in charge of the red button.

(And these are the men and women who are coming forward. How many haven't?)

Maybe not. But certainly a lot are dubious..

The HildaBeast
Again, second hand accounts by people who have a book to sell.
Did they all have a meeting to tell lies about Hillary?

Ronald Kessler, p.244
Christopher Anderson, p.90 –

Joyce Milton p.259
Gary Aldrich, p.139-
Robert Patterson, p.71-72

“Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t fuck her here!!”
From the book Inside the White House, by Ronald Kessler, p.243 –
From the Op's link
The person the country will put in charge of the red button.

(And these are the men and women who are coming forward. How many haven't?)
Not a meeting. They're all either decent people who gave in to partisan hackery to sell books, or were already partisan hacks who know how to sell books to rubes.
I really don't think that all of these agents would make this up. Perhaps one, but not this many. Agents have integrity.
No. Slandering a former employer in a book because it will sell more copies is not integrity.
It's not slander if it's true. Has Hillary come out and denied this?
It's slander if there is zero evidence, and no evidence can ever be provided. I doubt Hillary would dignify that crap with a response. They've been trying to destroy her for 30 years. A few shitty books nobody bought probably don't bother her.
They say what comes out of a person's mouth tells just what kind of person it is. If that be the case, Shrillary definitely belongs wallowing in a pig sty somewhere. The screamed and hollered over a few swear words from Pres Nixon but the media totally ignore the garbage coming out of her mouth.

Most of it is simply to disgusting to post in a public forum. But, it you have the stomach and want to know just what kind of a person she is, go to The filthy mouth of Hillary Clinton And all of it links to the original reports.
Never realized conservatives had such sensitive ears

What you don't "realize could fill the Titanic.
They say what comes out of a person's mouth tells just what kind of person it is. If that be the case, Shrillary definitely belongs wallowing in a pig sty somewhere. The screamed and hollered over a few swear words from Pres Nixon but the media totally ignore the garbage coming out of her mouth.

Most of it is simply to disgusting to post in a public forum. But, it you have the stomach and want to know just what kind of a person she is, go to The filthy mouth of Hillary Clinton And all of it links to the original reports.
Lol a Trump supporter knocking another candidate for having a filthy mouth :rofl:
And just when did Trump call people the names in my prior post?

maybe people should ignore the rightwingnut blogosphere and get actual sources for things.

and anyone who supports trump really has no business commenting on anyone's language.... or anyone else's choice of a candidate for that matter.

You are making excuses for that pig. Trump has said what he would say to someone trying to take advantage of America. But, that doesn't excuse it.
So you are saying I cannot comment on a candidate??? Aha!
Last edited:
Did they all have a meeting to tell lies about Hillary?

Ronald Kessler, p.244
Christopher Anderson, p.90 –

Joyce Milton p.259
Gary Aldrich, p.139-
Robert Patterson, p.71-72

“Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t fuck her here!!”
From the book Inside the White House, by Ronald Kessler, p.243 –
From the Op's link
The person the country will put in charge of the red button.

(And these are the men and women who are coming forward. How many haven't?)
Not a meeting. They're all either decent people who gave in to partisan hackery to sell books, or were already partisan hacks who know how to sell books to rubes.
I really don't think that all of these agents would make this up. Perhaps one, but not this many. Agents have integrity.
No. Slandering a former employer in a book because it will sell more copies is not integrity.
It's not slander if it's true. Has Hillary come out and denied this?
It's slander if there is zero evidence, and no evidence can ever be provided. I doubt Hillary would dignify that crap with a response. They've been trying to destroy her for 30 years. A few shitty books nobody bought probably don't bother her.
I wouldn't be surprised if more than one heard these comments and could attest to them. Chelsea even told about the "pigs" comment.

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