The Friday Five

The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. It depends on what it is.
2. None of the above. I prefer to go to the district where the shops are and shop at stores along the street. I hate malls and rarely shop by catalog or internet, only if I can't find what I want elsewhere.
3. In person only.
4. Typing
5. Eat out.
The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. That's hard to say, it will change depending on what we're talking about. I'd probably watch more often, I suppose.

2. Internet. The mall sucks.

3. In person, although sometimes written is better because you can make sure you're saying what you want.

4. Depends on what I'm writing. I type pretty quickly so it's not an issue of speed, but sometimes writing with a pen or pencil is a better experience if you're doing something creative IMO.

5. Eat in. Cheaper and less people.
The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

i can be either.....sometimes i just like to is amazing what people will reveal when they think no one is looking....but i also like to do things....

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?


3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

anyway they wanna communicate is good with me...text is my last choice however

4. Typing or writing?

typing is faster and neater for me..and others can read it

5. Eat in or eat out?

i like to cook and i like to eat out...depends on the mood and the wallet...i dont care for dives most of the time..

i will do dives if they have a quirk about them...and sometimes dives have kick ass food

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. Participate ... I mean there isn't much I would rather watch than do.

2. Brick and mortar specialty stores ... More often than not, nowhere near a mall.

3. In person for most conversations ... And I hate the phone.

4. Writing ... In my household growing up, handwriting was kind of both an informal competition and art form between my father, sister and me.
Up until my father died ... You couldn't tell which of the three of us had written on a piece of paper unless you were one of us ... I mean Mom couldn't tell.

5. Both ... I like to cook and make interesting food at the house to share with friends and company.
I like to eat out often as well ... Although I don't do fast food and would rather enjoy a true experience in dining out that provides either new ideas or fine dining.
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1. To watch or participate? Watch

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet? All three

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text? In person

4. Typing or writing? Writing. Thank you notes, invites, holidays and letters seem so much nicer hand written

5. Eat in or eat out? Out these days. We're relatively young empty nesters so we're catching up with the fun we couldn't do in our 20's.
The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1- both depends on the activity

2- all three however i am not a fan of Walmart not that i dislike Walmart
but rather the shoppers

3 all three however i do not like talking on the phone
now with the invention of the cell phone people get pissed when you do not answer the call regardless of what you might be doing at any given second
so i have made my message sound very much like i answered the phone then after they have spoken a bit they realize it is a recording --LOL

4 both i just love making my signature unreadable --LOL

5 i we like to order out then eat at home or the park
Watch or participate? Yes
Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet? Yes
Talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text? Yes
Typing or writing? Typing
Eat in or eat out? Yes

I love to watch while participating.

I love to shop, indoor/outdoor malls, via catalog, via the internet.. it's all good.

I like to talk it's all good.

I don't mind writing by hand.. but my penmanship stinks and I can type like the wind... so...

Love to cook and eat out. Its all good.
1. To watch or participate? Like most, it depends on the activity, but I'm thinking of watching the grandkids playing so will say prefer to watch.

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet? internet. Malls are okay but it takes a looong time to drive back home, and catalogs usually bring up more questions that aren't answered in the ad; internet can answer the questions.

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text? In person. I hate talking on the phone, seldom check my e-mail, and don't text a'tall.

4. Typing or writing? Writing for notes; typing if I want it legible

5. Eat in or eat out? In. "Out" is a special occasion.
The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?


I like to watch.

Couldn't help myself. :D
The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

I used to skydive. I have 68 minutes of freefall time. I like to participate in that because watching it means craning your neck skyward and seeing nothing but blue and a small airplane,

As for shopping, I really prefer Mom and Pop stores to malls, the internet to catalogs and having it done for me rather than participating.

I am one of the last adults who refuses to own a cellular telephone. I hate the notion of constant connectivity. Therefore, I will always prefer to talk face to face. While pop was alive, he would glance around a crowded restaurant with incredulity. "What the hell have they all to talk about?" he'd ask when he saw the sea of cell phones pressed to ears.

I would rather type than write. My hand does not cramp up as much.

Now, let's go out for lunch!
The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. Both. I watch to see what's going on and to figure out what makes people tick (weaknesses and strengths), then I jump in.

2. I don't like malls and avoid them as often as possible. Online shopping - most definitely when there's something I need and the only other place to get it as at the damn mall (like Bath and Body Works). Otherwise, I prefer to shop at small mom-and-pop style local specialty shops.

3. Texting - hate it. Email - I use it at work all the time, so I get sick of it really fast. Phone - Call me and see how fast I get off of it. In person is my preference!

4. Both - It depends on what it's for.

5. Both - There's no way I could ever learn to cook everything I love to eat. Some dishes are best left to those that grew up preparing them. Besides, if someone is always eating at home, how would he or she find something new they like?
The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. It really depends on the activity.

2. I prefer to shop online for most everything.

3. I prefer talking in person but I can understand how a text would be quicker sometimes for short quick, chats.

4. Typing is much, much quicker for me.

5. Eating out is more fun.
The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. For sporting events, I prefer to watch. For anything involving food, I prefer to participate. :D
2. Try to avoid internet shopping as I don't like to give my credit card number online. However, I try to avoid the malls even more. I only go to the mall when I absolutely have to.
3. In person
4. Writing
5. Both.
The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. depends on the activity
2. defiantly a girl question but ...malls
4. both but typing has turned my longhand skills to mush.. not that they were great in the first place.
The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate? Participate

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet? Internet

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text? In person

4. Typing or writing? Typing

5. Eat in or eat out? See question #1

The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. To watch or participate? I prefer lookie lookie!!!!:D LOL

2.Malls and Internet

3.Good old telephone and person

4. I do like both

5.OMG eat out out out out!!!!!!!!!!:D
The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. well I guess that all depends on the activity :eusa_whistle: for the most part I would say participate

2. catalog

3. in person

4. typing

5. eat in

wait what am I eating out? :badgrin:
The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. Watch, and then participate.

2. Internet.

3. E-mail, text. Not a very verbal guy.

4. Both.

5. In.
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The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. well I guess that all depends on the activity :eusa_whistle: for the most part I would say participate

2. catalog

3. in person

4. typing

5. eat in

wait what am I eating out? :badgrin:

The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. If it is bull riding or mud wrestling, I would rather watch. If it involves people enjoying a great lemon merenge pie, I would rather participate.

2. I shop via the internet whenever it is practical or feasible to do so.

3. I prefer one on one discussions with people and being a people person, very much thrive on up close and personal contact and interaction with people. And very much enjoy discussions with interesting and interested people. But for discussion of controversial topics, message boarding is probably more comfortable for me. E-mail is great for communications though. I don't text. Need to start doing that though I guess. I don't like the phone so much.

4. Definitely typing as I type very efficiently. My hand writing has suffered as a consequence too because it is frustrating not to be able to write as efficiently and quickly as I can type.

5. I prefer to eat in whenever practical. And unless we are meeting friends/family at a restaurant someplace, we generally order take out and go home to enjoy it.

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