The Friday Five

The Friday Five

In Time

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

4. How much time is long enough to live?

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

1. Very timely. In fact, I always try to be at least 15 minutes early for everything. I never want anyone waiting for me.

2. Time rarely gets away from me. I get upset when it does.

3. I would like to have lived in medieval England. The days of real knights, instead of the plastic ones we have today.

4. Long enough to do everything you want to do, but not long enough to be a drag on others.

5. I can usually know what time it is to within 15 minutes. (I also have an almost fool proof internal compass. :eek: )
The Friday Five

In Time

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

I am always early. In my book 5 minutes early is still 10 minutes late

I can lose track of time when engrossed in a project but I only allow myself that luxury when i have no other committments

I would visit all the great ages of the past but if I had to pick one it would be the Renaissance.

A millenia

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

I don't wear a watch and can usually come within 15 minutes of the time of day. I can tell myself what time to wake up in the morning no alarm clock needed.

You're Kramer?!

You know I have never seen one episode of that show.

After watching that clip I know I didn't miss anything
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I am always early. In my book 5 minutes early is still 10 minutes late

I can lose track of time when engrossed in a project but I only allow myself that luxury when i have no other committments

I would visit all the great ages of the past but if I had to pick one it would be the Renaissance.

A millenia

I don't wear a watch and can usually come within 15 minutes of the time of day. I can tell myself what time to wake up in the morning no alarm clock needed.

You're Kramer?!

You know I have never seen one episode of that show.

After watching that clip I know I didn't miss anything

It's dark humor. Julia Louis-Dreyfus who plays Elaine said once in an interview, nobody on earth could like these people.

They're annoying but the irony always makes me laugh. I saw Jerry Seinfeld on Jimmy Fallon and he was really funny. I guess you just have to be in a certain mood to have fun watching. If nothing else, it's pretty creative.
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The Friday Five

In Time

1. Are you a timely person or are you always late?

2. Do you handle your time well or does time get away from you?

3. If time travel were possible, what time would you like to visit and what time do you think you would have liked to live in?

4. How much time is long enough to live?

5. Do you have an internal clock and know what time it always is or are you a clock watcher?

2. some of each
3. visit. the time of Jesus to separate fact from fiction
live in: now must be lived in the time allotted don't waste time on the petty or the unnecessary.
5. I'm fairly good at knowing the time with in a few min of the actual time.
haven't worn a watch in years ,my cell has a clock in it..
The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

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The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?
No. Wishful thinking. Sad to say.

2. Do you believe in inelegant life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?
"Inelegant life"? I have no idea what that means. Oh! A typo? Intelligent life? I am somewhat open minded about other life forms in the universe. Who knows? I suppose it is possible.

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?
Not, not at all. Again, it is wishful thinking on the part of those who either want a reward for behaving well or revenge on people they don't like.

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?
No. I'm pretty much a complete cynic when it comes to an afterlife, ghosts, karma, etc.

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”
Not likely. I go with the 'anything is possible, I suppose.' But I am not one who 'believes' in this and thinks that the so-called 'evidence' presented proves anything.

One thing I will give more credence to, however, is some kind of 6th sense. I do think there is more to the senses that we use on a daily basis, that we have not yet fully evolved in that way. However, I don't think this is anything spiritual or other worldly, just science.
The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?


2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

intelligent life does not mean someone like yes

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

yes and no...i know a lot of rich assholes

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?


5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

no i dont....if there are aliens who visited why havent they been back?

why would aliens not contact us by now?
1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

No, I believe your life is like a book. You write the book of your life and when you are done it is put on a shelf. Some books get reread, some do not

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

I believe it is extremely rare and that most life on other planets is nothing more than slime. Conditions have to be perfect. If there is intelligent life it is hundreds of lightyears away

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

karma seems like a childs way of saying.....You will get yours in the end, you will be sorry

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

No, at this point in our existence we would have tens of billions of ghosts

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

No, life is too rare and livable planets are too far apart
The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

1. Yes, in life after death.

2. I believe that there have been too many sightings including some mass sightings with no explanation, so I would have to lean towards yes.

3. no.

4. It was no before, but after some research, I'd have to lean towards yes.

5. No, I don't believe that we are currently being visited by aliens. However, I do believe that we have been in the past. If I could ask any POTUS any question, this would be it.
The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

I believe there is an afterlife, I do not believe in reincarnation.

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

I find it hard to believe that there isn't intelligent life elsewhere in the vastness of the universe.

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

Nothing set in stone but yup, I do believe that eventually most of what goes around comes around.

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

I do believe in spooks. I do, I do, I do, I do, I do believe in spooks.

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

Don't know. So many reports of people who are convinced they've been abducted and the like. Not enough evidence for me.

The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

Hmmm - sometimes Granny wishes

1. Absolutely no idea - didn't have many toys that I recall
2. Wasn't around children - recall my mother saying, "You was so desperate for somebody to play with, you'd even play with them little pickaninnies." Once I found myself in an orphanage I finally had kids to play with
3. Can't remember the name, but we would swing each other around in circles, let go, land ... however. I always landed like a ballerina because God forbid I should ever be unladylike (early childhood training)
4. Absolutely no idea
5. Sharing, in an orphanage, is tough - but we had great imaginations!!!
1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?
Not sure, there is certainly "something" that exist in the same plane as we do. Just don't know what it is.

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones? Of course there is intelligent life somewhere else in the universe. Do the math.

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe? No, but I do believe you reap what you sow.

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?
Yes. Experienced it many times. My house was built in 1895, way-way too many unexplainable things over the years.

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”
Seriously doubt it. Only way that is possible is if there are true worm holes or the ability to fold time somehow. There is simply no kind of energy that can propel a space craft such distances. Again it comes down to mathematics.
Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?


2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?


they are most likely unaware of us

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

not exactly but sometimes it seems like it

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

i do we have a long dead cat

that has seemed to move with us

you can feel her bounce on and walk across the bed from time to time

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

maybe not us perhaps the planet

they would not at this point have a reason to look for us

in the big picture our noise has not reached them yet

not for another 300 years
Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

I really want to believe but I just don't know. I'm going to see that movie Heaven is for real, based on a true story. I love NDE stories. Have any?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

There has to be other life out there.

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

Just in case, I try not to create any bad feelings at all. Doesn't always work but I try.

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

Yes but it scares me so I try not to think about that, especially at night.

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

Yes, I think there are some right here at USMB.
The Friday Five
04/04/2014Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”
If there's anything to this re-incarnation business, I would prefer to come back as a dog in my family. They are spoiled beyond reclamation. I turned off the alarm clock at 6:30 this morning, showered, dressed, made breakfast and went to work in the rain. Daisy the Mutt, on the other hand, rolled over, snored and slept the sleep of the contented as the rain pelted the roof.

As to intelligent life elsewhere, I would first have to be convinced that I live amongst intelligent life forms here on earth. But given the vast expanse of the universe, I think there is a very strong probability that there are planets inhabited by beings who might rival our earthly accomplishments.

While I don't believe that there are strict rules to the concept of karma, somehow it works. Someone could live a life of total dastardliness and then suffer massive heart problems (Dick Cheney, I'm looking at you!) while someone else could live a life of virtue and generosity and be lauded and awarded for their kindnesses.

I do not believe in ghosts. I think the notion of ghosts speaks directly to our arrogance. If there were ghosts, animals would haunt us as well as humans.

Aliens haven't visited us. And why are all the claims of alien visitation made by hillbillies? Would someone travel millions of miles, light years in fact, just to drop by some trailer park in Arkansas?
1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

I'm not going to question it, but I do find it very comforting to believe there is an afterlife in a place better than the one we're in.

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

I don't know if there is intelligent life elsewhere but I'm not expecting any kind of alien invasions here or being kidnapped by any aliens.

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

That every thought of everybody who ever lived from the beginning of time and in time to come somehow collects somewhere and affects everything else for eternity is a little much for me, but I do believe that "what goes around, comes around."

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

No. If there is something "supernatural" I hope they are guardian angels.

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

Not really.
The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

1. No

2. Most likely yes

3. No

4. No

5. Unlikely, but possible
Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation? No

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones? Just us

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe? No

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural? Not sure.

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”. No
1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

No. I believe something happens to our energy, but find it pointless to worry about what happens when we die.

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

Absolutely. The universe if vast, and I believe that life will develop where possible.

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

I believe that actions have consequences, some good, some bad. We should be mindful of that when we act.

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

No. But I love supernatural fiction.

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

It's possible, but I doubt it. Aliens who are advanced enough to visit earth would likely have started harvesting us for food and resources by now. The odds are that Kanamits will find us instead of ET.

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