The Foundation Of America's Economic System Is Now An Inhumane Fraud


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Many people point out that under our economic system we built great skyscrapers, monuments, and more. But one must ask: what percentage of the population can take advantage or partake of the spoils? Most buildings, structures, and the like are off-limits to the vast majority of Americans, yet we praise their existence as some collective accomplishment. They are not. Like slaves, one builds them for the benefit of a few, as others are generally allowed entry just to serve.

Most financial companies make money not by investing in companies for the sole purpose of making money from the success of their products and services, but by merely moving paper and money around. Their investments produce nothing useful for society. They generate money off of the backs of others that have formed companies, others who have created products and services. I fail to see how this is substantially different from welfare recipients. Maybe welfare recipients should put on suits and ties as they use the system to get something for nothing. Oops—corporate welfare recipients already do that, and it works. Working-class welfare recipients: Are you listening?

The foundation of America's economic system is now an inhumane fraud

And this is why you don't give rich people tax cuts, and why a Wall St. transaction tax will eventually be enacted.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories, is a left wing platform.

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