The Friday Five

1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?
2) How many bones have you broken?
3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?
4) Do you have any crazy scars?
5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

ER tons of times for stitches nice scars, but never broke a bone, thick boned tough guy that likes blood.

1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?

Went to the ER twice for stitches

2) How many bones have you broken?


3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?

Not a whimper

4) Do you have any crazy scars?

I have a scar on the back of my head from getting hit in the head with a kayak

5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

No, not me or my kids blood
1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?
2) How many bones have you broken?
3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?
4) Do you have any crazy scars?
5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

ER tons of times for stitches nice scars, but never broke a bone, thick boned tough guy that likes blood.

i only had one accident where i went to the er as a child but it was a good one....i jumped off a dugout roof and landed on my knees....i stood up and was brushing off my knees when a girl rounder the corner and began to scream....i look down...blood is gushing a foot or more out of my knee...i had landed on a coke bottle and it went into my knee...and cut the artery ....i remember they debated a tourniquet....i remember one saying....if we dont she will bleed to a belt was tighten around my upper tight...they also determined they could not wait on an ambulance and loaded me into a highway patrol car....i remember he was all pissed that i was bleeding all over his car interior.....i remember being in the er and my mother blasting thru the doors screaming...i still have a bad knee to this day....

only my toes, fingers and damned tail bone....the tail bone was didnt hurt till you stood up....ouchie....

depends on the hurt....i am not all...when they give me pain options ...i always take the 'no pain' one and wonder who doesnt?

crazy scars...not really.....i had a bad burn scar as a child but it has nearly disappeared...and the scar from my eye to barely noticeable now.... and i always enjoy hearing the wild stories of how i got i was not in a knife fight, car wreck...broken beer bottle was a biopsy.....simple as that...they kept removing it....and finally the pathology report got kinda nasty with them..."same as the last 3 times you have removed this" the last time they removed a large part of my face...but he was good and the scar is not that noticeable...

myself i love playing 'show me your scars'....odd what you learn about people....who knew howard had shot himself in the foot....till you see the foot....and i think people who own their visible scars are pretty damn confident in themselves...

i dont care for the sight of blood....from anyone...i worked in er admitting and people would hold up bleeding hands etc...i made the bleed into a trash can...and told them i did not wanna see it...which sometimes brought comments like "how the hell can you work in an er with that attitude" it was a good question
1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time? No

2) How many bones have you broken? 2 or 3 feet/ankle

3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt? Tough. Never let 'em see you cry

4) Do you have any crazy scars? On my foot, a huge v shaped scar from stitches because I once ran into a shovel hidden in the sand on the beach

5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out? No, but cleaning it is yuk

Cool questions :lol:

The Friday Five

Marry Ellen Moffat

1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?
2) How many bones have you broken?
3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?
4) Do you have any crazy scars?
5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

1. no.
2. none. Had sprains, cuts from flying glass, and muscle and nerve injuries, but no broken bones. Injuries were mainly from car wreck, and high school wrestling.
3. When hurt in a wreck caused by a sandstorm on the highway, my immediate concern was the well being of others who were also involved in the collision(s). Not to mention my totaled truck. Didn't cry, and no tough guy, just scared at the time due to blinding road conditions, and possibility for other collisions at highway speeds.
4. no.
5. no.
1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?

No, not at all.

2) How many bones have you broken?

One, tree twig snap, leg.

3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?

Kind of a crybaby.

4) Do you have any crazy scars?


5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

No. Now broken bones really freak me out. Yuk!
1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?
2) How many bones have you broken?
3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?
4) Do you have any crazy scars?
5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

ER tons of times for stitches nice scars, but never broke a bone, thick boned tough guy that likes blood.

i only had one accident where i went to the er as a child but it was a good one....i jumped off a dugout roof and landed on my knees....i stood up and was brushing off my knees when a girl rounder the corner and began to scream....i look down...blood is gushing a foot or more out of my knee...i had landed on a coke bottle and it went into my knee...and cut the artery ....i remember they debated a tourniquet....i remember one saying....if we dont she will bleed to a belt was tighten around my upper tight...they also determined they could not wait on an ambulance and loaded me into a highway patrol car....i remember he was all pissed that i was bleeding all over his car interior.....i remember being in the er and my mother blasting thru the doors screaming...i still have a bad knee to this day....

only my toes, fingers and damned tail bone....the tail bone was didnt hurt till you stood up....ouchie....

depends on the hurt....i am not all...when they give me pain options ...i always take the 'no pain' one and wonder who doesnt?

crazy scars...not really.....i had a bad burn scar as a child but it has nearly disappeared...and the scar from my eye to barely noticeable now.... and i always enjoy hearing the wild stories of how i got i was not in a knife fight, car wreck...broken beer bottle was a biopsy.....simple as that...they kept removing it....and finally the pathology report got kinda nasty with them..."same as the last 3 times you have removed this" the last time they removed a large part of my face...but he was good and the scar is not that noticeable...

myself i love playing 'show me your scars'....odd what you learn about people....who knew howard had shot himself in the foot....till you see the foot....and i think people who own their visible scars are pretty damn confident in themselves...

i dont care for the sight of blood....from anyone...i worked in er admitting and people would hold up bleeding hands etc...i made the bleed into a trash can...and told them i did not wanna see it...which sometimes brought comments like "how the hell can you work in an er with that attitude" it was a good question

In other words, yes to everything....
1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?

No, not at all.

2) How many bones have you broken?

One, tree twig snap, leg.

3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?

Kind of a crybaby.

4) Do you have any crazy scars?


5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

No. Now broken bones really freak me out. Yuk!

Twee twig snap weg?

Were you hunting sqwewy Wabbits?
1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time? No

2) How many bones have you broken? 2 or 3 feet/ankle

3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt? Tough. Never let 'em see you cry

4) Do you have any crazy scars? On my foot, a huge v shaped scar from stitches because I once ran into a shovel hidden in the sand on the beach

5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out? No, but cleaning it is yuk

Cool questions :lol:

you have three feet?
I've forgotten a lot of injuries.

Got hit in the eye by a grounder in baseball. Got kicked in the nuts once. Got bit by a dog twice. Had my wrist sliced open blocking some asshole swinging a box-cutter. Bruised my shin-bone in Karate match. Cut the hell out of my shins jumping a Humvee on a Yamaha 250 Enduro. Now a 5th group legend. Got the whole left side of my body cut up by waves throwing me into some coral reefs. Got one of my nuts smashed during a jump. Got my head cut open when a friend threw a rock at me.

Haha!!! Really fucken funny.

Thought I had a heart condition. Turned out it was nerve damage from playing video games. I'm better now......
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1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?
2) How many bones have you broken?
3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?
4) Do you have any crazy scars?
5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

.1. Ended up in the ER more than few times ... But I am adventure prone and not accident prone.
I do things ... I takes risks ... Shit happens!

.2. It would take a while to count if I included fingers and toes ... And some more than once.
So sticking with the bigger bones ... 2 compound fractures (L-Arm and R-Leg), 12 fractures (both wrists, jaw, nose, collar bone, 6 ribs and a linear skull fracture).

.3. I suck it up ... I hate small aggrevating wounds more than the big ones.
High pain tolerance ... The EMS guys will ask me "The Scale Of 1-10" pain question ... The ones that know me give me morphine if I say "5".

.4. I call scars ... "Life's Tattoos".
Certainly have some wicked ones but they all wear well ... I am thankful for that.

.5. The sight of blood makes me go "Pro First Aid Mode" ... Just experience I guess.

1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?
nope...was always pretty resiliant..

2) How many bones have you broken?
one - my arm

3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?
not really - mostly I would jump up and down and swear

4) Do you have any crazy scars?

5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?
not really...the bloodiest mess I had was when I was bitten by one of my dogs. I was breaking up a dog fight (and being stupid) - I leaned over to grab a dog right when the other dog took a deep chomp of his leg - he whipped his head up and caught me on the side and under my jaw where the skin is thin. Bloody mess it was, and quite a tear so I cleaned up, drove to the ER with a towel held to my jaw and got stitched up.


oh thank god
1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?


2) How many bones have you broken?

One, my arm. Although I have dislocated my elbow, hip, and knee. I have very limber joints.

3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?

Very stoic (It's the Norwegian in me)

4) Do you have any crazy scars?

I have a scar from the surgery to fix my arm. It's very neat, but visible

5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?


The Friday Five

Marry Ellen Moffat

1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?
2) How many bones have you broken?
3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?
4) Do you have any crazy scars?
5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

1) No, the only time I was in the ER I was faking an injury. :eusa_shifty:
2) I've never broken a bone.
3) It depends I guess. I'm not a cry baby, and people have often gotten the impression I'm a tough guy about pain because I've got a lot of self-inflicted wounds, but I'd guess I'm fairly normal when it comes to getting hurt.
4) I have lots of self-inflicted scars.
5) Not at all. I've used my blood to draw. :lol:
1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?

No, not at all.

2) How many bones have you broken?

One, tree twig snap, leg.

3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?

Kind of a crybaby.

4) Do you have any crazy scars?


5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

No. Now broken bones really freak me out. Yuk!

Twee twig snap weg?

Were you hunting sqwewy Wabbits?

Wait, what?

The Friday Five

Marry Ellen Moffat

1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?
2) How many bones have you broken?
3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?
4) Do you have any crazy scars?
5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

1. No...but if you count when all of us cousins got together....someone seemed to end up with a broken bone or stitches every few months.

2. finger...twice. Once leaving in the truck door when it shut...another in a flag football game.

3. usually tough...tho, the sight of other people's blood will make me go into shock....I know it happens, but can't stop it. Kind of embarassing.

4. Stitches scar on my right hand palm....leaving hand in car door as a kid....bled like a stuck pig, I did.

5. See #3. I don't go into's more an unconscious going into shock even tho I'm calm on the outside.

The Friday Five

Marry Ellen Moffat

1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?
2) How many bones have you broken?
3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?
4) Do you have any crazy scars?
5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

1. Nope.
2. None
3. Most of the time I'm pretty tough. I hurt my back once and I wished I was dead. I was prescribed Tylenol 4 and it wasn't strong enough to kill the pain but it made me physically ill so they wouldn't prescribe anything higher. That was the first time that the entire world stopped and I think that ticked me off the mostest. At least with childbirth you know there is an end at some point. Heck, you can actively participate to ending that shit ASAP.
4. Yes, I do.
5. Nope.
1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?

Can't ever remember a rushed ER or even doctor's office visit

2) How many bones have you broken?

Three. Ankle. Leg. Upper arm - right at the ball joint. Ugggh.

3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?

Find the humor in it (really); settle down to getting it fixed.

4) Do you have any crazy scars?

Lots of scars but the only crazy one is one on an arm that looks like it had two stitches and I have no idea where or when I got it.

5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

Only when the spatter seems to look like Rorschach Inkblots.

The Friday Five

Marry Ellen Moffat

1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?
2) How many bones have you broken?
3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?
4) Do you have any crazy scars?
5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

1. think I only ended up in the emergency room for stitches. cut my heel off once jumping off a roof into a pool and landing on a toy boat. stitches from bicycle accidents a few times. a sledding accident . a rock throwing incident. quite a few hockey incidents

2. Bones, wow, lots. split my kneecap in half. right arm twice. right elbow twice. right leg. collar bone. ribs 3 different times. a couple of fingers and toes. nose twice

3. I guess I take it pretty well. I've always been able to do without the pain meds prescribed

4. knee from reconstructive surgery. right arm from surgery. right leg from accident. lower left abdomen from a piece of sheet metal. top of head from a rock

5. my own a little. depends how bad it is bleeding

The Friday Five

Marry Ellen Moffat

1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?
2) How many bones have you broken?
3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?
4) Do you have any crazy scars?
5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

1. think I only ended up in the emergency room for stitches. cut my heel off once jumping off a roof into a pool and landing on a toy boat. stitches from bicycle accidents a few times. a sledding accident . a rock throwing incident. quite a few hockey incidents

2. Bones, wow, lots. split my kneecap in half. right arm twice. right elbow twice. right leg. collar bone. ribs 3 different times. a couple of fingers and toes. nose twice

3. I guess I take it pretty well. I've always been able to do without the pain meds prescribed

4. knee from reconstructive surgery. right arm from surgery. right leg from accident. lower left abdomen from a piece of sheet metal. top of head from a rock

5. my own a little. depends how bad it is bleeding

I got a big sliver in my belly when I was 5 from sliding down the teeter-totter. I told everyone to stay away from it because I though if they pulled it out I'd pop like a balloon.

The Friday Five

Marry Ellen Moffat

1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?
2) How many bones have you broken?
3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?
4) Do you have any crazy scars?
5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

1) Were you an accident prone child who ended up in the ER all the time?

No. I was not accident prone, thoughI was often doing things that I shouldn't have, like sailing down the Ohio River on a homemade raft, jumping off the railroad bridge into the water, or building the highest treehouse.

2) How many bones have you broken?

Several, but I don't see that as a contradiction to the answer in number one.

3) Are you a cry baby or tough guy when you are hurt?

I don't know what either truly mean. I just go into a calm, methodical repair state when injured in the past. I have treated my own wounds and those of others.

4) Do you have any crazy scars?

I have many scars. I don't know which ones are crazy. Again, I don't see this as a contradiction to the answer given in question number one.

5) Does the sight of blood, yours or others, freak you out?

The sight of blood and gore on television and movies disturbs me. So, I don't watch such shows. In real life, I have found that it does not seem to have the same effect. I don't know why.
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