The Friday Five

1) What is your worst memory?

2) What is your best memory?

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?

5) What do you want to be remembered for?

1. Classified ... Literally

2. Romantic getaway Trunk's Bay, St John.

3. Classified ... Literally

4. Classified ... Literally

5. Classified ... Literally (The people I want to remember already know)


Classified or X Rated?
1) What is your worst memory?
Private, but has to do with two deaths.

2) What is your best memory?

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?
Something like that, I doubt there is any chance of forgetting.

5) What do you want to be remembered for?
I don't think about things like this.
1) What is your worst memory

driving a car over a cliff

2) What is your best memory?

waking up just before the car hit the ground

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?

as part of the human experience there is nothing i would want to forget

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?

watching my mother slowly slip into madness with Alzheimers

i wish to be able to remember everything

5) What do you want to be remembered for?

that i had enough friends to make for a nice funeral

1) What is your worst memory?

simply cant do this....i will end up rocking in the fetal position....i got to pass on this one..

2) What is your best memory?

i do hope i have not encounter that yet......

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?

see #1

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?

the love of my husband and son...that they have for me and that i have for them

5) What do you want to be remembered for?

being a compassionate person
1. Classified ... Literally

2. Romantic getaway Trunk's Bay, St John.

3. Classified ... Literally

4. Classified ... Literally

5. Classified ... Literally (The people I want to remember already know)


Classified or X Rated?

Classified ... Confidential, Secret or Top Secret
I just passes the thresohold where I have spent as much of my adult life as a civilian as I did as a soldier.
Half of my adult life is pretty much Classified .
When it comes to my best and worst memories ... Well, you can get the picture.

More X-Rated would be nice though ... But there is always tomorrow.
Not really shy ... I included Trunk's Bay ... Just not the details.

1. Classified ... Literally

2. Romantic getaway Trunk's Bay, St John.

3. Classified ... Literally

4. Classified ... Literally

5. Classified ... Literally (The people I want to remember already know)


Classified or X Rated?

Classified ... Confidential, Secret or Top Secret
I just passes the thresohold where I have spent as much of my adult life as a civilian as I did as a soldier.
Half of my adult life is pretty much Classified .
When it comes to my best and worst memories ... Well, you can get the picture.

More X-Rated would be nice though ... But there is always tomorrow.
Not really shy ... I included Trunk's Bay ... Just not the details.


I held a White House level security classification while I was in the Army and it matters a damn today. Every reassignment I had to go to the vault and get read-in. They all knew of me before I got there. They'd show me classified information and make me sign statements. If I went on vacation I had to tell them where I was going. Now, I'm working as a civilian and I need a baby-sitter everywhere I go in a secure building. And to think none of them have even close the the clearance I had. When I was in they had to do a reinvestigation periodically to make sure I wasn't selling secrets or getting into financial trouble. But what was strange was many of the secrets are released to the public by Democrats, particularly the Obama Administration, every day, or put in a movie for everyone to see. If I had done this they would have sent me to Leavenworth.
Classified or X Rated?

Classified ... Confidential, Secret or Top Secret
I just passes the thresohold where I have spent as much of my adult life as a civilian as I did as a soldier.
Half of my adult life is pretty much Classified .
When it comes to my best and worst memories ... Well, you can get the picture.

More X-Rated would be nice though ... But there is always tomorrow.
Not really shy ... I included Trunk's Bay ... Just not the details.


I held a White House level security classification while I was in the Army and it matters a damn today. Every reassignment I had to go to the vault and get read-in. They all knew of me before I got there. They'd show me classified information and make me sign statements. If I went on vacation I had to tell them where I was going. Now, I'm working as a civilian and I need a baby-sitter everywhere I go in a secure building. And to think none of them have even close the the clearance I had. When I was in they had to do a reinvestigation periodically to make sure I wasn't selling secrets or getting into financial trouble. But what was strange was many of the secrets are released to the public by Democrats, particularly the Obama Administration, every day, or put in a movie for everyone to see. If I had done this they would have sent me to Leavenworth.

Rufus T. Firefly: Gentlemen, Chicolini here may talk like an idiot, and look like an idiot, but don't let that fool you: he really is an idiot. I implore you, send him back to his father and brothers, who are waiting for him with open arms in the penitentiary. I
suggest that we give him ten years in Leavenworth, or eleven years in Twelveworth.

Chicolini: I'll tell you what I'll do: I'll take five and ten in Woolworth.

The Friday Five


1) What is your worst memory?

2) What is your best memory?

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget?

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget?

5) What do you want to be remembered for?

1) The death of my sister.

2) The birth of my children

3) My first wife

4) Maryland winning the national championship in 2002

5) for being a patriot
1) What is your worst memory? I forget

2) What is your best memory? Forgetting all of the bad shit

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget? That we elected Obama

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget? I forget

5) What do you want to be remembered for? When I'm gone nobody will remember me
The Friday Five

Do you believe in…

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

1. Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation?

I don't believe in life after death or reincarnation. I believe that this is the blessing we were given by the universe, to make the most of one great life. It is not a game to be squandered on gambling and wishful thinking for a better time to come.

2. Do you believe in intelligent life in other parts of the universe or that we are the only ones?

Yes, I believe that the mathematical odds are in favor of intelligent life existing in other parts of the universe.

3. Do you believe in the concept of “karma” The idea that you get back everything you put out in the universe?

I don't know if I would call it Karma, but I do believe that you can choose your attitude and make the best of a terrible situation by not only believing but working proactively to improve the reality around you. I offer up this to the Universe regularly since my stay in India for the last 6 months of last year. It seems to be working again, though I did not know what I was doing before. It has a name and practice now.

4. Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural?

No, not really. Although, I believe there are things that we don't yet understand, or that science can explain.

5. Do you believe that we are or were visited by “aliens”

I don't believe there is evidence that we have been visited by aliens, but I do believe that there is phenomena we don't yet understand or can explain.
1) What is your worst memory? losing our son

2) What is your best memory? the girls being born

3) What is the one thing you would love to forget? nothing

4) What is the one thing you want to never forget? how much my family means to me.

5) What do you want to be remembered for? being a really good dad

The Friday Five

Food For Thought

1) What food do you love or can’t live without?
2) What food do you truly hate?
3) What was the strangest food you have ever eaten?
4) What is our favorite snack food?
5) What is your favorite style of cooking?


The Friday Five

Food For Thought

1) What food do you love or can’t live without?
2) What food do you truly hate?
3) What was the strangest food you have ever eaten?
4) What is our favorite snack food?
5) What is your favorite style of cooking?

1) Generally, I might say cereal. Specifically, Cheez Its and Goldfish.
2) The list of foods I hate is loooooong. I've created a '4 foods of the apocalypse' list and modified it over time. Because I just had to smell it last night, I'll say parmesan.
3) I've no idea. I've intentionally eaten small bugs before, can I go with that? :lol:
4) I'm going to assume this question should read 'What is your favorite snack food?' since I have no idea what yours is! :lol: It's been Cheez Its for years and years, but I've been leaning toward Goldfish instead recently. I do love to much on crackers!
5) I don't have a favorite style. I don't think there is a particular style that I like. I am the pickiest eater I've ever met. Let me go with microwaveable as a style, since I'm not only picky about food but lazy and hate having to cook. :D
1) What food do you love or can’t live without?

cant really say that i have one

2) What food do you truly hate?

liver but in certain situations it is vital to consume

3) What was the strangest food you have ever eaten?

strange by what standard

muskrat- squirrel-chewing gum made from the sap of milkweed

to name a few

4) What is our favorite snack food?

on occasion i like a vanilla cone dipped in chocolate from Dairy queen

5) What is your favorite style of cooking?

open campfire
The Friday Five

Food For Thought

1) What food do you love or can’t live without?
Hmmm...Can't live without? Nothing I can't live without. What I love? I guess the one thing I would have a really hard time with is giving up my morning coffee, which is a latte that I make myself with a very strong, dark roasted coffee and 1 or 2% steamed milk. Everyday. If I don't get a chance to make it at home in the morning, I keep the ingredients at work and make it there where I first get in.

2) What food do you truly hate?

Mushrooms! :mad:

3) What was the strangest food you have ever eaten?

Well, when I was visiting China with a Chinese friend, we stayed with her family and I ate things which I don't even know what they were. But, to be a proper guest, I ate it anyway. Except when it was obviously mushroom. Then I would just say I'm allergeric, so as not to offend.

4) What is our favorite snack food?

I really don't do favorites very well (not in food or anything). I like a variety of things.

5) What is your favorite style of cooking?

Again, no favorites so to speak. I think Italian, French, Turkish and Chinese are the best cuisines I've come across.
1) What food do you love or can’t live without?


2) What food do you truly hate?

Anything loaded with artificial ingredients

3) What was the strangest food you have ever eaten?

?? I don't think I've had any food that's "strange"...

4) What is our favorite snack food?

I love cheesy snacks.

5) What is your favorite style of cooking?

No favorites, I like a lot of styles.
1) What food do you love or can’t live without?


2) What food do you truly hate?


3) What was the strangest food you have ever eaten?


4) What is your favorite snack food?

Ice cream

5) What is your favorite style of cooking?

Mexican, but last time I went to Chicago, I found another fav - Russian

Dinner - Beginnings - Russian Tea Time | Russian Tea Time

Omg, yum

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