The Friday Five

The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. everyday
yes to both.
2.I don't have one favorite my top choices
are: alternative, 80's new wave, classic rock and classical.
3. both, plus radio friends introduce me to different stuff.
4.last week
5. probably not .
in the 70's I collected mostly LPs in the 80's cassettes 90's to 2005 CD'S NOW MUSIC FILES.
I think some sort of music "CLOUD will take the place of all hard copy music.
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The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

Every time I go somewhere in my car. At home, it's only when I'm not watching TV.

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?
Serius TV, the best, especially when traveling, don't have to keep finding new stations. K-Love, The Message and local Music stations are my favorite.

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?
From the radio, or if someone posts a favorite here in the music threads. If I like it, I will look for it.

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

Probably not...our technology is advancing and I think CDs will probably go the way of 8-track tapes and rental movie videos.

1. How often do you listen to music?
Every day.

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?
I only listen to the radio when I'm in the car with someone else who has it on. I mostly hate the radio.

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?
Either friends or various online sources.

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?
A while ago. (asking me about specific times is a fool's errand :lol:)

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?
Yes. 10 years isn't that long. It's possible CD's will give way to some other physical format I suppose, but I don't think there has been a lot of change in music formats recently. Unless something unusual or revolutionary comes out pretty soon, there will be plenty of people still using the formats of today.
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. Not as much as I used to

2. I listen to radio. Mostly oldies rock. Starting to enjoy more Jazz and Blues

3. I generally don't. I have gotten intellectually lazy when it comes to music

4. I haven't bought a CD in years and don't have an MP3 player

5. New technologies? I am still holding onto my 8 Tracks
omg.... 8 tracks!! lol.
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. Not as much as I used to

2. I listen to radio. Mostly oldies rock. Starting to enjoy more Jazz and Blues

3. I generally don't. I have gotten intellectually lazy when it comes to music

4. I haven't bought a CD in years and don't have an MP3 player

5. New technologies? I am still holding onto my 8 Tracks
omg.... 8 tracks!! lol.

They will come will see

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The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. Occasionally

2. Mostly to music off a cable TV channel

3. I don't even look anymore

4. CD - years ago. Music file, probably 2 in the last year

5. (free) Radio will be around. CDs not so much as they force purchase of an entire "album" to get just one tune and their quality (relative to other means) sucks. Satellite (pay) radio probably will be around for variety. Internet music - the purchase variety - will grow. Internet pirated music will not go away though RIAA will continue to fight it. The one that will see moderate growth is vinyl records. Quality, for the first few plays, far surpasses everything else. But that's a niche market and will continue to be....but it will still be around.
1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. Everyday ... Several Times A Day.

2. I don't listen to a lot of radio ... Mostly on the computer, stereo or other device.

3. Most new music I find is from following the trails on You Tube links to the side ... I will find a song I like and then follow the suggested links on the side into different artists and new music.

4. Today ... I bought a digital file from iTunes.

5. Digital files will still be around although the quality will improve ... CD's are probably on their way out since the Cloud is becoming more popular.

Do CD's degrade?

Usually not. Well, at least in reasonable time frames. Since the "reading" is done by lasers with no mechanical contact there is no discernible wear from being played. The plastic will break down in time and there'll be handling scratches but pretty much until there's actual physical damage the quality will remain as it was when recorded. With vinyl the grooves are read through physical contact with the needle which is far harder than the plastic so there is wear every time the LP is played.

.WAV, MP3, etc. files are stored in various ways. Until recently on magnetic discs inside your computer and there's only the same physical wear considerations but, with magnetics, there will be losses over time. A very long time.

Big differentiation between CD and LP is when the originals and copies are made. The LP is by analog methods which means if things are done well a huge spectrum can be recorded. Any digital method has finite quantizing with "steps:" rather than a continuum. Result is that which gets recorded is not as good in digital media as with analog. But the one (analog) degrades; the digital far less so.

First observed this myself with videotape. At the time digital (tape) recording came on the scene reality was that if one recorded the same scene (or series of test signals) simultaneously on analog (2-inch then) and on digital then immediately played them back and measured the result the analog recording would be far superior to the digital. That would continue until the each had been played some number of times after which the analog tape would have degraded but the digital tape would produce results as good as it did at the first playing.

So if "it" is digital you get a little less originally than you do if "it" is analog but after a short time the digital will look or sound better.
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?

A stick, then a football, then the broken bodies of other children

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?

Other children

3. What was your favorite children's game?

Avoid attack by your older brothers

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?


5. How well did you share?

Just fine, unless it was MINE, MINE, MINE! Then, not so much.
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. How often do you listen to music? Every day, it seems.

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

I listen to You tube or my Ipod, or catch new songs on Swedish tv which is big on shows with singing and dancing.

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

Links on my Facebook home feed, You Tube channel, or tv dancing and singing shows here in Sweden.

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

I can't remember the last time I bought a music CD. I usually buy my new songs off of ITunes to directly load into my Ipod. I suppose I bought a couple just the other week.

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

That is too hard to say. A lot of changes have already happened over the course of my lifetime, that I can't even imagine what is to come.
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1-5. Iffen it ain't Hank Williams on a 78 RPM, it ain't music! Period.
The Music of our Lives

1. How often do you listen to music?

Often...if it's not in the background it's intertwined in my thoughts

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

I listen to Pandora so I create my own stations and usually play a shuffle that includes celtic, folk, 70's rock, el divo, reggae, early jazz..and more. I also like to listen to NPR and their shows Side Tracks, Mountain Stage and Shamrock and Thistle.

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

From posters here, NPR's music shows (I just fell in love with Solas and ordered a CD), also Pandora.

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5 days ago :eusa_whistle:

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

I don't know...I'm always about ten steps behind, sniffing the dandilions, while technology advances :lol:
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1-5. Iffen it ain't Hank Williams on a 78 RPM, it ain't music! Period.

ok ... so, 78's not so much. Still have my 45's and those plastic doohickey's you inserted in them so they would play on the turntable ;)
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. Everyday

2. On the internet .... car's radio if favorite station

3.Internet, TV, car's radio.

4.Long time ago

5.I honestly don't know :)
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. Probably at least every day from a few minutes to several hours.

2. I do listen to the radio fairly often, but very seldom music stations but seek out news/talk stations.

3. I don't seek out new songs or artists, but am exposed to them most often via television competition shows--AGT, Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, The Voice, and similar programs. I generally HATE all genres of modern music--tuneless, over orchestrated, and mostly screeching instead of singing--but every once in a while somebody still writes a good song.

4. I usually buy a new Christmas CD every year. Otherwise if our extensive collection grows, it is via one of the kids etc. giving us a CD.

5. Technology is changing so quickly, it almost has to change. But I do love my music and hope I'll still be able to enjoy my CDs 10 years from now.
The Music of our Lives [/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

1. How often do you listen to music?


2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

Satellite and I listen to many stations, from classical, to rock, to country, to bluegrass, to today's music.

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

TV, radio, at work

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

I don't buy CD's. I buy digital files all the time.

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

I'm sure it will all be changing, it always does.

1. How often do you listen to music?
Sometimes I'll listen to FM radio while driving to work in the car, but most often don't because of the commercials. Will listen to CD's if in the truck.

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?
Regular old FM radio. Favorite station is an oldies (60's/70's) station.

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?
Recommendation from a buddy.

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?
Probably a year ago... it was a Stevie Ray Vaughn CD I bought to replace on that got scratched.

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?
They'll be replaced. By what, I don't have a clue, but when cassette tapes came out we all thought "How can it get better than this?" I suspect the same thing will happen with CD's, even if it's replaced with MP3's or something like that.

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