The Friday Five

1. Dog, but I like cats also.
2. 1 dog and 30 koi.
3. My dog.
4. No. If there was a way to ask them anything, I'd want to ask my dogs why they ate grass.
5. No. I know my dogs have wanted to communicate something to me and lacked the ability to do so. I'd find that beyond frustrating.

Perfect question. :lol:
I was raised a dog guy. We never had cats. Fish are décor, not pets.

But I have a dog now that majors in sweetness. Daisy the Mutt is what I call her, in spite of her pedigree. She is a miniature poodle. here's Daisy taking a leak:


We walk nearly every day. weather permitting. She has caused me to lose 40 pounds.

I had another dog, Buddy, as a walking companion. He died in July of 2007. I'm not sure if seeing buddy again would be a good thing or not as Daisy is insanely jealous. But Buddy and I walked and talked around the park and cemetery we would frequent. I talked about how soon my mortgage would be paid off, Buddy would plea for a treat.

Daisy was originally my Mom's dog. But as a pup, Daisy was a horror, chewing up anything she could get in that tiny mouth of hers. Mom kicked Daisy out of the Big House for being a miscreant. I took her in and calmed her down. Now mom asks for overnight visits from her. Daisy is a part time pet at the Big House, but she prefers to come home with me after a day or two.

If there is anything at all to this re-incarnation stuff, I'd come back as a lap dog to a loving home. I left Daisy snoring contentedly on my bed while I got ready for work.
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1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets? What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

1. I currently have the two mutts pictured above, but I've been roommates with some very cool cats too. I've never had anything truly exotic, but I once took a box of five jet-black kittens, each with a fancy certificate proving it to be a 'genuine imitation miniature panther' to a grocery store parking lot and gave them all away in less than twenty minutes.

2. See # 1. :lol: I guess I like critters and I don't read ahead on questionnaires.

3. The ones I have living in my home at any given moment I suppose. I know that there are reasons other than companionship for a Monkey to own an animal in the 21st Century, but I can't relate. The ownership I need to take over animals as an omnivore in the grocery store age not withstanding.

4. I can't imagine an after-life without some sort of representation of the living soup that spawned us. At least not one that's a step up.

I had a cat named Bonzi who disappeared under extreme duress getting him in to a vehicle after a vet visit. The ones that disappeared. Those are the pets I'd have questions for.

5. Certainly not knowing what I know now. :wink_2:
Sentience ROCKS!! :rock:
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet com11panion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?
1. Cat person

2. Two cats and one dog

3. Koko, my cat.

4. I couldn't handle that many pets at one time. Also, it would be tough juggling my favorite pets and having to deal with jealousy. It would be tough to pick which one would be my favorite again. I guess it's because I've moved on.

5. I'd rather just stay 25 forever. Getting old sucks, and going through the learning process all over again isn't a fun prospect.
1. I have had dogs, cats and fish … But I am a dog person though, because they make the best buddies.

2. I am down to my cat Genghis Khan and some fish now … Gonna be that way until God gives me another one.

3. I have had two awesome dogs … Eleanor … Who was a Rottweiler/Chow mix and the smartest best dog anyone could ever wish for.
Chuck … Was a Rat Terrier, a great hunter, the best friend you could possibly have … I miss him a lot every day.

4. I struggle with the after-life question myself … So really don't know about pets.
In any case … If there is an after-life for pets then mine earned Heaven hands down.
I may never see them again though … Still need to get rid of my ticket to Hell.

5. I wouldn't mind coming back as a pet as long as it could be something like a working dog.
I could handle being a ranch dog with plenty of time outside, herding animals, hunting … Or laid up in the truck with a cool rancher that knows how to treat a dog right.

I am a dog man, but we have a cat and she is the stereotype "scaredy car". If we got a dog now, she may never come home.....wait....that isn't sounding so bad, huh?
1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?
Dogs and cats.

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?
No, not now. I had a cat for many years

3. What is your favorite pet companion?
Daughter's dogs.

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?
Not sure if I believe in an afterlife.

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?
No. If there is a way to come back, I want to be in control of things, not controlled.
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

1. I like all kinds of animals and have had many different critters, although some really are not pets as much as they are wild things you care for.

2. I have 7 pets (6 cats, one dog) and more than twodoze working animals, call them 'production associates' if it makes you feel better.

3. My favorite pet copanions are usually cats.

4. No idea, guess I'll figureit out when the time comes.

5. It would not do me any good to come back as one of my pets.
1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?
Always wanted an ocelot.

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?
Have had several cats and a couple of dogs and two chickens. The chickens disappeared. But I think we may have had them for Sunday dinner.

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?
Afterlife, yes. Seeing pets there, no.

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?
Not unless I was a well fed house cat. Otherwise, too hard to stay alive.
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1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?
Dogs and cats.

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?
No, not now. I had a cat for many years

3. What is your favorite pet companion?
Daughter's dogs.

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?
Not sure if I believe in an afterlife.

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?
No. If there is a way to come back, I want to be in control of things, not controlled.

Grand-dogs! :beer: Just as much fun as grand-kids!
And less likely to ask for money :thup:
1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?
all the above

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?
yes, two cats, a bull and a cow. All four are pets.

3. What is your favorite pet companion?
my bull. He's very smart.

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

I would hope I'd see them. My first words would be I'm very glad to see you again! I've missed you!

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

No. I'd prefer to stay where I am after I die.
Q: Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

A: Definitely a dog person. Though I have always wanted an African Grey parrot.

Q: Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

A: I have several pets now. A police dog, a conure, two African dwarf frogs. I have always had pets. I have always had a dog, and have had many cats and some fish in the past.

Q: What is your favorite pet companion?

A: Nothing tops a good dog. Nothing.

Q: Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

A: I think relationships in whatever afterlife there is will be nothing like they are here.

Q: If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

A: I would not. I see far too many animals maltreated, and so the odds would be against me having a comfortable happy life as someone else's pet. I have adopted pets who had previous owners who were extremely inhumane. I want to hunt them down and beat them senseless.

I also do not understand why some people get a dog and then keep it outside 24/7. It really pisses me off.
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Q: Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

A: Definitely a dog person. Though I have always wanted an African Grey parrot.

Q: Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

A: I have several pets now. A police dog, a conure, two African dwarf frogs. I have always had pets. I have always had a dog, and have had many cats and some fish in the past.

Q: What is your favorite pet companion?

A: Nothing tops a good dog. Nothing.

Q: Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

A: I think relationships in whatever afterlife there is will be nothing like they are here.

Q: If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

A: I would not. I see far too many animals maltreated, and so the odds would be against me having a comfortable happy life as someone else's pet. I have adopted pets who had previous owners who were extremely inhumane. I want to hunt them down and beat them senseless.

I also do not understand why some people get a dog and then keep it outside 24/7. It really pisses me off.

Even worse is outside, chained to a tree, and only gets attention when someone goes out to feed it.
1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?
Dogs and cats.

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?
No, not now. I had a cat for many years

3. What is your favorite pet companion?
Daughter's dogs.

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?
Not sure if I believe in an afterlife.

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?
No. If there is a way to come back, I want to be in control of things, not controlled.

Grand-dogs! :beer: Just as much fun as grand-kids!
And less likely to ask for money :thup:

Yep. They're my grand-dogs. They're always so happy to see me.
1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?
Dogs and cats both. I've had both for years and years.

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?
Yes, growing up I had cats, rabbits, rats, gerbils and mice. When I moved out on my own, I got my first dog and have continuously had them since. At this point, I have 4 dogs and 2 cats.

3. What is your favorite pet companion?
Hard to favorite changes by the day. Maybe my dog Cowboy. He's the only one I raised from a puppy, and he and I are pretty tightly bonded :)

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

I don't beliefs in that area are uncertain. I do know this - if there is an afterlife, and my pets aren't there - I'm not going.

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?
Interesting question.

I think not.

I know freedom. Having known it, I could not choose otherwise. That is my nature and the nature of my species.
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

1. I'd have to say a cat. I find their personalities and independence more appealing. although when I was younger I had a pet boa constrictor

2. No pets now, unfortunately allergies. I do have a large ornamental pond that has Koi and shebunkins

3. the best pet companion I ever had was a german shepard. it love to hike and I love to hike. in my late teens and early 20's I would grab a pack, the dog and disappear into the woods for days at a time

4. I believe there is an afterlife. not so sure who all will be there

5. It wouldn't be my preference. You never know how you will be treated for one. Also I'd prefer not to be dependent on someone else. I like to be in charge of my own life and destiny.
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

1. Do ferrets count as exotic animals?
2. I don't but my son has two ferrets. My wife is the one who ends up taking care of them.
3. Used to be cats, but since the ferrets became part of our family...
4. I'm sorry. I have missed you! Great to see you!
5. No, I don't want to come back at all. Heaven will be more than enough.
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

1. A dog and a cat person. As are my brothers and sister. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats right now....but we have had a ferret and currently also have a cockatiel.

2. See #1...we were not allowed to have cats as children....parents didn't like them and never really kept a dog for long. But as I said, all of us are huge pet owners now...our parents shake their heads over that.

3. My favorite is miniature poodles....never had a bad one.

4. Hmmm...good question. I don't really know the answer to that one.

5. as a cat, they rule everything.
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The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

Primarily exotic. Arowana is neat! :tongue:

2. Do you have a pet now? Have you had pets in the past?

Nope. I used to have a loving border-collie mix named Amy. God I miss her.

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

Currently the red-nosed Staffordshire pitbull.

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

No, but it sure sounds wonderful! :razz:

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

Uh, hell no! What if you came back as a feeder rabbit, and you were supposed to socialize with a hungry python named Becki?

Thanks for inviting us, Syrenn. :lol:
Daisy is not the dog to run to your feet as you open the door when you come home. She's really kind of indifferent about my arrival home. She will come to the front door when I take her collar in hand and ask "Do you want to go outside?". She will hop on the window sill of the bow window in the Great Hall to alert me of the comings and goings of the neighborhood cats. She is vocal when the mail slides through the slot in the front door.

But she demonstrates affection by snuggling. She never wets my face with dog kisses. She'll mount the back rest of my favorite chair, sitting on my shoulder like Long John Silver's parrot. She rears back exposing her belly to be rubbed. When I visit my brother and his dog Teddy, Daisy is first in line at the garage and first to hop into the car.

She does have a bad habit of climbing onto my lap and pawing the car window so I might open it up. We have a standing rule; if the dashboard thermometer reads 47 or lower, the window stays up.

Daisy learns tricks easily. My favorite is when I point my finger as a gun at her and say "Stick 'em up!" She stands on her rear legs and pumps her front paws furiously. When I say "Bang!", she drops to the floor. Then a piece of chicken jerky is paid out to her for her antics.

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