The Friday Five

Did anyone ever play a card game called Mille Bornes (The French Driving Game)?

I still have my vintage game - looks just like this:


I absolutely loved this game as a kid, and still do. Very unique. A few years ago while visiting my mom, she had a box of stuff that she didn't want anymore, and this was in it. I jumped at the chance to get it back.
[MENTION=19441]Big Black Dog[/MENTION]
[MENTION=21665]Dont Taz Me Bro[/MENTION]
[MENTION=28132]Dot Com[/MENTION]
[MENTION=26011]Ernie S.[/MENTION]
[MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION]
[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION]
[MENTION=9370]Jon[/MENTION] berzek
[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]
[MENTION=20594]Mr Clean[/MENTION]
[MENTION=11735]Mr. President[/MENTION]
[MENTION=20704]Nosmo King[/MENTION]
[MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION]
[MENTION=23420]Quantum Windbag[/MENTION]
[MENTION=23063]Rat in the Hat[/MENTION]
[MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION]
[MENTION=20241]Soggy in NOLA[/MENTION]
[MENTION=25837]squeeze berry[/MENTION]
[MENTION=11674]Sunni Man[/MENTION]
[MENTION=28505]The Professor[/MENTION]
[MENTION=21679]william the wie[/MENTION]
[MENTION=20297]Wry Catcher[/MENTION]

If i missed an invite to someone..... im sorry. :) I hope this is something we can all have fun with!

Okay ... First, be gentle with me, k?

I just happened across this post and see I've been "mentioned".

There's a reason why my name is a riff on Ned Ludd and I don't get the whole mention thing.

Yeah, I see that in the stats in the corner but so?

In words of one syllable, can someone please splain it to me?


[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

splain what luddy? :) the @thing?

The @ thing is a notification that you will get when you have been flagged to a post. I added you into the @invite becasue i thought you would enjoy this thread. :)

I did the @ thing to you again. You should see it in the message thing up in the right hand corner....drop down the list and you will see "mentions" click that and it will give you a list of where you were @ed.

you can also see your @'s on your profile page..... go to "contact info" do the drop down and look under "mentions"


Well, duh.

Thanks [MENTION=23424]syrenn[/MENTION].

And thanks for the invite to this thread.
This is more my kind of fishing. It's much more efficient than that hook and line gig, although the crowds make it pretty tense at times. I've found folks to be pretty respectful when they spot the .45 in my waistband.

They look like Flensing Poles Gallie...attatchment...for cutting the blubber off whales or dophin

Not a good look my friend:(steve

They are great, big nets on long poles. You hold tem in the water and when the fish swim into them, you twist the net bag closed and drag the fish to shore. Dip netting is considered a type of "subsistence" fishing with generous bag limits. It is reserved for Alaskan resisdents, however.
Okay ... First, be gentle with me, k?

I just happened across this post and see I've been "mentioned".

There's a reason why my name is a riff on Ned Ludd and I don't get the whole mention thing.

Yeah, I see that in the stats in the corner but so?

In words of one syllable, can someone please splain it to me?


[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

splain what luddy? :) the @thing?

The @ thing is a notification that you will get when you have been flagged to a post. I added you into the @invite becasue i thought you would enjoy this thread. :)

I did the @ thing to you again. You should see it in the message thing up in the right hand corner....drop down the list and you will see "mentions" click that and it will give you a list of where you were @ed.

you can also see your @'s on your profile page..... go to "contact info" do the drop down and look under "mentions"


Well, duh.

Thanks [MENTION=23424]syrenn[/MENTION].

And thanks for the invite to this thread.

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

yay.... it works


good to see you luddly.
good question.....

i guess when you stop playing :)

Does that include Playing with yourself:eusa_shhh::thewave::thewave::redface:
in the late 90's I was a lighting designer for gameworks there slogan was "stop playing with yourself!"

I just couldn't help myself Dawsie,teasing the:eusa_angel:just to see her reaction,but as usual she responded with her natural aplomb,she never seems fazed and her "balls"retort put me in my place,well sort of.

I don't know if I will ever grow up to be honest,I have 4 grandkinder now and just getting down to their level(normally on my stomach)and really enjoy seeing the world through their eyes.....until they all decide to jump on my back whilst I'm in a prostrate position.OUCH:cool:

Often a few hour later I am in a board meeting,listening to the reasons why certain targets were or were not reached.........and often respond thus "Become a child again...THEY HAVE NO FEAR,JUST ENJOY THE CUT AND THRUST OF SALES AND PEOPLE WILL RESPOND as children do with the interaction with each other.It works.......But I NEVER SAY "STOP PLAYING WITH YOURSELF" although I do think it,sometimes LOLsteve
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The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. My blanket and it still is my favorite cuddle toy.
2. Other kids, neighbor kids mostly.
3. Kick the can by the big tree in the cow pasture by Dead Lady Lake. Ooooo
4. Doctor heehee true though. :eusa_shhh:
5. All my friends and I shared toys clothes beds bathing suits everything. Even toads. :)

I loved being a kid that is why I chose to never grow up.
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
I didn't have a favorite go to toy...I had lots of choices thanks to a mom who set up a fantastic play room with all sorts of sections. I didn't have the chance to get bored.

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
I think it was a good balance of both. My mom worked and I went to a neighbor's house who had lots of kids to play with, plus the other neighborhood kids. I was an only child until 11, and very content to entertain myself.

3. What was your favorite children's game?
My Grandma got me hooked on Rummy and Yahtzee.

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
Loved the nice weather when we could all hop on our bikes and go into the woods and traverse the paths and look for new areas to make forts.

5. How well did you share?
In regards to my belongings, outwardly I would be polite and share, but inside I was not usually pleased because I was very particular about how my things were treated.


Are you still hooked on rummy and yahtzee?

Rummy more than's become a tradition with my kids on any holiday that after the table is cleared and everything cleaned up, they want a game of 500 Rummy. We're all very competitive, but the best part is all the joking and laughing we do around the table.:thup:
Does that include Playing with yourself:eusa_shhh::thewave::thewave::redface:
in the late 90's I was a lighting designer for gameworks there slogan was "stop playing with yourself!"

I just couldn't help myself Dawsie,teasing the:eusa_angel:just to see her reaction,but as usual she responded with her natural aplomb,she never seems fazed and her "balls"retort put me in my place,well sort of.

I don't know if I will ever grow up to be honest,I have 4 grandkinder now and just getting down to their level(normally on my stomach)and really enjoy seeing the world through their eyes.....until they all decide to jump on my back whilst I'm in a prostrate position.OUCH:cool:

Often a few hour later I am in a board meeting,listening to the reasons why certain targets were or were not reached.........and often respond thus "Become a child again...THEY HAVE NO FEAR,JUST ENJOY THE CUT AND THRUST OF SALES AND PEOPLE WILL RESPOND as children do with the interaction with each other.It works.......But I NEVER SAY "STOP PLAYING WITH YOURSELF" although I do think it,sometimes LOLsteve

you forgot the the organ post..... i LOVED the organ. *swoon*

and ya git.... you have not answered the questions!

Did anyone ever play a card game called Mille Bornes (The French Driving Game)?

I still have my vintage game - looks just like this:


I absolutely loved this game as a kid, and still do. Very unique. A few years ago while visiting my mom, she had a box of stuff that she didn't want anymore, and this was in it. I jumped at the chance to get it back.

I did...still have it too.
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

Let me be the 1st:eusa_angel:

Dog Man Me......Two Spoodles(half Cocker,half Poodle) Taddie and Ralphie,Tads looks like a Cocker and Ralphie a SHEEP(not a Goat Syreenie:eusa_angel:).

previous Dog "Marley" (named years before the book came out....named after Robert Nesta Marley..because that beautiful Cocker pure bred had amazing dreadlocks)

He lived for 23 human years.....!!!!!! and is much missed by all the family.....I buried him under an olive tree in my garden.


3.The two dogs

4. I don't believe in Fairy Tales

5.I only have one life to give,and one life to live.

steve:cool: ps Syreenie you have come up with another Great Thread...........You do not make things,YOU CREATE are to be admired
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The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

Let me be the 1st:eusa_angel:

Dog Man Me......Two Spoodles(half Cocker,half Poodle) Taddie and Ralphie,Tads looks like a Cocker and Ralphie a SHEEP(not a Goat Syreenie:eusa_angel:).

previous Dog "Marley" (named years before the book came out....named after Robert Nesta Marley..because that beautiful Cocker pure bred had amazing dreadlocks)

He lived for 23 human years.....!!!!!! and is much missed by all the family.....I buried him under an olive tree in my garden.


3.The two dogs

4. I don't believe in Fairy Tales

5.I only have one life to give,and one life to live.


oh yes you are a goat man!!.... you are not fooling me one bit!!! :lmao:
1. Definitely cat
2. We have a cat and a puppy now. I had pets when I was a kid, but until we got the cat about a year ago I hadn't had any as an adult (although technically, they aren't my pets, I just live here).
3. We had a cat named Misha when I was little that was 'my' cat. I guess she would count as my favorite. If we're talking now, it's our cat Snow. I really don't like the dirty, loud, annoying puppy.
4. I don't believe in an afterlife, pets or no. If there were one, and they could suddenly understand and communicate with me....I don't know, I'd probably ask what it's actually like to be a cat or dog? :tongue:
5. I don't really have an answer for this. I wouldn't want to be a pet with a human understanding, since that would probably be ridiculously frustrating. If I came back without my human mind, it doesn't really matter, does it? :lol:
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

Let me be the 1st:eusa_angel:

Dog Man Me......Two Spoodles(half Cocker,half Poodle) Taddie and Ralphie,Tads looks like a Cocker and Ralphie a SHEEP(not a Goat Syreenie:eusa_angel:).

previous Dog "Marley" (named years before the book came out....named after Robert Nesta Marley..because that beautiful Cocker pure bred had amazing dreadlocks)

He lived for 23 human years.....!!!!!! and is much missed by all the family.....I buried him under an olive tree in my garden.


3.The two dogs

4. I don't believe in Fairy Tales

5.I only have one life to give,and one life to live.


oh yes you are a goat man!!.... you are not fooling me one bit!!! :lmao:

Well thanks for that Syreenie,I'm only admitting to that cute little brown eyed Nanny,some years ago...LOL,LOL but fcku you for mentioning it YET AGAIN......LOL,LOL.steve
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1. Cat
2. Three cats now. I became a cat person two cats before that.
3. My cat Brother is my soulmate, but all our cats are dear to me.
4. I would want to hug the cats and dogs my family and I got before I understood what it was to be a good friend to them. My family wasn't good with pets and shouldn't have had them, and didn't teach me how to love them.
5. I wouldn't want to. Too much cruelty and neglect.
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

  1. Cat
  2. No, yes.
  3. The cat I had in high school
  4. Hi, I missed you.
  5. Only if it was a cat, because they are in charge.

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