The Friday Five

The Friday Five

Spring has Sprung!

1. What signifies the start of spring for you?

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?

5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes?

Spring is the day on the calendar marked 'First day of Spring'. Other than that, my answers are no. :lol:
1. Went swimming then Grilled Salmon outside.

2. Changed places for my motorcycle.

3. This Spring was important deep freeze winter.

4. Look for wood to chop

5. Changed fedoras from heavy weight felt to a lighter weight felt.


1.Went swimming up North and thought I saw a CROC.

2.Put on my shades to reduce the glare,it was a CROC.

3.This Spring there are a lot more CROCS.

4.Looked around to see if the CROCS,had krept behind me.

5.Changed my underwear for fresh ones.........Fcuk them CROCS give me the SHITS:lol:

The Friday Five

Spring has Sprung!

1. What signifies the start of spring for you?
- People's clothing

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?
- No

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?
- It adds excitement that summer is coming

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?
- No

5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes?
- Yep
1. Went swimming then Grilled Salmon outside.

2. Changed places for my motorcycle.

3. This Spring was important deep freeze winter.

4. Look for wood to chop

5. Changed fedoras from heavy weight felt to a lighter weight felt.


1.Went swimming up North and thought I saw a CROC.

2.Put on my shades to reduce the glare,it was a CROC.

3.This Spring there are a lot more CROCS.

4.Looked around to see if the CROCS,had krept behind me.

5.Changed my underwear for fresh ones.........Fcuk them CROCS give me the SHITS:lol:

hey steve it's Autumn there isn't it?!
1. Went swimming then Grilled Salmon outside.

2. Changed places for my motorcycle.

3. This Spring was important deep freeze winter.

4. Look for wood to chop

5. Changed fedoras from heavy weight felt to a lighter weight felt.


1.Went swimming up North and thought I saw a CROC.

2.Put on my shades to reduce the glare,it was a CROC.

3.This Spring there are a lot more CROCS.

4.Looked around to see if the CROCS,had krept behind me.

5.Changed my underwear for fresh ones.........Fcuk them CROCS give me the SHITS:lol:

hey steve it's Autumn there isn't it?!

Well you could call it that Dawsie but we really only have two seasons in Western Australia,summer and winter which is very mild by your standards....the other two seasons are blurred into either or either...Bloody HOT or Mild ........ :lol::lol:nice to speak to you Dawsie,keep well.steve

1.Went swimming up North and thought I saw a CROC.

2.Put on my shades to reduce the glare,it was a CROC.

3.This Spring there are a lot more CROCS.

4.Looked around to see if the CROCS,had krept behind me.

5.Changed my underwear for fresh ones.........Fcuk them CROCS give me the SHITS:lol:

hey steve it's Autumn there isn't it?!

Well you could call it that Dawsie but we really only have two seasons in Western Australia,summer and winter which is very mild by your standards....the other two seasons are blurred into either or either...Bloody HOT or Mild ........ :lol::lol:nice to speak to you Dawsie,keep well.steve
here in socal we have the same two seasons sometimes this past "winter" never materialized.
1. What signifies the start of spring for you?

>>> Days are longer, temps are warmer, flowers are flowering

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?

>>> I go through the closets to get rid of stuff...and donate to a local charity.

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?

>>> Winter? What winter. I live in California - and we're having a drought (although it did rain today).

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?


5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes?

>>> What winter clothes? I live in California. I do have some heavy coats, but they just stay in the coat closet.
The Friday Five

In Time

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

4. How much time is long enough to live?

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

1.Are you a timely person or are you always late?

I am fairly consistently 5 minutes late.

2.Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

Hmmmm…..I need some time to think about this one.

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

OMG, so many times and places, I couldn’t say just one.

4.How much time is long enough to live?

There is never enough time. I would like to be immortal.

5.Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

Jeeze, I just don’t think about time this much. So many questions about time. I’m stressing. I think it’s time for a break.
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1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

4. How much time is long enough to live?

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

1. I am a timely person who is never late.

2. I do fine with time management, sticking to a schedule when necessary and staying focused.

3.Would visit as many different times as I could ... Focusing more on the past than the future.
Would like to have lived in the Caribbean around the early 1700's.

4. Until time is ready to take you.

5. I have a decent internal clock that a calibrate with a regular clock a couple of time a days.
I don't usually wear a watch unless I am on a very tight schedule.

The Friday Five

In Time

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

4. How much time is long enough to live?

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

Timely. Very much so.

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

I handle time very well.

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

I read a lot of historical fiction, especially of the time of the Roman Empire and ancient Greece, but I love living in this present age. I love modern times and the conveniences it brings. I don't romanticize misery and sacrifice.

4. How much time is long enough to live?

I think we have enough time. Any more, and we would just waste it, like everything else.

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

Yes. It seems like I do have an eternal clock. I wake up before dawn around the same time without setting a clock.
1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

I am always about 5 minutes early

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

I wish I did but I tend to be a procrastinator, I also misjudge how long things will take

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?
Nov 12 1955 it was the date of the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance and the Great Hill Valley Lightning Storm. Lightning hit the Clock Tower at precisely 10:04 PM

4. How much time is long enough to live?

I'd like to live to 90. Old enough but still have my faculties
5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

Notorious clock watcher
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The Friday Five

In Time

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

I am always early. In my book 5 minutes early is still 10 minutes late

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

I can lose track of time when engrossed in a project but I only allow myself that luxury when i have no other committments

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

I would visit all the great ages of the past but if I had to pick one it would be the Renaissance.

4. How much time is long enough to live?

A millenia

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

I don't wear a watch and can usually come within 15 minutes of the time of day. I can tell myself what time to wake up in the morning no alarm clock needed.
1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?
Not real late but 15 minutes is like being early to me.

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?
Work time, very well. Personal things, pretty well but sometimes ...

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?
100 years into the future.

4. How much time is long enough to live?
There'll never be a long enough time to live. I'm so happy where I am right now.

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?
Yes, I have an internal clock that's why I'm so sensitive to Springing forward and Falling behind.
The Friday Five

In Time

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

Used to ALWAYS be late. When my oldest was but a babby, had a ped appt, arrived my usual 10-15 mins late ... and promptly ended up waiting forever because everyone else knew to get there early and sign in. Lesson = learned. I've been on time ever since then. Habitual lateness is nothing but a bad habit. And rude.

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

I'd like to visit the 1940's but I'm glad I was born and grew up in the time that I did. Wouldn't change it.

4. How much time is long enough to live?

Have to get back to you on that one . . .

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

Bit of both. I usually have a very good sense of how much time has gone by .... more often than not I walk into the kitchen within a minute of a timer going off or pot boiling or whatever without ever having looked at the clock.

Speaking of clocks, no matter how many times I look at the time in digital format it never seems to 'click' and I check the analog clock ... just to make sure. Weird.

The Friday Five

In Time

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

I am always early. In my book 5 minutes early is still 10 minutes late

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

I can lose track of time when engrossed in a project but I only allow myself that luxury when i have no other committments

I would visit all the great ages of the past but if I had to pick one it would be the Renaissance.

4. How much time is long enough to live?

A millenia

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

I don't wear a watch and can usually come within 15 minutes of the time of day. I can tell myself what time to wake up in the morning no alarm clock needed.

You're Kramer?!

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The Friday Five

In Time

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

4. How much time is long enough to live?

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

1. On time.

2. Handle it well for the most part.

3. I always admired the roaring 20's. The era of Al Capone and Johnny Dillinger. For me, the roaring 20's would have been an interesting era to have lived in. To visit, I would pick 100 years into the future just to see what has changed.

4. I'd be happy to live to be 90.

5. Not a clock watcher.
The Friday Five

In Time

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

4. How much time is long enough to live?

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

1. I don't have a lot of schedules to meet these days. The ones I have I generally do meet, but I don't think that makes me an on-time type of person. I don't know if I can really give an answer.

2. My time gets away from me. On the other hand, it's not as though I usually have something else important I should have been doing. :lol:

3. I don't think I'd want to live in any past period. The future, that I'd like to check out.

4. Until you're not happy anymore.

5. Clock watcher. I'm bad with time and terrible with dates.
The Friday Five

In Time

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

4. How much time is long enough to live?

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

1. i would say for most things i tend to be early. at least if i care about them i am early or on time

2. it totally gets away from me.

3. I was very happy living in the 60's. to me that wsa a pretty ideal time in many ways. if i could travel in time i'd love to see this country unspoiled. i'd like to go back to the period of the expansion west. maybe even early settlements on the east coast. but only for a visit, not to live.

4. I want to live as long as I can. heck, i'd live forever if i could. but in reality, i think as long as you are in relatively good health, pain free and able to still do things.

5. i totally have an internal clock. I'm usually at least within a half hour of the right time. in the morning i always wake up a few minutes before the alarm goes off.
The Friday Five

In Time

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

on time...i dont disrespect others by thinking my time is more valuable than mine

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

depends on the deadline

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

the future.....

4. How much time is long enough to live?

i think that varies from person to person

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

internal clock

good ones....of course the fridge people will fuck it up

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