The Friday Five

The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

1. i beleive there is an afterlife, a heaven.

2. reading posts in the politics section, i question how much intelligent life is on this planet. But yes, I believe there is other intelligent life on another planet somewhere in the universe.

3. I don't believe in Karma as in a force that if you do something bad, something bad will eventually happen to you. but i do believe in priciple if you do good things, good things will come in return.

4. No. while i believe we have a spirit i don't think those spirits are wandering around haunting us

5. No. while i believ there is intelligent life elswhere they haven't figured out how to travel millions of lightyears to earth.
1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

I believe in life after death without reservation. So ya'll treat me good lest thee be haunted.

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

Let's just say that it just doesn't seem reasonable to me that we are alone in this vast universe.

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

Only in the sense that I believe that collectively we will reap what we sow and the concept that the sins of the fathers will be visited upon the children, even unto the fourth and fifth generations. But I also believe in forgiveness and redemption and that One paid my debts in that regard.

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

In the supernatural--a spirit world--I believe without reservation. In ghosts as we think of ghosts? I have not personally experienced such and there seems to be no conclusive proof. But so many reasonable people have experienced these thngs, that I lean strongly to the conclusion that they exist.

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

Again belief is impossible since I have not experienced such and there is no conclusive proof to point to. But enough reasonable people have testified to visitations by aliens that I have to believe there is something to that whether or not it is being interpreted accurately. So I am a strong probabilist when it comes to this.
Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

Not sure...I think this question is a journey that will only be answered at death I tend to believe in some sort of reincarnation, whether that involves a way-station for souls such as Tir na n-Og, where the wait until they are ready to return to the land of the living or whether the soul is reincarnated directly...I don't know. Maybe our souls return to God, a part of God, to split off again later when a new life comes into being :dunno:

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

Yes - the universe is unfathomably vast and old, it's bound to contain more life :)

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?


4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?
I don't know...I tend to be skeptical and want evidence, but I want to believe.

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”
Don't know.


The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

1) Not sure. But it makes as much sense as sentient, self-aware, reasoning life springing forth from a blob of protoplasm.

2) Yes.

3) After a fashion. I also think that there is an element in belief of your own deservingness to receive back that which you give.

4) To an extent. I find the concept of supernatural a bit of a misnomer. What if it is completely natural, yet we just can't explain it with current knowledge?

5) Yes. I also believe there is a real possibility that we ourselves could be an alien race. Perhaps even a quarantined race. Wrap your head around that.
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The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

Asimov was once asked if he dreaded the prospect that death was eternal after life (or words along such lines). He said that he had been "dead" for BILLIONS of years before he was ever born, and that didn't bother him in the least, "then." My answer is basically "who da fuk knows?" But I suspect that our sentience and "soul" does exist outside of our physical shell, and it might very well exist before our births as well as after our deaths on Earth.

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

Again, I don't "know," but I believe it to be highly unlikely that in a Universe as vast as ours, we happen to have arisen in the ONLY place capable of crafting and sustaining such life.

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

Not really. My grandfather did. He often used to say "cast your bread upon the water." I suspect there is a kernel of truth in the concept.

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

I don't rule it out entirely, but no, I don't really believe in "ghosts." As for the supernatural, I take that as meaning anything above and beyond that which we can explain by our understanding of natural scientific law. So, like HelenaHandbag suggested, I suspect that what we think of as "super" natural may not be above and beyond the laws of nature, really. They might just be beyond our ability to see or comprehend all of those laws.

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

I wonder if we not only came from the dust of stars but also are a people whose genetic seeds came from older civilizations? Or maybe it's a loop-back and what we see as "aliens" are actually just "us" from a far distant past or far distant "future."

I'm ok with the confusion. There are lots of things we don't know and are not yet equipped to properly grasp anyway.
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The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

1. i feel strongly that "dead is dead". No less; no more.

2. Believing we on Earth are the ONLY intelligent (and that's open to question) life form is arrogance at its worst. Now what we regard as "life" and what some other form might consider "life" - well THAT is a pig of a different odor.

3. I have never done a "good deed" in hope of getting something back. But I have occasionally given in to the urge to do such a thing and an always pleased and amazed when something good comes my way very quickly. I guess that's "karma" of sorts.

4. Having had a couple of experiences I can't otherwise explain I have come to feel that there are things going on that are beyond normal comprehension.

5. No question we have been visited by beings from other places (whether planets, dimensions or times). By proof of that I submit Our Kenyan (Kenya might be the name of a planet as well as of a country) President.
The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

1.Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.

2. there is no reason not to think there is no life elsewhere in the universe. we can only hope they're more civilized than we are.
or as monty python's galaxy song puts it.. "pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space cus' there's bugger all down here on earth!"
3. yes
4. maybe
5. see answer two.
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The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

I believe in everything except number 1.

See ya next Friday. :lol:
The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

I believe in everything except number 1.

See ya next Friday. :lol:

That was very efficient, Wolfie. :lol:
The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

I believe in everything except number 1.

See ya next Friday. :lol:

How can you believe in ghosts if you don't believe in some kind of life after death?
The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

I believe in everything except number 1.

See ya next Friday. :lol:

How can you believe in ghosts if you don't believe in some kind of life after death?

Excellent question. I should of specified reincarnation for the 1st question and paranormal activity for the ghost one. I was in a hurry when I wrote it, LOL.
The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

Use to years ago.....






Sounds Cool but not true in my case although many did:D

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