The Friday Five

Pass, does not apply to me except #5.


1) Do you have a green or brown thumb?

2) If you plant a garden, what is it you plant?

3) Is there something that you grow that is your pride and joy?

4) What do you do with everything you plant?

5) Do you have a favorite flower?
The Friday Five

April showers bring May flowers

1) Do you have a green or brown thumb? Yes

2) If you plant a garden, what is it you plant? Vegetables, herbs, flowers...

3) Is there something that you grow that is your pride and joy? All of it

4) What do you do with everything you plant? Eat it or look at it

5) Do you have a favorite flower? No
The Friday Five

All in a days work

1) What would be your dream job?

2) What is the worst job you've ever had?

3) Have you ever volunteered for a job that was more work than your real job?

4) What do you think the worst job in the world is?

5) What is the longest position you've ever held?

Substituting this week for the OP. Have fun and please participate.

1) Something to do with Astronomy.

2) The grocery store.

3) Yep.

4) You'd have to ask Mike Rowe about that.

5) As an official position? 5 months as a janitor.

1) Do you have a green or brown thumb?

2) If you plant a garden, what is it you plant?

3) Is there something that you grow that is your pride and joy?

4) What do you do with everything you plant?

5) Do you have a favorite flower?

1. Green Thumb ...I can pretty much stick anything in dirt and it will grow.

2. Tomatos, Potatos, Bell Peppers, Hot Peppers, Onions, Lettuce, Squash, Cucumbers.
Oregano, Thyme, Italian Parsley, Cilantro, Basil and Rosemary.

3. I am very good at growing Alfias from trimmings and shaping them.

4. I eat the veggies and herbs ... And recuse then give away most of my heritage plants.
I have the habit of recusing plants from from old homesites or connected with famous places.
Once the plant is stable again ... I will start using clippings or seeds from the plant to spread out among friends.
For instance ... I have a Katy Regalia from the Beatrice Davis Homestead in New Orleans ... And pass out plants grown from it to the ladies around here.

1. I love orchids ... But as far as simple flowers I love to have in my gardens ... Zinnias.
The Friday Five

April showers bring May flowers

1) Do you have a green or brown thumb?

2) If you plant a garden, what is it you plant?

3) Is there something that you grow that is your pride and joy?

4) What do you do with everything you plant?

5) Do you have a favorite flower?

1. Green thumb when it comes to my vegetable garden. Brown thumb for everything else.

2. Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchinis, string beans, chilli peppers, basil, leaf lettuce.

3. No. All my vegetables are equally as good.

4. Use them as sides with dinner. This is especially true when having a cookout.

5. Zucchini flower. It is delicious when stuffed with egg, ham, bread crumbs, grated cheese, and then fried.
The Friday Five
04/25/2014April showers bring May flowers

1) Do you have a green or brown thumb?

2) If you plant a garden, what is it you plant?

3) Is there something that you grow that is your pride and joy?

4) What do you do with everything you plant?

5) Do you have a favorite flower?
The planting area at my home, the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate, is limited to window boxes. The lawn is the size of a postage stamp where it is level, slanted at a 40 degree angle where it isn't, and that slanty part is the majority of lawn space.

I plant window boxes with flowers every Spring. I have always planted a sweet potato vine in each window box until this year. Them damn vines are flower box bullies! They will elbow out everything else unless they are judiciously trimmed every week.

I plant impatiens as a border around the North Portico and along the walkway approaching the main house. Last year there was a blight, a fungus that infected the impatiens crop. They got leggy and looked more like asparagus by mid July. Everyone's marigolds were looking magnificent by then, so I learned a valuable lesson: invest in marigolds this season.

The window boxes this year will feature geraniums and wave petunias. I have a bunch of those flower pouches that are usually planted with impatiens, but this year, I'm putting a sweet potato vine in the top of them and that's it! If the vine wants to bully, it has only itself to push around.
The Friday Five

April showers bring May flowers

1) Do you have a green or brown thumb?

2) If you plant a garden, what is it you plant?

3) Is there something that you grow that is your pride and joy?

4) What do you do with everything you plant?

5) Do you have a favorite flower?

1. Green thumb outside. Black thumb inside.

2. No garden

3. Not me, but don't you dare mess with Mrs Rat's roses.

4. Sit on the porch and enjoy the beauty

5. Venus Flytrap
The Friday Five

April showers bring May flowers

1) Do you have a green or brown thumb?

2) If you plant a garden, what is it you plant?

3) Is there something that you grow that is your pride and joy?

4) What do you do with everything you plant?

5) Do you have a favorite flower?

1. A very green thumb. Why i can grow a weed better than anyone lol

2. I have multiple gardens, flower, vegetable and cutting. there are gardens to enhance the landsacpe that contain a mix of annuals and perennials. There is a garden that has flowers mostly used for cutting to make bouquets to place throughout the house and there is a vegetable garden to produce food.

3. probably some of the more unique stuff like black iris. vegetables I would say the squashes usually do the best. at the shore house tomatoes are probably the best

4. Eat it or look at it.

5. Not really. there is and orange azlea/rhododendron hybrid i love that produces the most fragrant and beautiful flowers

then again the purple rhodos are pretty nice too

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First, welcome home to Syrenn. :)

And on to this week's list. . . .

1) Do you have a green or brown thumb?
I guess it is green because I seem to run an urgent care center for ailing house plants.

2) If you plant a garden, what is it you plant?
Tomatoes. Maybe some cucumbers and back in Kansas we loved fresh okra. That's pretty much it except for flowers of course.

3) Is there something that you grow that is your pride and joy?
I have a schefflera plant in our great room that stands nine feet tall and is 30 years old and going strong.

4) What do you do with everything you plant?
Well if its edible and produces edible food, we eat the food. Otherwise we just watch and enjoy it until it is time to clean up the mess after the first hard freeze.

5) Do you have a favorite flower?
Not really. My eyes are always drawn to pansies and impatiens but we enjoy a wide variety of color and textures. My favorite flower smell is lilac and peonies I love roses on bushes--as cut flowers not so much--much prefer carnations as cut flowers.
Pass, does not apply to me except #5.


1) Do you have a green or brown thumb?

2) If you plant a garden, what is it you plant?

3) Is there something that you grow that is your pride and joy?

4) What do you do with everything you plant?

5) Do you have a favorite flower?

I do like lilacs, both white and purple.

1. except for my lilacs (and the occasional Forsythia) I have a BLACK thumb. I touch it; it dies.

2. Except for my lilacs I plant 3/4 inch crushed serpentine rocks.

3. I once tried transplanting honeysuckle and loved the sight and smell of it. But then it uprooted a fence and was working at tearing the siding off a garden shed.

4. Enjoy it while it lasts then compost what's left after the frost.

5. Venus fly trap - but only indoors. Never grow them just buy 'em let them overfeed on houseflies and then, when they die from that, compost...meat and all.
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The Friday Five

April showers bring May flowers

1) Do you have a green or brown thumb?

2) If you plant a garden, what is it you plant?

3) Is there something that you grow that is your pride and joy?

4) What do you do with everything you plant?

5) Do you have a favorite flower?

Welcome back! :smiliehug:

1. Sort of a greenish brown color! :eusa_whistle: Some things survive and others don't. Mrs Te loves grasses so I have been experimenting. Most of the skinny ones wilt by mid summer and look bad so I have been trying the more succulent versions. This past winter was just brutal and virtually all of them have been wiped out. Our local nursery sent us a $20 coupon but I was going to be going over there anyway.

2. Pretty much everything is in pots or tubs. I leave the rest of the landscape to the pros.

3. I have a trumpet vine that is taking over the neighborhood. I call it "the Donald". :badgrin:

4. I always add water crystals to the soil before planting everything. It keeps the soil moist.

5. Chrysanthemum (damn, I got the spelling right on the first try :badgrin:).


The Friday Five


Four Wheel Drive

1. How old were you when you learned to drive?
2. What was your first car?
3. What is your dream car?
4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?
5. What are you driving now?


1. How old were you when you learned to drive?
2. What was your first car?
3. What is your dream car?
4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?
5. What are you driving now?

1. Fourteen to learn; sixteen to be licensed
2. '47 Ford two-door sedan with a bench front seat
3. To have another, like new, '47 Ford
4. '61 MGA roadster spun out on a hard left bend in The Airline Road in Maine. Black Ice. Car spun three times then headed down the road with no help from me!
5. Hyundai Sonata, '08 with a V6- goes like a goosed moose! Comfortable, too.
1. How old were you when you learned to drive?

11 years old which was also the first year i bow hunted for deer
sometimes i would have to fetch the truck --LOL

2. What was your first car?

1960 Chevy pickup with a three on the tree

got it for 25 dollars on the condition that i

would give Ingvald and Laura a ride to the meat market every Saturday

3. What is your dream car?

i have had several

currently it would be one that ran on water

4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?

at 18 i was still too unskilled to responsibly own a 1967 skylark

that i had built into a really sharp muscle car

some 34 years later i still have some pain

from the crash

5. What are you driving now?

i have several cars and trucks
The Friday Five

Four Wheel Drive

1. How old were you when you learned to drive?
2. What was your first car?

3. What is your dream car?
Rolls Royce Convertible

4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?
Taking the 5th.
5. What are you driving now?
Nothing. Live outside the US and use public transport.
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1. How old were you when you learned to drive?

5. I stole my parents' car and drove around the block. They didn't find out until I told them later that day.

2. What was your first car?

A '69 Chevy Nova.

3. What is your dream car?

A Bentley.

4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?

Sending my favorite car to the junkyard. It was worn out, it had to go, but there were so many memories...:(

5. What are you driving now?

An old Chevy Cavalier.
1. How old were you when you learned to drive?

5. I stole my parents' car and drove around the block. They didn't find out until I told them later that day.

2. What was your first car?

A '69 Chevy Nova.

3. What is your dream car?

A Bentley.

4. What is the worst experience you ever had with a car?

Sending my favorite car to the junkyard. It was worn out, it had to go, but there were so many memories...:(

5. What are you driving now?

An old Chevy Cavalier.

Hi your answer 4........You could have kept the Worn Out, Back-Seat, for Memories sake.:...You go Girl...D:D:D:Dsteve:smiliehug:
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