The Friday Five

The Friday Five

All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job?

being a grandmother.....

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

my first job.....working in a soda foundation.....with the blue plate specials...the owner would stand there and jack off.....he would not unzip his pants but it was obvious what he was doing....i was 14....

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?


4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

being an intensive care nurse for premies

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

the job of mom...going on 32 years now

Substituting this week for the OP. Have fun and please participate.

thanks....good questions
All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job?

Movie Critic

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

Concession stand at a movie theater. Burned my hands and arms on the popcorn machine, worked hard long hours and low pay. I did get to watch parts of movies on my breaks though.

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

Volunteer work for the Democrats. :)

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

Being a migrant worker.

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

20 years with an engineering/architectural firm.
All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job? Too personal.

2) What is the worst job you've ever had? Too personal.

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?


4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

Truth? There are very many terrible jobs in the world. Being a child laborer is possibly the worst, simply because it is children.

5) What is the longest position you've ever held? NOYB
The Friday Five

All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job?

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Substituting this week for the OP. Have fun and please participate.

1) What would be your dream job?

Wealthy philanthropist! :D

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

Messiest was working on a boiler for a fish processing factory ship but the worst was working for a mentally abusive boss.

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?
Done lots of volunteer work but once it was organized it was never all that onerous.

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

Repairing sewage pipes in mid summer.

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Longest commute was almost 2 hours each way in heavy traffic. Being Mrs Te's spouse is the longest position I have ever held :D
The Friday Five

All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job?


2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

Moving sawdust evenly around in a horse box as it came down a chute (no really)

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

Yes ! I was a roadie for a rock band.

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

Slaughter house operative

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

8 years in an amusement arcade ( I still have dreams about it, I had one last night)

Substituting this week for the OP. Have fun and please participate.
1) What would be your dream job?

Successful author

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

Detasseling corn

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

Church nursery when the whole gang was teething

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?


5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Five years as a bill collector, unless we're counting six years with the national guard.
The Friday Five

All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job?

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Substituting this week for the OP. Have fun and please participate.

Wealthy philanthropist! :D

Messiest was working on a boiler for a fish processing factory ship but the worst was working for a mentally abusive boss.

Done lots of volunteer work but once it was organized it was never all that onerous.

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

Repairing sewage pipes in mid summer.

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Longest commute was almost 2 hours each way in heavy traffic. Being Mrs Te's spouse is the longest position I have ever held :D

Only one position? Poor Mrs T.
Substituting this week for the OP. Have fun and please participate.

Wealthy philanthropist! :D

Messiest was working on a boiler for a fish processing factory ship but the worst was working for a mentally abusive boss.

Done lots of volunteer work but once it was organized it was never all that onerous.

Repairing sewage pipes in mid summer.

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Longest commute was almost 2 hours each way in heavy traffic. Being Mrs Te's spouse is the longest position I have ever held :D

Only one position? Poor Mrs T.

The Friday Five
04/18/2014All in a days work
1) What would be your dream job?

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Substituting this week for the OP. Have fun and please participate.
My dream job may be happening right before my eyes. I'm compiling a collection of short stories for publication. I've been writing every day in my spare time and as soon as I polish, edit and write enough, I'm sending them to publishers in anticipation of rejection notices.

Right after I earned my degree, I moved to Sarasota Florida and took a position at an engineering firm. The pay was good, or so I thought, but it was, at the time, a very small firm. That meant opportunity and growth, but also it meant I had to wear many hats.

One of our clients was a developer with a 5,000 acre plot of land. It was all scrub palm and pine trees and snakes without any real usable topographical information. We had to know the lay of the land in the most literal sense. The first order of business was to lay out a base line from which we could gather information as to how the land drained.

So I became a member of the survey crew. Each morning we would set up our instruments, drive small stakes called hubs into the ground and hack the undergrowth by machete to establish lines of sight. And each day I would come home with pond scum up to my chest as we crossed swamps and a main drainage canal. Do you remember the movie The African Queen? At the end of Humphrey Bogart's journey down the Ulanga River, he and Katherine Hepburn found themselves mired in reeds and muck. Bogie got out of the boat, slung a rope over his shoulder and pulled the boat through the swamp himself. On that job, the worst job I ever had as it turns out, I became Bogart. Muck and mire and leaches and snakes were my workplace.

But the worst job has to be road kill collector. I was the Resident Inspector on a highway pavement job back there in sunny Sarasota and each day a crew in a pick up truck would ply the highway collecting the deer and possums and raccoons killed by passing motorists. You could tell they were coming by the gathering odor of their truck as it approached.

Bone collector, ye are damned. Thus sayeth the guy with the leach bites and pond scum stained t shirt.
1) What would be your dream job? Staging homes for sale

2) What is the worst job you've ever had? Bookbinder assembly line

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job? Being a room mother :lol:

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is? I don't know, all jobs carry dignity

5) What is the longest position you've ever held? Does stay at home mom count? If so, then that
The Friday Five

All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job?

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

1) Already have it - being a mom and raising my kids. Nothing else compares to it - no degree I have, being in the Navy, just nothing.

2) That would have to be when I was married to my ex. Domestic abuse is nothing more than a living hell.

3) Yep - I was 'room mom' for my kids' elementary classes and also treasurer of the PTA.

4) Worst job, without a doubt, is being a teacher. Rarely do teachers get respect from those they teach, and most get even less respect from the kids' parents.

5) That's easy - being a mom! It never ends. There's no break from it when done right. :D
1) What would be your dream job?

I have actually held my 'dream job' three or four times in my lifetime. The thing is, I didn't know they were my 'dream job' until I got them. At this stage in life, 'retirement' is pretty dreamy. :)

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

It was a brief stint with a manufacturing firm in Amarillo. My first clue should have been that the owner sent me to his psychiatrist for testing to determine if I was smart enough to work for him. It was the most hostile work environment I have ever experienced--he was verbally and psychologically abusive and wasn't happy unless everybody around him was traumatized or suicidal​

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

Yes. Back when I was one of the folks putting together a domestic violence association and program. While rewarding it was one of the most difficult projects I have ever done.​

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

Any job that you dread going to each day.​

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Owner of my own business.​
The Friday Five

All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job?

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Substituting this week for the OP. Have fun and please participate.

1. Starfleet Admiral

2. Dispatching over the road truckers in 3 different time zones.

3. Yes

4. Cleaning municipal sewage settling pools.

5. Managing trailer repair facilities.
The Friday Five

All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job?

Something working with animals and/or wildlife-rescue and rehabilitation type work.

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

Worked in factory making freezers in 100 plus heat in the summer.

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

Volunteer'd at the Humane Society dealing with rescue dogs, matching them up to good homes, dealing with temperment and behavior issues, etc.

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

Ever watched Deadliest Catch? Crab fisherman-dangerous, no sleep, and back breaking labor.

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

6 years at the county hospital in the medical records department
The Friday Five

All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job?

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Substituting this week for the OP. Have fun and please participate.
1. working in showbiz (so my dream job has been done ,time for another dream)
2. warehouse...stocker /loader
3. yes
4. the one where you get no satisfaction..
5. lighting/ audio designer 1989 to present..
The Friday Five

All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job?

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Substituting this week for the OP. Have fun and please participate.

Wealthy philanthropist! :D

Messiest was working on a boiler for a fish processing factory ship but the worst was working for a mentally abusive boss.

Done lots of volunteer work but once it was organized it was never all that onerous.

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

Repairing sewage pipes in mid summer.

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Longest commute was almost 2 hours each way in heavy traffic. Being Mrs Te's spouse is the longest position I have ever held :D
the sewer repair....brings back some "shitty" memories
The Friday Five

April showers bring May flowers

1) Do you have a green or brown thumb?

2) If you plant a garden, what is it you plant?

3) Is there something that you grow that is your pride and joy?

4) What do you do with everything you plant?

5) Do you have a favorite flower?

The Friday Five

Sleepy Time

1) Where is the strangest place you have ever fallen asleep?

2) Have you ever fallen asleep during work, class or something important?

3) Can you fall asleep anywhere or just in your own bed?

4) Do you feel you get enough sleep?

5) Are you a light sleeper or dead to the world sleeper?

1) In a hospital room

2) Yes, in class. Right in plain view of my teacher in 12th Grade Lit.

3) Yep. In the car, in a chair, on the sofa outside on the grass... pretty much everywhere.

4) Heck no.

5) I'm pretty much out of it when I sleep. Probably could sleep through a nuclear holocaust.
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The Friday Five

April showers bring May flowers

1) Do you have a green or brown thumb?

2) If you plant a garden, what is it you plant?

3) Is there something that you grow that is your pride and joy?

4) What do you do with everything you plant?

5) Do you have a favorite flower?

1) Thumbs are brown. I've never planted flowers before.

2) If I were my Grandmother, I would be planting Hydrangeas and Azaleas.

3) The Hydrangea

4) Eat it.

5) Mine? Morning glory.
The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

1. I do.

2. Yep. It's impossible to believe we are the only sentient beings in the universe.

3. No.

4. Yes.

5. Most certainly.

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