The Friday Five

I know this is more in line with last Friday's Five, but I was with friends last night any somebody mentioned Wizzers. If you google that word, you'll get old comic strips, off the market breath mints and photos of little boys peeing together. But the Wizzers I'm talking about were toy tops with a gyroscope inside. They did not need the coiled string power source. All any kid had to do to get a Wizzers whiz zing was a smooth floor. There was a little neoprene cone at the base that took the friction and then deposited that energy into the gyroscope.

You could 'customize' your Wizzers with decals and stickers. They would spin and bump into each other more furiously than old fashioned wooden tops without the bother of wrapping a string around them and the skill needed to cast them onto the floor to start the spinning.

There were two design flaws however. Playing with them in the dining room caused mars on the hardwood floor. And if that wasn't enough to raise the ire of Mom, if you place a spinning Wizzer in your cousin's girlish locks, it would twist and tears them nearly irreparably. Talk about the ire of Mom!
1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person? I'm the Crazy Cat Lady!

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past? I have 4 cats now...have always had cats. Had a dog, birds, mice, gerbils, and a spider monkey in the past.

3. What is your favorite pet companion? It's got to be my favorite cat, Angus. Perfect in every way. We have conversations... ;-)

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them? Just that I miss them.

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not? No. Too many humans are jerks, and I wouldn't want to be stuck with one.

Four cats are really not enough to qualify as a "crazy cat lady". You need one of these:
I'll take the kitten that's front & center. It looks properly annoyed.
1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

1. Exotic animal are...well exotic. I once had a hybrid wolf-dog

2. Yes I have a pet. I've always had a pet except the times I spent overseas.

3. Definitely love dogs. If I could have a Black Panther though I would be really happy.

4. Though I dont believe in a after life it would be cool to see my past pets. It would be weird being able to talk to them though. We had our own language and understood each other.

5. No I would not like to come back as a pet. Too many people dont know how to treat their pets. The chances of going to a bad home are very high. If I could come back as a (wild) wolf or Black panther that would be cool.
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

Fer cripes sake you posted this on Thursday!?!?!

1 Cat and exotic(ish)

2 Yes, yes.

3 Kitties, kitties, kitties...

4 I don't believe in an afterlife with pets. I do know that most pets I've had do communicate with me beyond the usual barking, meowing, cawing, chirping, squeaking, etc. I'd give an example but then I'd probably be certified.

5 My first thought was no, but after a very intense conversation with my Christmas cactus (it's blooming, wth?) I'm thinking heck yeah! As a cat!
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

Fer cripes sake you posted this on Thursday!?!?!

1 Cat and exotic(ish)

2 Yes, yes.

3 Kitties, kitties, kitties...

4 I don't believe in an afterlife with pets. I do know that most pets I've had do communicate with me beyond the usual barking, meowing, cawing, chirping, squeaking, etc. I'd give an example but then I'd probably be certified.

5 My first thought was no, but after a very intense conversation with my Christmas cactus (it's blooming, wth?) I'm thinking heck yeah! As a cat!

it is Friday on the east coast when i post..... you will live. :lol:
The Friday Five

For the love of our pets

Our 2 , 4, 8 legged, fins, feathers and scaled friends.

1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them?

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?

1. I am a dog person.

2. Yes I have one dog. I used to have two dogs. One of them died few years ago.

3. Dogs and Elephants.

4. My intellect tells me that there is no afterlife but I do recall crying while reading Rainbow Bridge when my dog died.

5. I would not want to come back as any animal because there is so much cruelty against animals on this planet. I hope one day humanity will rid itself off all cruelty against animals.
1. Are you a dog, cat or exotic animal person?

2. Do you have a pet’s now? Have you had pets in the past?

Our cat of 22 years died last night. His name was Touch. :(
Our dog, Music, is almost 5 years old. She's a sweetie.
Through the years, we lost 4 other cats, ages were 17, 21, 10 (Mitz ate one too many shrews and ruined his stomach), and 19. Our dog, Parker, died of a disease he contracted as a pound puppy. We only had him 14 days. The vet says he was likely doomed before we took him home, because we were at the vet's 2 days after bringing him home with his "cold." The vet gave him a 50-50 at the time. It's a very unforgiving disease after symptoms show up, at least that over 30 years ago. Hopefully things are better for people and their pound puppies now. Our dog Raider died when he was 14. Our dog Dominique died when she was 14. Some breeds have a predictable lifespan, I found out last year when I read up on Great Dane. The article I read on them said they live to be only 7 years old average. I couldn't take it for such a short lifespan. :(

3. What is your favorite pet companion?

4. Do you believe in after life where you get to see your past pets. What would you want to tell/ask them? I sure do. I'd like to tell them thanks for putting up with me.

5. If you could come back to life as a pet, would you? Why or why not?
No. Just no.
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The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. How often do you listen to music?

Usually, a little every day. Some more than others.

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

Neither. I have my collection of music that I like in MP3 and on CDs.

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

Most recently, by overhearing what others are listening to. Commercial radio is such a wasteland anymore.

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

Last month & I'll take the 5th. :lol:

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

I couldn't even hazard a guess.
I used to love popular music, back in the singer/songwriter era. But today's music does not sing to me. Rhythmic, yet lacking melody, popular tunes of today sound like a machine whose bearings need lubrication and are about to fail. Lyrically, today's music lacks the poetry I grew up on. "How many miles must the White Dove sail before she can sleep in the sand" has been supplanted by "It's gonna be a good, good night".

I still have an extensive collection of LP records. I still have many, many CDs. Since I bought my iPad, I have downloaded a lot of singles and even an album or two (the Bettye Levette album of the British Invasion songs is a new favorite).

I have no patience for Country Music. I live amid poverty and ignorance and I see no need to celebrate that through song.

I guess musically, I'm an old fart stuck in his ways. Lady Gaga and Cee Lo don't speak my language.
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. Quite a bit...can't quantify tho

2. Am getting more into Pandora

3. They find me

4. Probably 3 years ago

5. I'm guessing they will something we haven't even thought of yet.

Oh..and my current favs are Fun, One Republic, Matchbox 20, Lady Antebellum and The Piano you can see.....very eclectic.
1. Almost never. Well, I guess I listen to myself as I sing old songs from the 60's and 70's which I memorized in the 80's. No music provided since I misplaced my CD collection.

2. I listen to talk radio. Not music.

3. Every now and then a new song makes it past my threshold -- when that happens it's usually because a friend liked it.

4. Never bought a digital music file. Last time I bought a CD was in the 90's.

5. ???
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. Not as much as I used to

2. I listen to radio. Mostly oldies rock. Starting to enjoy more Jazz and Blues

3. I generally don't. I have gotten intellectually lazy when it comes to music

4. I haven't bought a CD in years and don't have an MP3 player

5. New technologies? I am still holding onto my 8 Tracks
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. I listen go music every day
2. I listen to my own collection most or I use apps like Pandora and iheart radio.
3. Freinds mostly and truth be told I don't know many of the new stuff out now that my kids listen too.
4. I just bought 3 cds last week. The very beast of Dio, Ozzy no rest for the wicked, and Queensrych empire. They had a buy two used CDs get one free sell at FYE.
5. I think physical copies will be around because people will realize digital will not be as good as they think. Like when companies stop letting you own a song forever and just lease it to you for a year or so. And that is going to happen. Or when they find out certain songs are no longer available for download because of age.

tapatalk post
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The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. Every day - no tunes = no work!

2. Radio, Internet and personal collection.

3. Radio & Internet.

4. 2005

5. Yes - digital file sharing / buying. Too easy...

Happy Friday!
1. Everyday.

2. Satellite in the car, kitchen and my cloud drive on my tablet. Classic Rock, Classic Vinyl, Spectrum.

3. Satellite and Pandora

4. CD..looooooong time ago. Digital...week maybe. Buy them fairly often

5. Yes, different in some way - but satellite/cloud/internet access is here to stay.

- ****** NOTE *******...internet TV will replace cable service within 5 years.
Mark my words
1. How often do you listen to music?
Daily, all day

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?
Radio. Alternate rock, stations on I Heart Radio

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?
Kids and husband or radio

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?
It's been forever

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?
No clue. Because I'm kinda dumb :)
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

ah, a new friday 5

1. I listen to music daily. multiple times throughout the day as i can

2. Mostly sattelitte or pandora. I guess classic rock but it really depends on my mood

3. LOL I don't, I'm stuck in a time warp. If I do pick up something new it is usally introduced by one of my sons

4. I would say 20 years ago for a CD, never bought digital

5. I think radio will be around for a long time. I believe sattelite will be here too in 10 years. Radio will be around because it provides more than just music. as long as it is around it will always provide a music option. Digital will be even bigger.
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

1. Daily

2. Pandora, my own CD's and MP3's

3. friends, my husband who is into music and trades with others online, music shows in town

4. CD-couple months ago, digital music file-maybe a year ago-doesn't meant I don't have recent ones however

5. Hard to say, I think they will still be around and they'll probably come out with new technologies like they always do

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