The Friday Five

The Friday Five


Four Wheel Drive

1. How old were you when you learned to drive?
2. What was your first car?
3. What is your dream car?
4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?
5. What are you driving now?

1. I don't drive. Well, I tried when I was 16, but not since.
2. Well, the first car I drove was a 1992 Chevy Blazer.
3. A Corvette
4. A car accident I got into as a passenger when I was 2 years old. I had to have 5 stitches on my right eyebrow. The idiot who hit us fled the scene.
5. Like I said in 1, I don't drive.

1. How old were you when you learned to drive?
2. What was your first car?
3. What is your dream car?
4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?
5. What are you driving now?

1. I was driving on private property around 12 years old ... Ridng motorcycles before that.

2. Toyota Coralla

3. Aston Martin One-77

4. I was a passnger during a car wreck where the driver died.

5. Nissan X-Terra and Armada, Toyota Camry and a Chevy Avalanche


The Friday Five


Four Wheel Drive

1. How old were you when you learned to drive?
2. What was your first car?
3. What is your dream car?
4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?
5. What are you driving now?

about 12 started on grandparents land....lucky it was a large tract of family land so there was a lot of underage driving going on...

ooooooooo a push button dodge could hit a wall with it and it would just bounce

those who love french cars have their own special

okay i inherited my son's old ass was jury rigged to the hilt...esp the electrical system but it had a great fucking stereo....i just remember being broke and he had this spare pos and i needed local transport so i was was late one night and we were coming back from johnson city tn...which we consider local...about 45 minutes son has shown me this wire..and told me...if the truck catches on fire....grab this wire and pull it i think he is joking..dumbass we are coming down a darken 3 lane when suddenly the truck catches on fire...hubby is driving he pulls over and grabs the wire which burns the hell out of his hand.....then he shoves me outta of the truck and tells me to head up the is dark and i start to protest but he goes all fucking hulk on me..and i just scrabble up the dark bank...his cell phone is dead and i didnt have one at this he leaves walking to find a phone....tells me to stay up in the woods till he gets back....which was forever...but it all ended well...

subaru awd stick....i dont do the auto matic crap that is for pussies....except in san francisco...damn you would do nothing but shift there

yes i said it...bunch of damned pussies...nothing is worse than being out with a bunch of rugged ass men and you toss the key to one of them and hear....i cant drive a stick...even their damned atv's are automatics...or worse teach me to drive on your stick....o right they dont realize they are saying..ruin your transmission for me...
1. How old were you when you learned to drive?

16, got my license at 17
2. What was your first car?

1974 Ford Maverick
3. What is your dream car?

Can't say I have one, I am pragmatic about cars and don't spend much time dreaming about them
4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?

I was in Barstow CA driving out to Ft Irwin. It was 6AM on a Saturday and I was on a deserted desert highway. I saw a car coming in the opposite direction taking a curve at much too high a speed. It swerved into my lane and I moved to the shoulder as far as I dared. Finally, it got traction and swerved back barely missing my car. I watched the rear view mirror and the car hit the sand and then flipped over three times
5. What are you driving now?

2008 Hyundai Santa Fe
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The Friday Five


Four Wheel Drive

1. How old were you when you learned to drive?
2. What was your first car?
3. What is your dream car?
4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?
5. What are you driving now?

1. 11
2. An old beatup 1965 F100 pickup truck.
3. 1928 Mercedes Benz 680S Torpedo Roadster in mint condition.
4. Major accident in a sand storm.
5. Dodge Ram pickup

The Friday Five


Four Wheel Drive

1. How old were you when you learned to drive?
2. What was your first car?
3. What is your dream car?
4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?
5. What are you driving now?

1. Well, I took driver's ed in high school and passed when I was 16.....but I don't drive, have never had more than a restricted license, so I don't know if that counts. :p
2. I've never owned a car.
3. Lamborghini Countach
4. Probably getting into a spinning crash in high school. I've never been seriously hurt or had anyone I was with seriously hurt in a car.
5. I'm not driving now. ;)
1. How old were you when you learned to drive?
I was 15. Never had a learner's license--not sure they even had those way back when. But I took my driver's test for my first unrestricted license on my 16th birthday--it was on pretty much sheet ice in Santa Fe NM--that was one brave cop--and I passed.

2. What was your first car?
My first car as community property was an aging 1956 Ford Victoria. My first car that was my very own in my own name was a brand new 1995 Subaru Impreza Outback. I still have it. :)

3. What is your dream car?
I would love a good van for traveling--something with seats so comfortable you just melt into them.

4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?
When I was in highschool, we were in a topless jeep on an icy mountain road leading from Santa Fe to the ski basin--we spun out and almost went off the road and would have fallen a deadly distance. Hung the rear bumper on a tree or we would have--the wheels were hanging in space. We were really lucky.

5. What are you driving now?
That same 1995 Subaru Impreza Outback. (Hubby has a newer car that I drive when I absolutely have to, but I love that little Subaru.)

The Friday Five


Four Wheel Drive

1. How old were you when you learned to drive?
2. What was your first car?
3. What is your dream car?
4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?
5. What are you driving now?

1. 17
2. a 1966 Mustang convertible

3. don't really have on now. I had a 1970 dodge challenger. that was probably it at the time
4. probably a head on collision where i got thrown through the windshield.
5. a jaguar vandenplas

or mostly the lincoln

or my bike

The Friday Five


1) What is your worst memory?

2) What is your best memory?

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?

5) What do you want to be remembered for?


The Friday Five


Four Wheel Drive

1. How old were you when you learned to drive?
2. What was your first car?
3. What is your dream car?
4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?
5. What are you driving now?

1. How old were you when you learned to drive?

I was 15.

2. What was your first car?

Plymouth Demon.

3. What is your dream car?

I don't really have a dream car. They are tools for when I need them.

4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?

Maybe the station wagon losing a timing belt when I had my daughters in the car far from home when they were young.

5. What are you driving now?

I don't drive. Subways, taxis, buses, and bullet trains are too reliable, cheap, and fast.

The Friday Five


1) What is your worst memory?

2) What is your best memory?

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?

5) What do you want to be remembered for?

1. Probably the death of my parents

2. The birth of my kids

3. A stupid mistake in life i made

4. The day when i reflected on my life and realized how much it all meaned to me and how much had turned out as i always desired.

5. A good husband, father and friend

The Friday Five


1) What is your worst memory?

2) What is your best memory?

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?

5) What do you want to be remembered for? dad hitting my mom with an end table..
2.the first time my wife said I love you.
3. watching a woman's head roll down the street during a high-speed crash.
4. see answer two
5. ?
The Friday Five

1) What is your worst memory?
When my father, in a fit of rage, broke my arm.

2) What is your best memory?
Oh geez. . .so many over a long life. . .not sure I can single out just one.

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?
The most stupid choices and mistakes I've made over that same long life.

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?
That no matter how bad it gets or how low we feel, the sun will come out for us again.

5) What do you want to be remembered for?
That I somehow made a positive difference in the lives of those who knew me.
1) What is your worst memory?

Catching myself lying to myself. I swore never to do it again.

2) What is your best memory?

So many to choose from but I am going to say when my 4 month old hugged me.

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?

For all the mistakes I have made I don't want to forget any of them so that I won't ever make them again.

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?

To say I love you to my nearest and dearest every day.

5) What do you want to be remembered for?

I am going with Foxy's have made a positive difference in the lives of others.
My worst memory is of the morning my father died. But he died the death most of us would wish for ourselves. He died three hours after suffering from a massive cerebral hemorrhage. He died peacefully with his family surrounding his hospital bed. He had no tubes or IVs attached.

My best memory was graduation day at The Ohio State University. It took me an extra year because my freshman year was dedicated to beer and foosball and intramural sports and college chicks. that's a lot to put on your plate and still get studying in.

To quote Frank Sinatra, Regrets? I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention. So there are memories to savor for their stupidity and their wisdom.

I'd like to be remembered as a guy who always gave someone the benefit of the doubt. I'd like to be remembered as the anti W.C. Fields and always gave the sucker an even break. It's up to me, but then it's really up to those who survive me, to remember me as kind, gentle and forgiving.

The Friday Five


1) What is your worst memory?

2) What is your best memory?

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?

5) What do you want to be remembered for?

1. witnessing a suicide in the NY subway

2. birth of my son

3. no comment

4. that my family and my faith always come first

5. being a good family man
1) What is your worst memory?

Stepping through an open trap door, landing on a hard floor about 10-feet down. No memory of the fall itself - only of the landing.

2) What is your best memory?

First solo flight - laughing like hell while looking at the empty seat beside me.

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?

The sequence of small mistakes that led to the accidental death of someone.

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?

Meeting the lady who became my wife - in a bar - and me in pajamas at the time.

5) What do you want to be remembered for?

Amusing others with stories of actual things that happened to or around me - things so bizarre that most think they're imagined. They're not.
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1) What is your worst memory?

2) What is your best memory?

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?

5) What do you want to be remembered for?

1. Classified ... Literally

2. Romantic getaway Trunk's Bay, St John.

3. Classified ... Literally

4. Classified ... Literally

5. Classified ... Literally (The people I want to remember already know)

1. How old were you when you learned to drive? 15

2. What was your first car? A bad-ass 1967 Ford Fairlane

3. What is your dream car? M Class Mercedes Benz ML350 BlueTEC Turbodiesel

4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car? Bashed into someone who was parked in the right lane on the interstate

5. What are you driving now? No, I'm typing on a computer

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