The Friday Five

The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

1) Dog
2) No. yes
3) No idea
4) Yes. Hi i guess.
5) No idea
For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person? Dog and cat

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past? I have my 21 year old cat, Sydney. We had to put down our family dog Bud in December, I really, really miss Bud.

3. What is your favorite pet companion? Cats and Dogs for different reasons.

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them? I wish. If it could happen, I'd tell them how meaningful they were to my life. They brought me joy, made me laugh and were very comforting.

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not? A dog and a cat. A dog and why,,,because they are so lovable, they love going for rides in the car and love to go for walks. Their great friends and I think that's the way people look at them. A cat is so graceful, they get to sleep on the bed (more so that dogs) and they have those neat bathrooms so they don't have to battle the elements when it's time to "go".
Obviously, I love cats and dogs, a lot!
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The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

I prefer cats to dogs, and birds to cats.

I had pets in my youth, but I got my lovebird in my fortys.

My lovebird was my companion for seventeen years, and I loved her very much.

I do believe pets can be reunited with their owners after death, but I wonder how that really works. The spirit say that if you stop caring about them they move on and you will not see them, but if you still love them when you die they may be waiting for you.

I do not think people reincarnate as animals nor do animals reicarnate as humans. Animals are on their own evolutionary path to perfection.
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Speaking of all these games and toys, does anyone else remember "Creepy Crawlers"?

That is so weird. I actually have one of those and I
Just made butterflies and two headed snakes like 3 days ago. Lol I'm totally serious. I love that thing. The goop I got is glow on the dark. Awesome!! :)
Speaking of all these games and toys, does anyone else remember "Creepy Crawlers"?


The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

(1) Dog. We have several on our property. 2 German Shepherds and 2 Dachshunds (they have the run of the 260 acres) - well, the little Dachshunds are more of the "indoor" variety.

(2) 4 Dogs and a couple of cats - but I'm not a "cat person". I have had pets since I was a wee laddie. Mostly dogs - but a cat or two along the way - Siamese.

(3) Believe it or not - the Dachshund is probably the best companion of them all - extremely intelligent.

(4) That's a little difficult. I was taught (as a child) that animals had no soul, but after being around dogs all my life, I have to respectfully disagree. I truly believe that they, in fact DO have a soul and, with a little luck, we'll see them again.

(5) I don't think so - there is far too much cruelty out there towards animals. Look, I have killed humans, and I have killed animals (for food). However, when the choice comes down to it, I would gladly shoot a human (most times) over an animal and never give it a second thought. I actually LIKE animals ...........
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

1. All of the above.

2. 2 dogs now. We've had birds, fish, cats, reptiles, even a hedge hog for a short time.

3. It depends.

4. Do I believe in what comes next? Yes. Do I have a list of expectations? No.

5. Best to just let the cards fall where they may. :)
1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person? I'm the Crazy Cat Lady!

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past? I have 4 cats now...have always had cats. Had a dog, birds, mice, gerbils, and a spider monkey in the past.

3. What is your favorite pet companion? It's got to be my favorite cat, Angus. Perfect in every way. We have conversations... ;-)

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them? Just that I miss them.

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not? No. Too many humans are jerks, and I wouldn't want to be stuck with one.
1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?.....Dog

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?.....No pet's now. I had many pets in the past.

3. What is your favorite pet companion?.....Dog.

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?.....I don't believe in life after death.

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?.....I would not want to come back as anyone's pet.
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. I wasn't too big on toys, but I loved swinging out over the river and letting go halfway over.

2. Introvert since birth, too cool for fools.

3. Backgammon

4. None, really.

5. Pretty well, I am not attached to material things.


Do you ever go back and visit the river swing?

No way I'd trust that rope. It was older than I was when I first used it.
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1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

I love both cats and dogs equally. No interest in exotic pets.

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

Not now. Not feasible. I have had one dog of my own, though I grew up in a home where we always had a family dog, and 4 cats since high school, about one each decade. My last cat lived to be 16.

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

I love both cats and dogs equally.

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

Wishful thinking: but it sure would be wonderful. I'd just hug them and pet them and say how much I loved and missed them. Then we would just hang out together for all eternity. I'd have a little cottage with a big garden and we'd all be so cozy and blissful--it would be Heaven afterall. It would snow in the winter, but not be too cold, be golden in the fall, have tons of flowers in the spring, and be sunny in the summer but not too hot. And a swimming pool for me and the lab. :)

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

I'd want to be a cat so I could laze around a lot; but I'd also want to be a dog so I could go on long walks and do a lot of exploring with my owner. A 'cog'? Or a 'dat'? :eusa_angel:
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1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person? Dog

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past? Yes and yes

3. What is your favorite pet companion? Dog

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them? No

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not? Not unless I was a hot woman's dog
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

1. Cats and chinchillas. Preferably not in the same room together.

2. Nope. I've had cats, dogs, hamsters, gold fish, guppies, beta, gerbils, guinea pigs, cockatiels, and a conure (mean prick).

3. The right kind of cat. Not just any old cat will do, it has to have the proper personality.

4. That's just silly.

5. I'd totally be a cat. What other animal can pounce on a person's stomach from the top of a dresser to wake them up and actually get what they're wanting? If a dog did that to me, I'd throw it out the door of a moving car... just kidding. Maybe.
OK my favorite toy.

My dad gave me a bbgun. We got into such big trouble because my mom bought me a Barbie. You have to understand the times with ed sullivan. What could possibly go wrong.

My baba based on ed sullivan, lololol.........thought it was a good idea to put barbie on the spin wheel so I could shoot at her.

My mother was crushed. My dad was thrilled. My baba didn't understand what she did wrong.
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1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

1. Strictly a dog person although I can tolerate cats; if the dog does.

2. Owned by 2 dogs and 2 cats. Have always had dogs and an occasional cat.

3. Favorite pet companion is the alligator I found. Cut off his tail and painted him yellow. He thinks he's a dog.

4. I hope to see one particular dog. I would ask him, "Where in hell are my favorite bedroom slippers"?

5. I would want to come back as an elephant. I can't seem to remember why.
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Q: Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

A: Definitely a dog person. Though I have always wanted an African Grey parrot.

Q: Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

A: I have several pets now. A police dog, a conure, two African dwarf frogs. I have always had pets. I have always had a dog, and have had many cats and some fish in the past.

Q: What is your favorite pet companion?

A: Nothing tops a good dog. Nothing.

Q: Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

A: I think relationships in whatever afterlife there is will be nothing like they are here.

Q: If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

A: I would not. I see far too many animals maltreated, and so the odds would be against me having a comfortable happy life as someone else's pet. I have adopted pets who had previous owners who were extremely inhumane. I want to hunt them down and beat them senseless.

I also do not understand why some people get a dog and then keep it outside 24/7. It really pisses me off.

[see bolded]
I have a working dog, a LGD (livestock guardian dog), that lives with the goats. Roxie is outside 24/7, living in and around the barn and sheds, as she wishes. This dog hates being inside. I have to struggle to get her into the stock trailer when I move my herd. She also loves the snow, being a Pyrenees, she's set up perfectly for cold and snow. So, there are circumstances where a dog indeed needs to be, and actually prefers being, outside all the time.
1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

Dog, by all means

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

COlonel, a wiemeraner, before him was Major another wiemeraner

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

Colonel, who else.......

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

Was i a good companion? And i missed you.

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

No, just no.
I attended the trance lectures of Ursula Roberts in the 1970's. These are lectures in which the medium is purportedly taken in trance by a spirit guide that uses her mouth to speak.
The following link is a page of these teachings about animals in the afterlife.

Chapter 8 - Do Animals Survive Death?
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?,cat etc
2. yes dog and cat
3. depends on the animals personality
4. if there is a life after death I be so happy to see them again I'd be speechless!
1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person? I'm the Crazy Cat Lady!

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past? I have 4 cats now...have always had cats. Had a dog, birds, mice, gerbils, and a spider monkey in the past.

3. What is your favorite pet companion? It's got to be my favorite cat, Angus. Perfect in every way. We have conversations... ;-)

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them? Just that I miss them.

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not? No. Too many humans are jerks, and I wouldn't want to be stuck with one.

Four cats are really not enough to qualify as a "crazy cat lady". You need one of these:


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