The Friday Five

1. Lego.
2. Half and half.
3. Exploring old, abandoned buildings and the woods.
4. Bulldog (look it up).
5. Eldest of three brothers, so I had no choice but to share.

PS. Wish they had airsoft guns when I was a kid. My nephews have got several and it's great fun.
The Friday Five

The Music of our Lives​

1. How often do you listen to music?

2. Do you listen to the radio or satellite raido? What is your favorite station?

3. How do you find new songs, CD's, or artists to listen to?

4. When was the last time you bought a CD? A digital music file?

5. Do you think any of the technologies and distribution methods mentioned above will still be around in ten years? Why or why not?

Alright, let me do some catching up:

1. I listen to music very often. Instrumentals, Rock, Classical, Country, Techno, Dubstep, some Jazz thrown in there..

2. I don't listen to the radio much.

3. I rip my music. From YouTube videos.

4. Um... the last CD for music I bought was in 2006 I believe. For digital files, see my answer to #3

5. CD's will be around for a while yet. They had floppy drives in PC's until the late 1990's and the early half of the 2000's, and thusly the Floppy Disk. But as time goes on, as iPods and cars that are made to play them are made, they will die out eventually as a source to store music. Data is another matter.

The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?


The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

1. I plead the fifth! Well in all seriousness, I think your fridge does.

2. The people I came there to see, perhaps? It's rude to go rummaging through someone else's home. ;)

3. President Obama. Hey, you asked!

4. I never keep secrets. Well except around Christmas.

5. I never kept a diary. Though, now would be a good time to start. And no, people's private thoughts are their own. Not nice going through people's diaries. I believe they will share them with me if they feel the need to.

The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

1. glove
2. medicine cabinet
3. billy graham
4. yes, i told a friend that his ex was already sleeping around and not to be there without protection (aids was new then)
5. no, no
the fridge: you can stuff full push stuff back etc.....has lights....has options

the glove: small.....and what you keep in there is normally things of interest....

i have many things in my glove: lotto tickets, lotto numbers, now one would think i play the lotto a lot...i dont....lighters, bic all red...a cd and cover....empty glucose strips cases....i have those everywhere...i use them to stash small things in....there is more glove is full...purex wipes that i get at chick o flic or whatever that damned place is....
The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

1. Neither - I always check browsing history.

2. :eusa_think: I guess the bar... ass-u-me-ing she has a Tavern in her house.

3. Karl Rove.

4. No.

5. Yes:
The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

1. Neither - I always check browsing history.

Spoken like a true moderator! Perfect! :eusa_clap:
1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

Refrigerator reveals how neat you are, whether you cook, how much you drink, what type of foods you eat

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

I look for comfort, how welcoming the house is. I hate a "display" house. I actually never had the urge to look in medicine cabinets, closets or drawers

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

My wife
4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

Not that I recall

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

I never had the desire, if I did, I wouldn't last a week. Never really knew anyone who kept one
The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

1. Of the two ... Refrigerator ... Shoes are a better indicator.

2. Usually head straight to the kitchen ... We cook and drink around here.
Peeking in cabinets is for people too scared to say, "I am going through your crap you know".

3. Nobody ... It is up to the person responsible and not my wishes.

4. Nope ...

5. I have kept a log before ... Not like a diary though and more of a cover your ass type thing.
If I find someone's diary while snooping around in their cabinets (bedside tables are more fun to snoop around in) ... I tell them I read it all and they are in big trouble ... Even though I will not have read it.

Edit ... Kind of depends on what you mean by "reveal" in question #1 ... It would be glove compartment if you wanted to know facts like name, address or other documented evidence.

Last edited:

The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

I have a theory about the relative cleanliness of homes versus cars. Men keep their cars spotless, for the most part while women tend to neglect cleaning their cars. On the other hand, women tend to be fastidious about cleaning their homes while men sometimes don't see the necessity in a vacuum cleaner or furniture polish. Why is this?

It all depends on which venue you expect to have sex in. Men prefer sex in cars so that everyone involved in going home immediately are already in the car and simply turning the ignition can get the whole drop off thing started. Women prefer sex at home so a potential overnight stay and the post coital cuddling can happen more comfortably.

Clean up the love area. Both men and women have that on their minds.

I'll occasionally rummage through kitchen cabinets, but only to seek out a glass or a sandwich plate. I'd never look into a medicine cabinet, but I know mine has been investigated. I had to explain to a date that I am an insulin dependent diabetic, not a heroin user when she found a cache of syringes.

As for someone who could neither tell lies nor keep secrets, I'll depend on my dog. Adorably mute, she can be trusted.

I've never betrayed someone's confidence, but I'm a terrible spoiler when it comes to movies and television. Rosebud was his sled and Walt sets Jesse free just before he dies.

I never kept a diary filled with secrets. I do try to write every day and even post my musings at the Coffee Shop forum just to keep sharp.

The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

1. The contents of their refrigerator tells me whether the fridge is just a convenience or whether they are actually a home chef. The contents of their glove compartment doesn't tell me much more than whether or not they are a neatnik fanatic.

2. When I visit someone's home, it is the general ambiance--visual pleasure--plus a sense of comfortableness that I notice. Some people's homes are obviously intended to impress and are beautiful but leave me cold--there is nothing to make you settle down, settle in. It doesn't feel like a lived in home. I never go through somebody's cabinets unless I'm a house guest and need to find a towel or replace a light bulb or am helping with dinner.

3. Tough question. Short answer - nobody. But the why would require more attention than what anybody would want to read here. I would like to make it an immediate firing or impeachable offense for anybody in public service to intentionally lie to the people for personal or political expediency or gain.

4. I keep secrets unless it would be physically harmful to the person to do so. I have broken a confidence once for that reason.

5. I kept a diary as a teenager, but not since then. There was nothing embarassing or top secret written in it however.
1. Not as much as I used to

2. I listen to radio. Mostly oldies rock. Starting to enjoy more Jazz and Blues

3. I generally don't. I have gotten intellectually lazy when it comes to music

4. I haven't bought a CD in years and don't have an MP3 player

5. New technologies? I am still holding onto my 8 Tracks
omg.... 8 tracks!! lol.

They will come will see


lol .. 8 tracks were great... just wish they were more reliable.

The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

1.glove compartment.
2. the bathroom, I only look in other peoples cabinets when ask to,like when someone says the glasses are in the cupboard.
3.the pope
4.yes... in a blatant act of cruelty I ratted out Santa clause. kept a personal diary. I have sneaked a peak at other peoples diaries.
one in particular scared me so much I didn't sleep for a week .

The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?


1. Contents of their Frig.

2. Never...I'd be appalled

3. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

4. Yes...if the secret was harmful to them in reality.

5. No...tried several times to start journals (not secret), would give up after a few days every time.

The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

1. Contents of the refrigerator.
2. The surroundings. I like to see how other people decorate their homes.
3. Don't know.
4. No
5. I've tried to keep a diary, but usually forget about it within a few days.

The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

1 refridgerator. my glove compartment is pretty empty.

2. probably the views from the rooms and the decks. no, i don't open cabinets doors

3. i'd like to say the president, but in reality, they have to tell lies. i just wish they did do it to the american people . But if i could stop anyone from lying i would stop the media from lying.

4. No. I don't talk out of turn. wouldn't want it done to me, won't do it to someone else.

5. No. I've kept notes on certain events. never a diary though.

The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

1. Refrigerator tells you about their cooking and eating habits.

2. Pictures on the walls. Never opened cabinets or looked where I shouldn't.

3. I'd have to say no one. It would be a terrible burden to bear to always be truthful and never tell any secret.

4. Yes, I'm great at keeping secrets but not from my husband and I told him about a friend of ours cheating on her husband even though she asked me not to because he was friends with the guy she was cheating on. They ended up divorcing but not because I told my husband.

5. Yes, No, It was a food diary for dieting. I've never looked at anyone else's diary.

The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

1. Refrigerator, looking in my glove compartment tells you about me 3-4 years ago.

2. Thier TV setup Never in the medicine cabinet. There are some things I am perfectly fine with NOT knowing about people.

3. Bill Clinton. I think I would be HILARIOUS. It would also answer the "Does Hillary like to carpet dive" question.

4. Don't think so.

5. Nope.

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