The Friday Five

The Friday Five

06 13 2014

Dream a little Dream

1. Do you purchase lottery tickets?

2. Which types of lottery tickets do you like the best?

3. Do you stick with the same numbers?

4. What is the biggest winning pay out have you had?

5. If you won a maga jackpot, what would you do with the winnings?

1. sometimes

2. probably scratch off - instant gratification

3. for the most part

4. $2300

5. enjoy life even more. secure inheritance for future generations

The Friday Five

06 13 2014

Dream a little Dream

1. Do you purchase lottery tickets?

2. Which types of lottery tickets do you like the best?

3. Do you stick with the same numbers?

4. What is the biggest winning pay out have you had?

5. If you won a maga jackpot, what would you do with the winnings?

1. I did when I had a normal job, but it's been years.
2. Just average state lotto tickets.
3. I always got random numbers.
4. I had a $5 winner, but actually never cashed it in. :lol:
5. Never work again! ;)

The Friday Five

06 13 2014

Dream a little Dream

1. Do you purchase lottery tickets?

2. Which types of lottery tickets do you like the best?

3. Do you stick with the same numbers?

4. What is the biggest winning pay out have you had?

5. If you won a maga jackpot, what would you do with the winnings?

Oboy. An easy one.

1. Never

2. The type that don't exist and take zero time to stand in the convenience store holding people up who just want to pay for their gas and go and by the way I'm paying by check and my checkbook's out in the car hang on...

3. Yep, X the unknown.

4. Not having the guilt trip of thinking 'how much money have I pissed away on lottery tickets?'. Won that one a million times.

5. I would immediately hire a private investigator and instruct him or her to find out who the hell bought me a lottery ticket.

The Friday Five

06 13 2014

Dream a little Dream

1. Do you purchase lottery tickets?

2. Which types of lottery tickets do you like the best?

3. Do you stick with the same numbers?

4. What is the biggest winning pay out have you had?

5. If you won a maga jackpot, what would you do with the winnings?

1. yes

2.mega millions

3. no

4. 300 and some change
5. pay off bills, house, travel.

The Friday Five

06 13 2014

1. Do you purchase lottery tickets?

2. Which types of lottery tickets do you like the best?

3. Do you stick with the same numbers?

4. What is the biggest winning pay out have you had?

5. If you won a maga jackpot, what would you do with the winnings?

1. Haven't bought any in probably 25 or more years but at one time bought occasionally, sometimes taking change in lottery tickets.

2. When I did buy, the scratch-off variety.

3. No choices with scratchers.

4. Can't remember anything over about $10

5. First off, find out who bought the ticket in my name 'cause I don't buy them. Then I'd either split with that person or kill him depending on how much pleasure or grief I experienced over the course of the first month after receiving the money.

The Friday Five

06 20 2014

Last Day

1) What meals or food would you want to have?

2) Where would you want to go?

3) What would you want to do?

4) What is the last thing you would want to see?

5) Who is the last person you would want to speak to?


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I would want to be sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch of my grandma's house with a furry animal in my lap. Food would be of little importance; perhaps I would just eat ice cream. I would want to see family and friends who share love with me. The last person I would speak to would be the furry animal that spends the day with me in my lap.

The Friday Five

06 20 2014

Last Day

1) What meals or food would you want to have?

2) Where would you want to go?

3) What would you want to do?

4) What is the last thing you would want to see?

5) Who is the last person you would want to speak to?


it is important to live every day as if it was your last day

The Friday Five

06 20 2014

Last Day

1) What meals or food would you want to have?

2) Where would you want to go?

3) What would you want to do?

4) What is the last thing you would want to see?

5) Who is the last person you would want to speak to?


1. Tenderloin steak medium rare with all the trimmings, and a Sam Adams beer to wash it down.

2. Visit my close friends and neighbors to say a final goodbye.

3. Spend time with family (Mrs Jughead and Jughead Jr)

4. My place of worship

5. Wife and son
06 20 2014

Last Day

1) What meals or food would you want to have?

my mom's meatballs, my lobster mac and cheese, a grilled hot dog, jimmy's pepperoni pizza dipped in raspberry sauce, damn I don't know too many things.

2) Where would you want to go?

any carribean island all inclusive resort, I love it there

3) What would you want to do?

sit by the ocean and take it all in

4) What is the last thing you would want to see?

my wife, my daughter, the ocean

5) Who is the last person you would want to speak to?

my wife & daughter, tied

The Friday Five

06 20 2014

Last Day

1) What meals or food would you want to have?

2) Where would you want to go?

3) What would you want to do?

4) What is the last thing you would want to see?

5) Who is the last person you would want to speak to?

it is important to live every day as if it was your last day

1. A glass of wine, a dish of good pasta, garlic bread and a big fresh salad, sitting outside
2. There's so many places I want to go, but if it were my last day, I think I would go find a small outside cafe, where I could sit quietly with my dog, and soak in the atmosphere
3. Take one more hike at Hemlock trail and play in the water
4. The sky, trees, birds.
5. My mother

The Friday Five

06 20 2014

Last Day

1) What meals or food would you want to have?

2) Where would you want to go?

3) What would you want to do?

4) What is the last thing you would want to see?

5) Who is the last person you would want to speak to?


1. Salmon with fresh mango, brown rice, spinach or brocoli

2. Probably the beach

3. relax with friends

4. the sun set

5. My wife and kids
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1) What meals or food would you want to have? Our family Christmas breakfast, grilled foods rest of the day
2) Where would you want to go? stay home
3) What would you want to do? hang out with my family
4) What is the last thing you would want to see? heaven
5) Who is the last person you would want to speak to? jesus

The Friday Five

06 20 2014

Last Day

1) What meals or food would you want to have?

2) Where would you want to go?

3) What would you want to do?

4) What is the last thing you would want to see?

5) Who is the last person you would want to speak to?


1. that would depend, if I could eat or wanted to eat , lobster and prime rib
2.someplace I could actually get to be for the end.
3. since I'd have eaten sex then smoke a big fatty
4. my wife's face
5 see #4...
1) What meals or food would you want to have?

Something that's bad for me, since it won't matter.

2) Where would you want to go?

My first guess would be the hospital... The Moon.

3) What would you want to do?

A couple hits of strawberry mesc.

4) What is the last thing you would want to see?

Doesn't matter. I want to hear some awesome tunes, though.

5) Who is the last person you would want to speak to?

Either the attorney about my will or one of the family.

The Friday Five

06 27 2014


Days of Summer

1) What was your favorite thing to do as a child for the summer?

2) What is your favorite thing to do as an adult for the summer?

3) What says summer to you?

4) Do you have a summer to remember forever?

5) Do you have a summer you want to totally forget?

The Friday Five

06 27 2014

Days of Summer

1) What was your favorite thing to do as a child for the summer? Go to the beach, the Oregon Coast -- we lived an hour away.

2) What is your favorite thing to do as an adult for the summer? Travel

3) What says summer to you? Warm weather, sunshine

4) Do you have a summer to remember forever? Several

5) Do you have a summer you want to totally forget? Possibly, but there were a couple of good things about it.

Days of Summer

1) What was your favorite thing to do as a child for the summer?

that is hard to pinpoint because i enjoy life so much and as a child my world

was filled with amazement and wonder of the summer days every day

growing up on the back waters of a lake in the country afforded

many adventures

2) What is your favorite thing to do as an adult for the summer?

again that is hard to say there are so many good things in life

but i would have to say teaching the grand son to cast and pilot

the boat is a blast

3) What says summer to you?

above freezing

4) Do you have a summer to remember forever?

i pretty much remember all of my summers

back to the age of about 4

one thing we did every summer

was travel north to see aunt Thelma and uncle Stubby

uncle Stubby was a conductor for an iron ore train

I used to ride along for a week first in the caboose

then in the engine on the return trip

5) Do you have a summer you want to totally forget?

no not really

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