The Friday Five

The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

The courtroom.

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

No, if it's important I'm too nervous to fall asleep.

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

My own bed.

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

No. The cat doesn't like foodgivers to sleep more than a couple hours at a time.

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

Usually a VERY light sleeper, unless I'm exhausted. Then I'm dead.
The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep? I slept a night once, long ago, under a picnic table in a seaside park in Northern California.

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important? No.

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed? When traveling (train, bus, car, plane) I can easily fall asleep. Usually no problems sleeping in hotels; I adapt easily to different environments. I fall asleep when sunbathing, lying on the grass in a park, etc.

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?
In general, yes. Sometimes I don't get enough during a work week, but I make up for it on the weekends. I love to sleep.

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper? Lightish.
1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

I slept in an airport once

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?


3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

Usually, just my bed or recliner

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?


5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

Once I'm out, I'm dead to the world. I do get up to pee too often though
Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

I don't fall asleep usually anywhere but my own bed.

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

I've fallen asleep at work before but just at lunchtime. I was exhausted.

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

Usually in my own bed, with my own pillows, familiar surroundings.

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

No. I get 4-6 hours a night.

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

Very light sleeper.
The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

1. sauna
2. college
3. anywhere
4. yes
5. light sleeper
The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

none i dont sleep in strange places....

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?


3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

my own bed or recliner

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?


5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

i sleep well but once i wake up...i am awake...

o you didnt even ask about dreams or nightmares
1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

I'm not sure because I was unconscious at the time.

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

Yes. In my last job in which I worked for the other guy, I was working 12 to 16 hour days. And I was exhausted much of the time. More than once I dosed off in my office chair.

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

I can sleep pretty much anywhere--sitting up, lying down.

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

According to the charts I don't, but I don't feel sleepy most of the time I am awake so I'm assuming I get enough.

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

Both at different times. If I'm home alone, I'm a very light sleeper. If I feel secure and safe, nothing much wakes me up.
I had a high school assignment to interview my minister. The class was an AP English course called "Death and Dying". My paper was to be an account of the afterlife as expressed by a Catholic priest, my Presbyterian minister, a Rabbi and a Pentecostal preacher.

My minister at that time had a hypnotizingly deep baritone voice and an over heated office. Within fifteen minutes, I was out like a light seated in an overstuffed leather wingback armchair.

So, the strangest place I ever fell asleep in was his office. I don't need my own bed, just a comfy chair.

I get plenty of sleep, but I have to assume the posture of a parenthesis to do it. My little dog, Daisy the Mutt, takes her half of the bed from the middle. If I roll over or lazily stretch out, I might hurt her. So, I surrender and let her nap where she lies.
The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

1. the tech booth at the first live theatre I worked in, it had been a long "hell week" meaning the week before opening night of a new production...
we were do a cue to cue sound and lighting rehearsal.
2.see answer one
4. no at my age a two trip to the bathroom night is a luxury.
5. some of each...
1. I was at a flea market someone spiked my coffee with 5 tabs of trazadone.

2. Yes all of the above and many more.

3. If I am tired enough

4. No I am running around like my ass is on fire all the time

5. Depends
1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

>>> Backstage in a concert hall.

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

>>> I've nodded off a bit in class, but not fallen fully asleep.

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

>>> I'm a restless sleeper, prefer my own bed, but can fall asleep if reasonably comfortable - which means sleeping on airplanes is nearly impossible.

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

>>> No.

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

>>> Light sleeper.
The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

1) At a noisy bar, head on the table, but that may be passed out and it was a long, long time ago.

2) Yes, I have.

3) Usually it is very difficult for me to fall asleep anywhere I'm not used to sleeping.

4) Never

5) Light sleeper, wake up very easily.
The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

1. in the hatchback of an AMC Hornet.

2. no

3. anywhere. (see #1)

4. no

5. light sleeper
The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

1. On a shelf in a linen closet at about age 3.

2. Used to until diagnosed with sleep apnea and got it fixed.

3. Anywhere but on airplanes.

4. Is there such a thing as "enough"?

5. Out. Until the bladder catches up or somebody mentions my name.
The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

1. At a concert while Napalm Death was playing.

2. Certainly in classes during high school, when I worked at home I would nap a lot. ;)

3. I used to be able to sleep anywhere. Now I need my bed with the elevated head, damn reflux.

4. I can never get enough sleep. :(

5. I used to be a dead to the world sleeper. When I was little I slept through my brother throwing up above me (in a bunk bed), my parents coming in and cleaning it up. Now I tend to wake up moire easily.
1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

When I was 2 years old I fell asleep in a little inner tube in a pool. My mom took the inner tube out from underneath me a I slept floating on the water.

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?


3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed? When traveling (train, bus, car, plane)

Depends how tired I am, I'm not a good sleeper when I'm on a bus or a train, unless I'm really tired, then I'm out.

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

Never do I feel I get enough, I wake up many times a night.

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

A light sleeper.
The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

1. I can think of quite a few answers for this one, lol. but I remember one new years eve party. there was a place in town called the Crystal Lake Inn. a bunch of guys I went to highschool with rented it out and were living there. they had a huge party every new years. I was so drunk at one I ended up losing my car keys. I figured I'd walk home and pick the car up the next day with a spare set of keys. anyway, walking home I was so trashed I said I have to sit down and rest for a few minutes. So I sat down and leaned back against a concrete barrier on a small bridge. the next thing I know I'm being woken up by a cop asking me if I'm ok. I was also covered by about an inch and a half of snow.

2. never work, school many times. i've also fallen asleep in the airport waiting area and missed my flight.

3. I've slept in all kinds of conditions, on all kinds of surfaces. I've even fallen asleep in the pouring rain. so I'd say I can sleep most anywhere if I'm tired enough

4. absolutely not. I get way less sleep than I need

5. for the most part I'm a light sleeper. but there are some nights I am dead to the world
I'm a very light sleeper - if you talk to me. I will answer back and join in the conversation. This morning, I woke up to find out that I had been online and did not remember.
The Friday Five

All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job?

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Substituting this week for the OP. Have fun and please participate.

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